MonKeyDetectives API Endpoint Update
Proposal: 3extahqgluy3
Date: 2024-03-26
39,000.0000 TLM
Value: $222.2
Approved by: a52qw.wam, rlxqw.wam, b52qw.wam
Description of Proposal
Continuing the work on the public API endpoint with a list of known bot accounts, maintained by a team of detectives. The cryptomonKeys team takes bot-fighting seriously. We continue to see that communities rely on our API for their events. With this proposal, we would like to update the list in the short term, with a strong focus on active accounts. In contrast to previous proposals, we do not want to work permanently but rather update the list once and enable the operation of the API until the end of the year. We currently have over 2.5 million accounts flagged on our list, with this proposal we also want to improve our evaluation methods to get a better picture of bot behavior in the mining game of the AlienWorlds meta-verse. For this one-time effort, we kindly request 119'000 TLM.
alien.worlds: transfer