#: 471


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: vvnab4ltlgk5


2025-02-23 01:23:04

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Keep up at the good work for your respective communities! May this CWA continue to help you support your communities how you see fit.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 470


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: sv2imobeswbn


2025-02-23 01:23:10

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 469


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Community Manager (Jan - Mar)

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: bfvvffevx4yt


2025-02-23 06:31:00

Value: $443.4

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

Habibi has been managing the daily quest creations and community management/promotion/troubleshooting and has done a great job. He has agreed to continue supporting Kavian.World as the server moderator for another 3 months.

This proposal is to cover the monthly rewards for managing the Kavian.World community and systems for the next 3 months (January - March). TLM prices are down but he agreed to continue on at the same 25K TLM/month. 25,000 x 3 months = 75,000 TLM

Total Requested: 75,000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World Community Manager (Jan - Mar)

#: 468


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World KAV Rewards (Feb - Mar)

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: cwq2ejrkcrgu


2025-02-23 06:30:00

Value: $709.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Kavian.World has continued to offer daily/weekly quests for additional gameplay opportunities for the AW community. We average about 60-70 daily players participating in the quests and tournaments. Funding was through Dec 2024 and used remaining funds for Jan, so we are requesting funding for the remaining Q1 timeframe (Feb - Mar).

This proposal is to cover the KAV token rewards for the daily quests for the next 2 months (February - March). 2000 KAV/day x 2 months = 120,000 TLM

Total Requested: 120,000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 120000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World KAV Rewards (Feb - Mar)

#: 467


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: dkek2hnws1pu


2025-02-16 11:27:15

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

CWA! Keep up the great community contributions! Go AW!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 466


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ebkpbf33pjcx


2025-02-16 11:24:37

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 465


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA resubmit

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: kazujoyqef23


2025-02-08 01:55:48

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Errors prevented it from exec

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 464


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 3rquz5v1ivtn


2025-02-06 22:53:55

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Happy CWA! Keep up the great work with your respective communities! Good job KAV!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 463


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: swtjmhiafpop


2025-02-07 21:16:55

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 462


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ev43jzgo1fly


2025-02-02 02:50:38

Value: $591.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Happy Chinese New Year! Keep up the good work with your respective communities. Contribute With Awesomeness!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 461


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ekkrboditxeu


2025-02-06 03:27:40

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 460


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: opnbdus3lb1q


2025-01-31 10:28:24

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

CWA thanks for you community contributions. Happy new year!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 459


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: eycwmqlemxov


2025-01-31 10:28:22

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 458


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: xqbrzadxudr1


2025-01-22 13:03:18

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

happy new year! keep up the community contributions good job.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 457


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: spkuyq1fnmkw


2025-01-22 13:03:18

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 456


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: hdugdyyukham


2025-01-09 01:12:27

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Keep up the great community contributions! go AW! Happy New Year!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 455


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ps2gresf3scq


2025-01-09 01:08:55

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 454


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: aybhp5svvy2g


2025-01-02 22:10:24

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Happy new year! Keep up the community contributions for your groups. Good job!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 453


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: rjegwbdkld4s


2025-01-02 22:10:11

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 452


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 3ectkd4dcsyr


2024-12-31 11:44:06

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Merry Christmas! CWA to keep up the fantastic community weekly awesomeness. keep up your support.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 451


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ewkquxglx2og


2024-12-31 11:44:03

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 450


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ywuy1mzvblq2


2024-12-26 04:22:07

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 449


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 5nmjcnndlkpw


2024-12-24 16:46:41

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Keep up the great community contributions, and happy end of the year celebrations! go KAV!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 448


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 25i2doomgnee


2024-12-24 16:46:32

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 447


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: lzbmpzojeucr


2024-12-13 10:24:02

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

keep up the great work and happy holidays!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 446


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 1jz44gp3okib


2024-12-13 10:24:56

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 445


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: xxglk4y2pnpz


2024-12-05 08:42:05

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

keep up great contributions to the ecosystem team KAV! go AW!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 444


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: wlsqzubhngdz


2024-12-05 08:42:15

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 443


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: mq1y1s2rxora


2024-12-02 03:19:47

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

happy CWA keep up the great contributions to the ecosystem

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 442


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: st5sxdgstbgm


2024-12-02 03:19:28

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 441


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: tpmmqyjbxdi3


2024-11-21 22:43:50

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

keep up the great work custodians with awesomeness!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 440


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: sdnio44zlam3


2024-11-20 23:25:01

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 439


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: o1b1u44uhbcu


2024-11-22 03:57:12

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 438


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Vietnam Community Funding Request

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: es4nesxdwsi2


2024-11-26 11:01:23

Value: $295.6

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

We are seeking funding to support the growth and maintenance of the Vietnam community. Over the past period, we have been self-managing and sustaining the community, and here is a summary of our previous work: bit.ly/4eC1Y2P.

The requested funds will be allocated as follows:

Admin Support: To provide compensation for community admins, ensuring they can manage daily operations effectively and assist members.

Event Costs: To organize engaging activities that keep the community active and foster connections among members.

Growth Efforts: To promote the community, attract new members, and increase overall participation.

Our goal is to expand the community and build a vibrant, inclusive space for everyone. With this funding, we can sustain our efforts and achieve this vision.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 3.kaw.wam

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

#: 437


( 1 / 5 )

Name: CDAO Project

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: abxt2lhqiobj


2024-11-25 09:46:30

Value: $283.8

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Project Overview: CDAO (Community Decentralized Autonomous Organization), initiated by WAX Eastern, aims to connect community players with Web3 projects to foster collaboration and mutual benefits. Our goal is to make it easier for people to engage with exciting Web3 projects and help these projects attract top players. Why We Need Funding: Platform Development: Enhance User Experience: We need funds to improve the platform’s usability and functionality. Community Engagement: Rewards and Incentives: Implement rewards and incentives to attract more players. Event Hosting: Organize online events to boost player interaction and engagement. Education and Training: Create Tutorials: Develop easy-to-follow guides to help new players get started with Web3 projects.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 3.kaw.wam

quantity: 48000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

#: 436


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Chinese Community Engagement Pilot Program

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: umgmu3zkswhe


2024-11-21 03:38:32

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Dear Community Members,
We are excited to share the recent progress and achievements from our previous phase with all of you.

1. Community Growth and Engagement
Thanks to our team’s efforts, our community followers have increased by 9.35%, reaching a total of 36,722 members in the Chinese community. To enhance visibility, we’ve actively explored various strategies to attract players, employing soft marketing to boost awareness of the Alien Worlds metaverse. Through ongoing events on our Telegram channel, new user engagement, and re-engagement of previous players, we have significantly boosted community activity, integrating more new players into the game. While the recent PUMP trend has drawn some players towards quick returns, we continue to focus on long-term, stable opportunities, appealing to players interested in steady gameplay.

2. Content Consolidation and Platform Optimization
We continue to improve the **Alien Worlds Chinese Information Hub**, making it easier for players to access tutorials, news, activity updates, and videos. By categorizing content for community games, players can quickly find relevant tutorials and information. We respond to questions, guide newcomers, and update activities in real-time to enhance the player experience and engagement.

3. Promotion and Brand Interaction
Our team actively supports the official announcements, particularly mining activities and new game releases. We also create original content—such as videos, tutorials, and giveaways—to encourage community interaction and strengthen the Alien Worlds metaverse's presence.

Future Vision: Our goal is not only to increase followers but also to build a cohesive community where players truly integrate into and enjoy the Alien Worlds metaverse. We hope players will have the power to drive the metaverse forward through earning, creation, and developing new tools or games, propelling Alien Worlds into a community-driven future.
- Alien Worlds Chinese Information Hub: https://bit.ly/AlienWorldsCHN
- Alien Worlds Chinese Community: https://t.me/alienworldschina

We look forward to continued progress and witnessing the growth of the Alien Worlds metaverse alongside every community member. Thank you for your support and participation!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 3.kaw.wam

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

Links from description:

#: 435


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: nme42uzrtxsf


2024-11-14 02:34:09

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

keep up the great Community aWareness engAgement!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 434


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 2ulcsilhiaaw


2024-11-14 02:34:26

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 433


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: frwr3ajc32rg


2024-11-07 12:36:29

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

keep up the great contributions! happy CWA!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 432


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: zfbv1jpniocs


2024-11-07 12:34:53

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 431


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: wwvd1iaji2po


2024-11-06 17:10:28

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 430


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: hiaurth5m5d2


2024-10-31 00:51:14

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

this week's CWA! keep up the community awesome additions!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 429


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: mxwxage2s5tq


2024-10-31 00:50:57

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 428


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: qlgkolswvjrr


2024-10-28 15:50:24

Value: $118.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

CWA - one last time: last msig failed because it was missing the decimals :facepalm:

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: neyau.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 427


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA - one week

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: 4daupwhuhcav


2024-11-03 06:11:00

Value: $118.2

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

CWA for current week now that were caught up

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: neyau.wam

quantity: 20000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 426


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Community Manager (Oct - Dec)

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: cwb2i4tnufk1


2024-10-28 11:35:19

Value: $437.5

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Habibi has been managing the daily quest creations and community management/promotion/troubleshooting and has done a great job. He has agreed to continue supporting Kavian.World as the server moderator for another 3 months.

This proposal is to cover the monthly rewards for managing the Kavian.World community and systems for the next 3 months (October - December). $250 x 3 months = $750 (74,000 TLM at current price)

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 74000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World Community Manager (Oct - Dec)

#: 425


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World KAV Rewards (Oct - Dec)

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: fsrvaq4jwbxd


2024-10-28 11:35:13

Value: $1,064.1

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Kavian.World has continued to offer daily/weekly quests for additional gameplay opportunities for the AW community. We average about 50-60 daily players participating in the quests and are about to release a new parkour tournament feature for all worlds (with integation into AW's new tournament contract). As the current 6 month funding has ended in September, we are requesting funding for the Q4 timeframe (Oct - Dec).

This proposal is to cover the KAV token rewards for the daily quests for the next 3 months (October - December). 2000 KAV/day x 3 months = 180,000 TLM

Total Requested: 180,000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 180000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World KAV Rewards (Oct - Dec)

#: 424


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ure2brrjht5y


2024-10-27 10:06:25

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 423


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA - two weeks

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: t2o1b4zatbyg


2024-11-02 18:42:11

Value: $1,182.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

keep up the amazing community contributions! may this support your projects in the ecosystem in the best way possible!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 200000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 422


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Community Manager (Oct - Dec)

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: uxqyfk4wb1a4


2024-10-24 17:32:50

Value: $437.5

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Habibi has been managing the daily quest creations and community management/promotion/troubleshooting and has done a great job. He has agreed to continue supporting Kavian.World as the server moderator for another 3 months.

This proposal is to cover the monthly rewards for managing the Kavian.World community and systems for the next 3 months (October - December). $250 x 3 months = $750 (74,000 TLM at current price)

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 74000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World Community Manager (Oct - Dec)

#: 421


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World KAV Rewards (Oct - Dec)

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: mw2y3rngiqqb


2024-10-24 17:03:29

Value: $1,064.1

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Kavian.World has continued to offer daily/weekly quests for additional gameplay opportunities for the AW community. We average about 50-60 daily players participating in the quests and are about to release a new parkour tournament feature for all worlds (with integation into AW's new tournament contract). As the current 6 month funding has ended in September, we are requesting funding for the Q4 timeframe (Oct - Dec).

This proposal is to cover the KAV token rewards for the daily quests for the next 3 months (October - December). 2000 KAV/day x 3 months = 180,000 TLM

Total Requested: 180,000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 180000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World KAV Rewards (Oct - Dec)

#: 420


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Hosting/Services (Oct - Dec)

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: xqzyvduxhv4x


2024-10-19 19:48:27

Value: $585.3

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Kavian.World has continued to offer daily/weekly quests for additional gameplay opportunities for the AW community. We average about 50-60 daily players participating in the quests and are about to release a new parkour tournament feature for all worlds (with integation into AW's new tournament contract). As the current 6 month funding has ended in September, we are requesting funding for the Q4 timeframe (Oct - Dec).

This proposal is to cover the operational costs of running the Minecraft server and questing services for 3 months:
Minecraft Server: $85 x 3 months = $250
Minequest Services: $250 x 3 months = $750
($1000 = 99,000 TLM at current prices)

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 99000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World Hosting/Services (Oct - Dec)

#: 419


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA - two weeks

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 13quhwhfbp5l


2024-10-19 19:48:15

Value: $1,182.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Keep up the great contributions to the community! go AW!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 200000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 418


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ixrsg4aybqlv


2024-10-19 19:48:06

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 417


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: niysic1fr5zl


2024-10-14 11:33:45

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 416


( 3 / 5 )

Name: resubmit CWA 4 weeks

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 5fks5n4xhmwz


2024-10-14 11:33:53

Value: $2,364.7

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Keep up the great contributions to the community! go AW!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 400000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 415


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: akbzqakchybh


2024-10-08 03:07:41

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 414


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA - current week and last 3 weeks

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: oznbxz5d3sbj


2024-10-07 20:02:34

Value: $2,364.7

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Keep up the great contributions to the community! go AW!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 400000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 413


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: cv1txbjexkyp


2024-09-27 10:00:16

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

error: Could not decode action

#: 412


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Resubmit Chinese Community Engagement Pilot Program-Phase 5

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: ummm22vbzcxm


2024-09-27 10:02:47

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Dear community members, I’m excited to share with you the results of our efforts from the previous stage. Thanks to the team's hard work, our fan base has grown by 6.17% compared to the last phase, and the Chinese community now boasts 33,583 fans. However, we’ve noticed a slowdown in the growth rate of our channels. Given the recent surge in user activity driven by the popularity of Telegram mini-games (TON), we plan to focus more on Telegram operations in the next phase. This includes but is not limited to events, acquiring new users, and re-engaging old members to boost community activity and maintain game engagement. If needed, we might even develop a TG mini-game. While the growth rate has slowed, this has provided us with new insights into our operational direction (shifting focus from solely promoting P2E games to building a community-driven metaverse). Of course, we are also actively maintaining our current players and guiding new users to join the Alien Worlds metaverse, aiming to enhance user experience and engagement. Our Alien Worlds Chinese Information Hub has also undergone its third upgrade: https://bit.ly/AlienWorldsCHN. This allows players to more easily find the content they need (including but not limited to guides, news, events, videos, etc.) in a more intuitive way. We are also continually integrating content to make it easier for players to navigate, such as categorizing community games into sections, providing clearer and more straightforward access to related tutorials and news. In terms of content, we are supporting the official announcements, as well as community information (including but not limited to mining activities, new game releases, etc.). We are also creating original content (such as videos, images, tutorials, giveaways, etc.) to encourage more interaction and increase the visibility of the Alien Worlds metaverse. In terms of partnerships, we are seeking more new collaborations both within and outside the industry. More details will be announced later. For more information, you can visit our Chinese community: https://t.me/alienworldschina. Our goal is not only to grow the number of fans and make more people aware of the Alien Worlds metaverse, but also to build a more cohesive community where players truly immerse themselves and enjoy the Alien Worlds experience. We also hope players can truly take control of the metaverse (whether it’s earning, creating, or developing tools/games), making Alien Worlds a community-driven project. Resource links: Alien Worlds Chinese Information Hub: https://bit.ly/AlienWorldsCN Alien Worlds Chinese Community: https://t.me/alienworldschina We look forward to continuing our joint efforts and witnessing the growth of our community and the brilliance of the Alien Worlds metaverse. Thank you to every community member for your support and participation!

#: 411


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CDAO Project

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: dtdv4jbnppy4


2024-09-27 10:05:20

Value: $283.8

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Project Overview: CDAO (Community Decentralized Autonomous Organization), initiated by WAX Eastern, aims to connect community players with Web3 projects to foster collaboration and mutual benefits. Our goal is to make it easier for people to engage with exciting Web3 projects and help these projects attract top players. Why We Need Funding: Platform Development: Enhance User Experience: We need funds to improve the platform’s usability and functionality. Community Engagement: Rewards and Incentives: Implement rewards and incentives to attract more players. Event Hosting: Organize online events to boost player interaction and engagement. Education and Training: Create Tutorials: Develop easy-to-follow guides to help new players get started with Web3 projects.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 3.kaw.wam

quantity: 48000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

#: 410


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Chinese Community Engagement Pilot Program-Phase 5

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: cq4aafurx3dk


2024-09-26 08:18:35

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Dear community members,
I’m excited to share with you the results of our efforts from the previous stage.
Thanks to the team's hard work, our fan base has grown by 6.17% compared to the last phase, and the Chinese community now boasts 33,583 fans. However, we’ve noticed a slowdown in the growth rate of our channels. Given the recent surge in user activity driven by the popularity of Telegram mini-games (TON), we plan to focus more on Telegram operations in the next phase. This includes but is not limited to events, acquiring new users, and re-engaging old members to boost community activity and maintain game engagement. If needed, we might even develop a TG mini-game. While the growth rate has slowed, this has provided us with new insights into our operational direction (shifting focus from solely promoting P2E games to building a community-driven metaverse).
Of course, we are also actively maintaining our current players and guiding new users to join the Alien Worlds metaverse, aiming to enhance user experience and engagement.
Our Alien Worlds Chinese Information Hub has also undergone its third upgrade: https://bit.ly/AlienWorldsCHN. This allows players to more easily find the content they need (including but not limited to guides, news, events, videos, etc.) in a more intuitive way. We are also continually integrating content to make it easier for players to navigate, such as categorizing community games into sections, providing clearer and more straightforward access to related tutorials and news.
In terms of content, we are supporting the official announcements, as well as community information (including but not limited to mining activities, new game releases, etc.). We are also creating original content (such as videos, images, tutorials, giveaways, etc.) to encourage more interaction and increase the visibility of the Alien Worlds metaverse.
In terms of partnerships, we are seeking more new collaborations both within and outside the industry. More details will be announced later. For more information, you can visit our Chinese community: https://t.me/alienworldschina.
Our goal is not only to grow the number of fans and make more people aware of the Alien Worlds metaverse, but also to build a more cohesive community where players truly immerse themselves and enjoy the Alien Worlds experience. We also hope players can truly take control of the metaverse (whether it’s earning, creating, or developing tools/games), making Alien Worlds a community-driven project.
Resource links: Alien Worlds Chinese Information Hub: https://bit.ly/AlienWorldsCN
Alien Worlds Chinese Community: https://t.me/alienworldschina
We look forward to continuing our joint efforts and witnessing the growth of our community and the brilliance of the Alien Worlds metaverse. Thank you to every community member for your support and participation!

#: 409


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA - last 3 weeks + resubmit

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: dzs14a1kqq4e


2024-09-18 02:37:00

Value: $1,773.5

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

for the active engagement and participation of the last three week. this is is partial resubmit

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 300000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 408


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: inagi5ccaexv


2024-09-18 02:37:48

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 407


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA - last 2 weeks

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 4n5scwduohvp


2024-09-12 01:17:54

Value: $1,182.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

for the active engagement and participation of the last two week.

Here's some funny things CWA could also stand for:
Cybernetic Waffle Association – A virtual guild dedicated to crafting and consuming digital waffles in the metaverse.
Cosmic Widget Assembly – A group that builds unnecessary but entertaining virtual gadgets across the metaverse.
Cats With Avatars – An organization for cats who’ve achieved sentience and now roam the metaverse with their own avatars.
Cryptic Wizard Academy – A metaversal school for wizards who specialize in casting confusing and overly complex spells.
Chaotic World Architects – A team responsible for designing glitchy, surreal, and nonsensical virtual worlds.
Clumsy Walking Avatars – Avatars in the metaverse that can never walk straight, always tripping over imaginary obstacles.
Cyber World Artists – A virtual space where artists create mind-bending, digital art that makes no sense but looks cool.
Cupcakes Without Algorithms – A society that refuses to let algorithms interfere with their passion for baking metaversal cupcakes.
Cats Want Attention – A persistent reminder that even in the metaverse, cats demand constant petting and affection.
Cucumber Warfare Alliance – A group that wages virtual wars by pelting their enemies with cucumbers.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 200000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 406


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World NFT Scavenger Hunt

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: zxfw4a1vghai


2024-09-03 13:37:42

Value: $14.8

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Description: Eight NFTs will be hidden around the Kavian.World Minecraft server. These will be present as text codes on wood signs. Said codes can be input in galactic123.net/claimit.php to obtain the actual NFT claim links. Five of the eight NFTs will give players Alien Worlds shards as rewards, and the rest will be stakeable NFTs for various other rewards.

One third of the requested TLM will be used to fuel proof of stake reward pools (related to some of the hidden NFTs), one third of the requested TLM will go to Lucas (Alien Worlds shard rewards smart contract, and the final third of the requested TLM will go to Alfred for work in setting up and hiding the NFTs as well as any related systems.

Amount Requested: 2500 TLM

Destination Wallet: z2.di.wam

Payment frequency: One time only.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: z2.di.wam

quantity: 2500.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World NFT Scavenger Hunt

#: 405


( 3 / 5 )

Name: MineQuest Parkour Tournaments

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: qsm3fcu5bis4


2024-09-04 12:12:32

Value: $2,613.0

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

We are excited to begin working on the latest feature to be added to MineQuests: Parkour tournaments

By utilizing an existing parkour plugin for Minecraft (Infinity Parkour), we can extract the information about the game results out to the MQ systems and then automatically award rewards to the winners.

This feature is also being developed at the predecessor to a new AW feature we are working with them on developing/implementing for tournaments, so this feature has those mechanics in mind.

This is going to be a pretty substantial effort to begin building, so we expect the effort to take around 50 hours ($5000), or about 442,000 TLM at current prices.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 442000.0000 TLM

memo: MineQuest Parkour Tournaments

#: 404


( 3 / 5 )

Name: MineQuest Updates/Features

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: r3ofxwxmqtie


2024-09-03 13:37:34

Value: $526.1

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

We have continue to operate the MineQuest services for Kavian.World (and Neri.World) and had 118 unique players with 75 of them completing quests. Due to the summer schedule, development of new features was minimized and only operational support was needed.

We did add a few extra logging features into the WAX login process to try and help narrow down some issues folks still have logging into the site. Additionally, we updated the contract actions to support an additional "world" field to denote what instance of MineQuest the savequest info is for.

Total efforts for the logging/contracts updates was about 10 hours ($1000), or about 89,000 TLM at current prices.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 89000.0000 TLM

memo: MineQuest Updates/Features - Logins/Contracts

#: 403


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Anti-Bot Measure Config Request

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: vm1y32qnc2an


2024-09-01 16:45:43

Value: $0.0

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Over the past few weeks, the community has provided extensive and valuable feedback on the configuration of Alien Worlds' anti-bot measures. The DAOs have carefully reviewed this input and developed a proposal for Dacoco. We sincerely thank the community for the diverse and rich feedback we received from so many of you!

Based on the feedback from the community, we would like to ask Dacoco to consider making the following changes to the configuration of the anti-bot measures:

Claim Cooldown:

3 days → 7 days

Rank Gating:

Rare: 3 → 6
Epic: 4 → 6
Legendary: 5 → 7
Mythical: 6 → 7

Rarity Pools:

Abundant pool: 5% → 4%
Common pool: 35% → 15%
Rare pool: 21.5% → 27%
Epic pool: 18% → 24.5%
Legendary pool: 10% → 14.5%
Mythical pool: 10.5% → 15%

More information about the gathered feedback as well as the intentions behind the requested changes can be found in the following Medium article: https://medium.com/mining-matters/anti-bot-measures-community-feedback-512760845977

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 0.0001 TLM

memo: Anti-Bot Measure Config Request

Links from description:

#: 402


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: dbylp5zfs45g


2024-09-03 13:37:23

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 401


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa - resubmit and last 3 weeks

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: dpcwtes5aedp


2024-08-26 06:09:24

Value: $2,364.7

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

cwa - resubmit and last 3 weeks

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 400000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 400


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CDAO Project

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: zrxbuiyqkjui


2024-08-25 10:32:44

Value: $295.6

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Project Overview: CDAO (Community Decentralized Autonomous Organization), initiated by WAX Eastern, aims to connect community players with Web3 projects to foster collaboration and mutual benefits. Our goal is to make it easier for people to engage with exciting Web3 projects and help these projects attract top players. Why We Need Funding: Platform Development: Enhance User Experience: We need funds to improve the platform’s usability and functionality. Community Engagement: Rewards and Incentives: Implement rewards and incentives to attract more players. Event Hosting: Organize online events to boost player interaction and engagement. Education and Training: Create Tutorials: Develop easy-to-follow guides to help new players get started with Web3 projects.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 3.kaw.wam

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

#: 399


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Establishing a Vietnamese Community for Alien Worlds

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: fiib41gl3cpa


2024-08-25 10:32:37

Value: $147.8

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

The blockchain gaming market in Vietnam and the Philippines has shown tremendous enthusiasm, with Vietnam, in particular, standing out as a potential powerhouse in this sector. Vietnamese game developers have already made their mark globally, as demonstrated by the success of Axie Infinity, showcasing the immense potential of the Vietnamese market for blockchain games. To further expand Alien Worlds’ presence in Vietnam and increase its recognition and user engagement among Vietnamese players, it is crucial to establish a dedicated Vietnamese community. Objective The primary goal of this proposal is to create a dedicated Vietnamese community platform for Alien Worlds. This platform will serve as a hub for Vietnamese players to interact, share experiences, and access information. This will not only facilitate the onboarding of new players but also deepen the engagement of existing ones. Key Components Vietnamese-Language Game Resources Develop and provide Vietnamese versions of game guides, tutorials, and the latest updates. Ensure that new players can quickly understand and get started with Alien Worlds. Offer resources that allow existing players to gain a deeper understanding of game mechanics and strategies. Community Events and Competitions Organize community-driven events and competitions to foster player interaction. Increase community activity and strengthen the bonds among players. Use these events to keep the community vibrant and engaged. Feedback Collection and Communication Establish channels for collecting player feedback. Facilitate communication between the game development team and the Vietnamese-speaking player base. Use player insights to improve the gaming experience, making it more tailored to the Vietnamese market. Expected Impact The establishment of a Vietnamese community for Alien Worlds is expected to significantly enhance player engagement and loyalty in the Vietnamese market. By providing localized resources and fostering a sense of belonging among Vietnamese players, Alien Worlds will be able to tap into the enormous potential of this market. This initiative will not only contribute to the game's growth in Vietnam but also inject new energy into its global expansion.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 25000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

#: 398


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Establishing a Vietnamese Community for Alien Worlds

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: o5nngu1rbboi


2024-08-19 09:59:35

Value: $147.8

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

The blockchain gaming market in Vietnam and the Philippines has shown tremendous enthusiasm, with Vietnam, in particular, standing out as a potential powerhouse in this sector. Vietnamese game developers have already made their mark globally, as demonstrated by the success of Axie Infinity, showcasing the immense potential of the Vietnamese market for blockchain games. To further expand Alien Worlds’ presence in Vietnam and increase its recognition and user engagement among Vietnamese players, it is crucial to establish a dedicated Vietnamese community.


The primary goal of this proposal is to create a dedicated Vietnamese community platform for Alien Worlds. This platform will serve as a hub for Vietnamese players to interact, share experiences, and access information. This will not only facilitate the onboarding of new players but also deepen the engagement of existing ones.

Key Components

Vietnamese-Language Game Resources

Develop and provide Vietnamese versions of game guides, tutorials, and the latest updates.
Ensure that new players can quickly understand and get started with Alien Worlds.
Offer resources that allow existing players to gain a deeper understanding of game mechanics and strategies.
Community Events and Competitions

Organize community-driven events and competitions to foster player interaction.
Increase community activity and strengthen the bonds among players.
Use these events to keep the community vibrant and engaged.
Feedback Collection and Communication

Establish channels for collecting player feedback.
Facilitate communication between the game development team and the Vietnamese-speaking player base.
Use player insights to improve the gaming experience, making it more tailored to the Vietnamese market.
Expected Impact

The establishment of a Vietnamese community for Alien Worlds is expected to significantly enhance player engagement and loyalty in the Vietnamese market. By providing localized resources and fostering a sense of belonging among Vietnamese players, Alien Worlds will be able to tap into the enormous potential of this market. This initiative will not only contribute to the game's growth in Vietnam but also inject new energy into its global expansion.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 25000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

#: 397


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CDAO Project

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: wnj2wmv3kijt


2024-08-14 02:31:55

Value: $295.6

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Project Overview:

CDAO (Community Decentralized Autonomous Organization), initiated by WAX Eastern, aims to connect community players with Web3 projects to foster collaboration and mutual benefits. Our goal is to make it easier for people to engage with exciting Web3 projects and help these projects attract top players.

Why We Need Funding:

Platform Development:

Enhance User Experience: We need funds to improve the platform’s usability and functionality.

Community Engagement:

Rewards and Incentives: Implement rewards and incentives to attract more players.

Event Hosting: Organize online events to boost player interaction and engagement.

Education and Training:

Create Tutorials: Develop easy-to-follow guides to help new players get started with Web3 projects.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 3.kaw.wam

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

#: 396


( 2 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ehzajvn1x4b1


2024-08-07 13:41:47

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 395


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: pqprrlcbvt5s


2024-07-31 02:19:50

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 394


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: oujfcbz1w1lw


2024-07-31 02:19:47

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 393


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: yyvyx2vplfaj


2024-07-23 23:50:15

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 392


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: eta5ae1qqj42


2024-07-23 23:50:11

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 391


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ij5gqdapruwq


2024-07-15 03:52:03

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 390


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: vkjxxprogxql


2024-07-15 03:52:30

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 389


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: tjou5hi1mcga


2024-07-10 21:49:48

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 388


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian Community Engagement Initiative

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: mplplhhrahww


2024-07-05 13:15:13

Value: $1,182.4

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

The objective of this proposal is to incentivize community interactions on Alien Worlds’ social platforms, thereby enhancing social media algorithms and increasing overall exposure. The initiative will reward users for meaningful interactions such as likes and legitimate comments, fostering a more engaged and active community. \n\n

This proposal aims to leverage the power of community engagement to enhance Alien Worlds’ social media presence. By allocating 200,000 TLM over two months, we can reward our community for their valuable interactions, leading to increased exposure and a stronger, more active community.


More info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15WPGZ3fCVEWHO8YFQRBazJk13ApnE5NSCCIjwmzXxI4/edit?usp=sharing

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 200000.0000 TLM

memo: For Community Engagement Initiative

Links from description:

#: 387


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 425tzvognoln


2024-07-04 11:19:45

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 386


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: rdxaknlr5yvr


2024-07-04 11:21:47

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 385


( 4 / 5 )

Name: Chinese Community Engagement Pilot Program-Phase 4

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: ykcl5bnsrb5t


2024-07-04 03:23:25

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, 2pn4u.c.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Hi, Dear Community Members,

Thanks to everyone's efforts, we have made significant progress in this phase. The number of fans in the Chinese community has now reached 31,647, an increase of 13.6% compared to the previous period. Although this growth rate is slower than the previous 24.22%, it might be due to market fluctuations causing a dip in enthusiasm. We will continue to optimize and adjust our operational strategies to regain our growth momentum.

Community Building
We will continue to focus on community building and maintenance, enhancing user experience and engagement. Our main areas of focus include:

Content Creation and Innovation:

We plan to gradually launch original content and bring innovative ideas to life, enriching the overall content ecosystem of the community.
In terms of content formats, we will explore more interactive types of content, such as videos, live streams, and interactive games.
Collaboration and Expansion:

Continue to build and improve the Alien Worlds Chinese Information Site to provide comprehensive and timely information to community members.
Begin seeking collaborations both within and outside the industry to create more interesting gameplay, enhancing the diversity and fun of the Alien Worlds metaverse.
Showcase our community and metaverse on larger platforms to gain more exposure and attention.
Guidance and Support for New Players:

We not only focus on attracting new players but also actively guide them to integrate into the community and enjoy the game.
Answer player questions promptly and provide necessary support to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience in Alien Worlds.
Official Information and Community Activities:

Actively promote official information and community activities to ensure community members can get the latest updates.
Encourage community participation in various activities to strengthen community cohesion and let more people understand and love the Alien Worlds metaverse.
Resource Links
Alien Worlds Chinese Information Site: https://bit.ly/AlienWorldsCN
Alien Worlds Chinese Community: https://t.me/alienworldschina
Progress and Maintenance of Part of the Telegram Community: https://bit.ly/tgworktg
We look forward to continuing our efforts together, witnessing the growth of the community and the brilliance of the Alien Worlds metaverse. Thank you to every community member for your support and participation!

Alien Worlds Chinese Team

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 3.kaw.wam

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

Links from description:

#: 384


( 3 / 5 )

Name: TH Shards

Proposer: 2pn4u.c.wam

Proposal: xvo2x1fec3z2


2024-07-03 14:50:00

Approved by: 2pn4u.c.wam:, gyeou.c.wam:, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

approval of msig for TH shards

eosio.msig: approve

proposer: ancyw.wam

proposal_name: yuxtgt

level: {'actor': 'kavian.dac', 'permission': 'active'}

#: 383


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: 2pn4u.c.wam

Proposal: 2ezfze113c1n


2024-06-26 10:25:55

Value: $591.2

Approved by: 2pn4u.c.wam:, gyeou.c.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam gyeou.c.wam 2pn4u.c.wam

#: 382


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: 2pn4u.c.wam

Proposal: a2dqyjhle1fn


2024-06-26 10:25:47

Approved by: 2pn4u.c.wam:, gyeou.c.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 381


( 5 / 5 )

Name: TH Shards

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: 4lhz5nxqcd32


2024-07-01 07:06:00

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, 2pn4u.c.wam:, gyeou.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

approval of msig for TH shards

eosio.msig: approve

proposer: ancyw.wam

proposal_name: yuxtgt

level: {'actor': 'kavian.dac', 'permission': 'active'}

#: 380


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: deiclxncyplr


2024-06-24 01:56:21

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 379


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: myr2cy1ix1pt


2024-06-24 01:56:37

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 378


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: qtic5ejdcm4g


2024-06-22 14:53:49

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 377


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: wbw15wnyuarm


2024-06-14 11:26:22

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 376


( 3 / 5 )

Name: resubmit last cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: gbzhvoruo5se


2024-06-14 11:26:32

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

resubmission from expired cwa

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 375


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: umd5gfhq4qit


2024-06-14 11:26:47

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 374


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: eal4nwjgjhpb


2024-06-12 15:35:10

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 373


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: j5clybcii3wy


2024-06-05 15:32:38

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 372


( 2 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: yatbthbmdw3m


2024-06-12 15:31:02

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 371


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Quantumoid Funding/Contest

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: cxr5vbr3lzsf


2024-06-05 13:51:45

Value: $177.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Quantumoid is a customized AI platform offered to Metaverse players through Telegram’s social media app. This platform offers creators free tools to imagine and create the Metaverse.
Some of the ways creators have been using Quantumoid this year:

1) Imagining the elements of planets
2) Creating images of places they want to see in the planets
3) Imagining functions and services of these places
4) Creating images of events and experiences to chronicle them
5) Drafting language and creating images regardless of language proficiency
6) Attracting other creators

The program evokes feelings of empowerment and belonging among participants by providing tools and incentives for user-generated content, a collaborative environment where
creators feel valued and motivated to share their unique talents and perspectives.

It communicates that every player has the potential to shape the world of Alien Worlds through their contributions, whether they are artists, storytellers, developers, or simply enthusiasts with creative visions (^^,)


》 Community Engagement: Engaging with the community is crucial for fostering a vibrant and dynamic
environment where users feel connected to both the platform and each other.

》 User Empowerment: Giving users the tools and recognition they need empowers them to create content that
can significantly enhance everyone's experience.

》 Economic Incentives: Providing economic incentives not only stimulates participation but also helps sustain a thriving ecosystem where creators can benefit from their efforts.

》 Creativity: Encouraging creativity leads to diverse content which enriches the metaverse, making
it more appealing and engaging for current users while attracting new ones.

》 Continuous Adaptation: Working on such campaigns highlights the importance of being adaptable, listening to feedback, analyzing engagement metrics, and continuously refining strategies to support growth.

The program exemplifies how user-centric initiatives can drive engagement in virtual worlds like
Alien Worlds by creating an emotionally resonant experience centered around co-creation, shared goals, and mutual growth within its digital space.

We are requesting the following support:
》 5,000 TLM per month for hosting fees
》 5,000 TLM per month for creator contest rewards through bounties

To begin, we are requesting 30,000 TLM for 3 months. I will contribute my services to the project during this time.
The current number of users in the group is 56, and with this support, we anticipate being able to add at least 20 new creators during the next 3 months.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: mfmz.wam

quantity: 30000.0000 TLM

memo: Quantumoid Funding/Creator Contest

#: 370


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Funding Request for the Indian Community in Alien Worlds - June 2024

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: gw3f1acmvtm5


2024-06-05 13:51:35

Value: $11.8

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

The Indian community in Alien Worlds has achieved significant success, with a growing number of participants on Discord and Telegram. We efficiently manage our activities and continuously create innovative content. Our goal is to strengthen the Indian community within Alien Worlds and seek partnerships to increase our visibility.

Community Engagement
We emphasize robust community engagement, which includes:

Actively supporting new players as they explore the metaverse.
Providing timely responses to inquiries.
Vigorously promoting both official updates and community-driven initiatives.
By prioritizing cooperation over competition, we foster a community ethos that values collaborative efforts, yielding greater long-term benefits for both our Indian community and the wider ecosystem.

Funding Request
To sustain and accelerate our growth, we are seeking a total of 6,000 TLM (3 payments of 2,000 TLM each month). This funding reflects our high level of engagement in Alien Worlds. We are committed to further expanding the Indian community, confident that this will benefit all participants in Alien Worlds.

Planned Use of Funds
Enhancing game guides and creating new content in French.
Professional translations of various lore elements.

We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing our contributions to the Alien Worlds community. Together, we can cultivate a thriving, inclusive community that benefits everyone in Alien Worlds.

Total Requested this month: 2000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: tpdrm.wam

quantity: 2000.0000 TLM

memo: Funding Request for the Indian Community in Alien Worlds - June 2024

#: 369


( 3 / 5 )

Name: MineQuest Updates/features

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: zlmuzz3njg5j


2024-06-05 13:51:16

Value: $815.8

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

We have successfully launched the 2nd instance of MineQuest for neri.world and also completed the first community-sponsored quests by adding $KEK rewards for quests. We're slowly growing adoption, over the last month have seen 135 unique accounts joining quests and 91 of them succeeding in quests.

By adding those new features/functions, a few new issues and needed improvements were needed. We first started noticing some performance issues over the weekends with progress taking quite a while to show up. After lots of troubleshooting we narrowed the fixed down to the progress calculations and updated settings so can process more information and not get backed up. Additionally, we found that when adding the $KEK token, the interfaces did not handle token quantities very well, so we updated the fields and displays to either have commas or shortened display. Also, to better accommodate the community sponsored events, we are adding an admin section to manage reward tokens to make it easier to setup community quests. Lastly, we are also looking to add more information about the quest creation to the on-chain action, specifically which client (kavian/neri) the quest is for.

Total efforts for this round of updates is about 30 hours ($3000), or about 138,000 TLM at current prices.

Total Requested Amount: 138,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 138000.0000 TLM

memo: MineQuest Updates/features

#: 368


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: l54opcndfz3d


2024-06-05 13:51:25

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 367


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: iiqggqz2uojp


2024-05-30 16:37:11

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 366


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: i3eofddc23zf


2024-05-29 11:30:36

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 365


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: jzrzepc4czyt


2024-05-28 12:57:55

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 364


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: szfcni3abf55


2024-05-19 02:55:29

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 363


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: 5rzebgfcerln


2024-05-15 16:44:28

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 362


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Qaraqol Alien Worlds Tool Strategist

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: 52xtrg11xe1b


2024-05-13 05:55:00

Value: $413.8

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Neri together with Kavian have decided to fund the creation of the Qaraqol Alien Worlds Tool Strategist. The tool aims to help new and old players on finding, the best tools setup, based on various factors including their budget.

For more information head here:


Website: https://qaraqol.com/
Tool: https://strategist.qaraqol.com/

#: 361


( 3 / 5 )

Name: AWData AI Updates - Resubmit2

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: bgtiakcuzcty


2024-05-13 05:53:47

Value: $786.3

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

We have been diligently working to get the new AWData AI services up and running on the LLama2 engine, and we have made some successes in getting weekly/daily miner stats and land information available. When working on the processes to constantly import the updated daily information for analysis, the decision was made to shift to trying to OpenAI engine as it may better handle the larger datasets needed.

We have already completed the initial shift of the engine to OpenAI but need to continue to work on fine tuning the options and training to balance speed and amount of data available. Estimated remaining effort to release initial usable proof of concept is around $2000, which is roughly 133,000 TLM

Total Requested Amount: 133,000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 133000.0000 TLM

memo: AWData AI Updates

#: 360


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: gmrou4wndhkw


2024-05-13 05:53:16

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 359


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: qabsmeenn2si


2024-05-13 05:53:37

Value: $591.2

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 358


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: ce1mmyu5fspi


2024-05-06 14:14:22

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 357


( 3 / 5 )

Name: AWData AI Updates - Resubmit

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: nytkpl5ykct1


2024-05-08 20:46:00

Value: $786.3

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

We have been diligently working to get the new AWData AI services up and running on the LLama2 engine, and we have made some successes in getting weekly/daily miner stats and land information available. When working on the processes to constantly import the updated daily information for analysis, the decision was made to shift to trying to OpenAI engine as it may better handle the larger datasets needed.

We have already completed the initial shift of the engine to OpenAI but need to continue to work on fine tuning the options and training to balance speed and amount of data available. Estimated remaining effort to release initial usable proof of concept is around $2000, which is roughly 133,000 TLM

Total Requested Amount: 133,000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 133000 TLM

memo: AWData AI Updates

#: 356


( 1 / 5 )

Name: AWData AI Updates

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: hyuugqbwwu52


2024-05-02 00:45:57

Value: $786.3

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

We have been diligently working to get the new AWData AI services up and running on the LLama2 engine, and we have made some successes in getting weekly/daily miner stats and land information available. When working on the processes to constantly import the updated daily information for analysis, the decision was made to shift to trying to OpenAI engine as it may better handle the larger datasets needed.

We have already completed the initial shift of the engine to OpenAI but need to continue to work on fine tuning the options and training to balance speed and amount of data available. Estimated remaining effort to release initial usable proof of concept is around $2000, which is roughly 133,000 TLM

Total Requested Amount: 133,000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 133000.0000 TLM

memo: AWData AI Updates

#: 355


( 3 / 5 )

Name: AlienHelpers Update for new Neri.World

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: dbpvesn4t5y3


2024-05-06 14:15:03

Value: $195.1

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Recently, the AlienHelpers Discord/Telegram bot was updated to again support the notification of Minequest quest information and currently supports the Kavian.World quest information. With the new Neri.World instance coming online, we have requested the API/information for neri.world be added as well. We have also exposed additional quest progress information that they have agreed to add into the bot as well per their request.

Total Requested Amount: 33,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 33000.0000 TLM

memo: AlienHelpers Update for new Neri.World

#: 354


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Minequest QoL Updates

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: jd5xsjocjfxv


2024-05-06 14:15:17

Value: $390.2

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

We have recently deployed the newest version of the logging plugin which utilizes MySQL for logging which has greatly improved the performance of the systems. As the first update was to test and confirm the new process was more efficient, we need to finalize a few features to allow the new process to support multiple instances. We are also configuring the sync processes to have more controls (batch sizes, sync frequency).

Additionally, the community has requested that we update the quest information to automatically update your progress (vs. having to refresh the page). We have added in web sockets to keep the progress on the page updated automatically.

Lastly, in working with the AlienHelpers bot developers, they asked if we could adjust the APIs to allow them to pull the progress information so the bot can include that information as well.

Total efforts for this round of updates is about 10 hours ($1000), or about 66,000 TLM at current prices.

Total Requested Amount: 66,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 66000.0000 TLM

memo: Minequest QoL Updates

#: 353


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: gmfk4om3xlit


2024-05-01 19:03:40

Value: $739.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 125000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 352


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Chinese Community Engagement Pilot Program-Phase 3

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: b2lwztyyh52t


2024-04-25 17:35:41

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Through our efforts, the Chinese community has achieved a certain level of success, with the number of fans reaching 27,895, an increase of 24.22% compared to the previous period. The regular management has been on track, and we will gradually begin to produce original content and plan to integrate innovative ideas into reality. We continue to build the Alien Worlds Chinese information site and will start seeking cooperation to showcase it on a larger stage for greater exposure. We focus on the community, guiding new players to join the metaverse more actively addressing player questions, and actively promoting official information and community games to let more people understand the fun and potential of the Alien Worlds metaverse.

Alien Worlds Chinese Information Site: https://bit.ly/AlienWorldsCN

For a detailed progress report, please click: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-qlmgvHbeWZMd-rji725PTik8td60SvNjkTT7oJ6UxU/edit?usp=sharing

#: 351


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: bwvpsfqsl1cf


2024-04-24 11:54:27

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 350


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Qaraqol Alien Worlds Tool Strategist

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: lbxpdj2vbweg


2024-04-24 12:02:00

Value: $236.5

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Neri together with Kavian have decided to fund the creation of the Qaraqol Alien Worlds Tool Strategist. The tool aims to help new and old players on finding, the best tools setup, based on various factors including their budget.

For more information head here:


Website: https://qaraqol.com/

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 40000.0000 TLM

memo: Qaraqol Tool

Links from description:

#: 349


( 3 / 5 )

Name: AlienHelper Roles based on Chain Data

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: honmfhas5kgy


2024-04-19 03:15:23

Value: $768.5

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Ricardoow has presented a possible feature enhancement to the current AlienHelper services; Role manangement/membership based on your AW on-chain activity/statistics.

Automatically update/grant roles based on nft level, last mined, governance status(member/voter/candidate/custodian) in a dynamic way where every server can setup their own roles how they please. Could be as in active miner role for one server is mined within a day while for another server it’s mined within a week. will most likely take a month or 2 yet at least as it requires me to rewrite the whole bot including all features for it to use the new discord api’s released not too long ago and some database migrations together without breaking the interconnection between the tg/twitch sided bots.

This proposal is to fund the initial phase of the system upgrades to support the new Discord APIs and begin the changes needed for the new role management system. Initial funding requested is $2,000 or 130,000 TLM at current value.

Total Requested: 130,000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 130000.0000 TLM

memo: AlienHelper Roles based on Chain Data

#: 348


( 3 / 5 )

Name: AlienHelper MineQuest Quest Support

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: nllnppadk21l


2024-04-19 03:15:32

Value: $29.6

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

The AlienHelper bot at one time was enhanced to allow it to broadcast information about the new/current quests available. It broke after some changes to the MineQuest infrastructure, but we have since identified and resolved that issue, so the integration can be re-enabled with a little bit of work.

Ricardoow has already made the needed updates to the bot and it is currently broadcasting the quest information into the Discord and TG channels properly. This proposal is to cover his time and effort to get things connected back up and operating properly.

Total Requested: 5,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: AlienHelper MineQuest Quest Support

#: 347


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Support for AlienHelper Services - Q2 2024

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: z3f4vvphyxbt


2024-04-19 03:14:54

Value: $59.1

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

AW Community member Ricardoow has built and runs the AlienHelper bot that broadcasts AW game data and statistics to the AW Discord and Telegram channels. It's used by countless players and helps run different mining events in the community.

Kavian appreciates all the support Ricardoow has provided for the service and would like to cover the Q2 operational costs of the services. He has indicated the services take about $50/month to maintain, so this proposal is for the 3 months of operational costs, $150 or about 10,000 TLM at current value.

Total Requested: 10,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Support for AlienHelper Services - Q2 2024

#: 346


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: dkpjbczgerkr


2024-04-18 19:21:35

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Great job everybody!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 345


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 4qqmmbeuqvvb


2024-04-19 21:12:39

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 344


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Synthar Shard Distribution

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: qahrtfow23dt


2024-04-08 15:51:10

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Allocating shards for distribution through Mission Control and Kavian.World

eosio.msig: approve

proposer: mc

proposal_name: synthshrd2

level: {'actor': 'kavian.dac', 'permission': 'active'}

#: 343


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: r3tadaqphn1y


2024-04-08 06:56:07

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

CWA - great job!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: neyau.wam anyo.cabal tzgai.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam

#: 342


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: brnsowzhnolw


2024-04-10 08:54:06

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 341


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Real CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: dgripyqczuvw


2024-03-31 18:44:39

Value: $591.2

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Real CWA, ignore previous.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam

#: 340


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: fbrwvsphl2vz


2024-03-30 23:15:19

Value: $5,138.5

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Keep up the great work with your projects supporting the ecosystem!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 869200.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam

#: 339


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: c3fr42rgg15b


2024-03-28 18:16:30

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 338


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Galactic123 Kavian.World Scavenger Hunt

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: mydvisfaivvt


2024-03-26 14:44:26

Value: $8.9

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

The Kavian.World project continues to grow and attract new daily players, and Galactic123 has offered to provide additional questing for the players.

An NFT will be created and then hidden somewhere in Kavian.World Minecraft world. The idea is to have players go out and explore, in order to find this NFT. The NFT will be represented by a "coupon code", which can then be exchanged for the actual NFT. The NFT can be staked to obtain periodic rewards.

To prepare this scavenger hunt, 1,500 is being requested. 1000 of the TLM is to be used to increase the reward pool of the staking pool, and the other 500 TLM is for the time invested in creating the NFT and hiding it on Kavian.World

Amount Requested: 1,500 TLM

Destination Wallet: z2.di.wam

Payment frequency: One time only

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: z2.di.wam

quantity: 1500.0000 TLM

memo: Galactic123 Kavian.World Scavenger Hunt

#: 337


( 3 / 5 )

Name: MineQuest Quest API Update

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: dplqwkdecg4r


2024-03-26 14:45:30

Value: $229.4

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

The AW community had previously developed a Telegram/Discord notification bot system that would broadcast the new quest information as soon as it was available on the website. At some point, the security updates to the GraphQL to lock down all data broke this bot's ability to read the quest information directly from the API.

We believe the issue with the API is the requirement of the session token for quest information, so we are proposing to adjust the permissions of the GraphQL roles to allow quest information to be retrieved as well as allow quest information to be displayed before logging into the website. Includes review of all site code, updates, deployment, and testing of all updates. Expected time is 10 hours ($1000), so at the current price 38,800 TLM

Total Requested Amount: 38,800 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 38800.0000 TLM

memo: MineQuest Quest API Update

#: 336


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: eyqeraxazq3w


2024-03-25 12:20:44

Value: $591.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam

#: 335


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: hogamvvgtde1


2024-03-25 12:20:27

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 334


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: pntt5gncaxbn


2024-03-19 13:49:47

Value: $591.2

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam

#: 333


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: nymdaikamshn


2024-03-19 01:28:15

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 332


( 3 / 5 )

Name: MineQuest Logging Plugin Update

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: gyby2lvnf1zx


2024-03-18 07:19:50

Value: $780.4

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

The MineQuest services have been successful in doubling the participation rate in quests, but that has also resulted in exposing some performance issues/caps with the current design of the Minecraft logging plugin. During high loads on the server in combination with communications over the internet, the gameplay experience can get lagged quite a bit.

We would like to begin developing a new version of the logging plugin that would communicate directly with a local MySQL logging database, which then can be relayed back to the MineQuest processing services. Our plan is to first update the plugin to write actions to a local MySQL service, then deploy for testing on the hosted Kavian.World environment to measure its true performance (and ability to be retrieved for processing).

We expect the effort to take roughly 40 hours to develop, test, , deploy, and benchmark the new version of the logging plugin at and estimated cost of $4000. At current rates for TLM, that is roughly 132,000 TLM.

Total Requested Amount: 132,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 132000.0000 TLM

memo: MineQuest Logging Plugin Update

#: 331


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: ieccuii11hyq


2024-03-18 14:03:12

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 330


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Alienw Wallet Interface

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: 5eheuk4htafc


2024-03-13 15:18:21

Value: $1,513.4

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Alienw.com is working on a full wallet interface for all the DAO actions. Currently it supports Voting, Worker Proposal and DAO Msigs. It's being tested by a small group of invited people, and will be deployed for the entire community to interact with after some more testing.\n\nThis will finally allow anyone using anchor to interact with the DAO through a proper interface. For anyone that want to test it out before it's fully public, jump into the alienw telegram chat.\n https://t.me/alienw_com

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: alienw

quantity: 256000.0000 TLM

memo: Alienw DAO Wallet Interface

Links from description:

#: 329


( 3 / 5 )

Name: AWData AI Services

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: bpw1gxn1emrq


2024-03-13 03:54:18

Value: $801.0

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

EOSUSA has been actively developing the creation of a new AI-powered reporting services specifically trained and tailored with AlienWorlds game data. The goal is to provide a more robust reporting service for the AW community as well as build the AI training/knowledge to build future services to utilize the AW game data.

We currently have a Llama2 AI instance created and trained with initial AW information and have begun working to begin training it on the larger mining dataset as well as expose the initial site to interact with the services. We have recently purchased a new GPU and will be dedicating another i9 host to handle only the AI portion of AWData.

We are requesting funding to continue with the efforts needed to complete the training of the AI services with the AW mining dataset and migration to the new dedicated hardware. When completed, the services will be able to answer simple questions such as who the top miner on a land/planet is, etc. Estimated effort remaining is around $4000, which is roughly 135,500 TLM at current prices.

Total Requested Amount: 135,500 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 135500.0000 TLM

memo: AWData AI Services

#: 328


( 3 / 5 )

Name: AWData Reporting Portal Support Q2 2024

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: yuvdtea25mp4


2024-03-13 06:54:31

Value: $801.0

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

AWData, our AlienWorlds reporting services located at reporting.eosusa.io, has been operating since the launch of the game collecting all AW mining and other game-related data and providing self-service reporting services for the entire AlienWorlds community. Many projects and communities utilize the services on a regular basis and the site maintains about 15,000 hits per month usage.

In addition to running all the chain infrastructure to read the game data, we maintain a dedicated AW data warehouse/reporting server to host the entire history of the game (over 5 billion records, crossing 3TB recently). We also actively monitor and troubleshoot any issues with the services (such as chain,contract, or reporting issues) and are constantly enhancing the system to improve performance and add features requested by the communities.

We are requesting funding to continue operations of all AWData services for the Q2 2024 period for $4000, which is roughly 135,500 TLM at current prices.

Total Requested Amount: 135,500 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 135500.0000 TLM

memo: AWData Reporting Portal Support Q2 2024

#: 327


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: hgqfma43u4pl


2024-03-08 04:47:02

Value: $118.2

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 326


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: cjimcyxlas5u


2024-03-08 12:44:57

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 325


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Welcome Center

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: snbe5oo5hs11


2024-03-08 12:42:00

Value: $35.5

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Creation of Kavian.World Welcome Center.

The players RuthLess and Kagome from the Kavian.World community have proposed that a Kavian.World Welcome Center be created in the Kavian.World environment to provide assistance for new players and additional information about Kavian.

They have proposed the development of a futuristic Minecraft spawn area, meticulously designed to exude professionalism while catering to the needs of new players. The central hub will serve as a cutting-edge information center, offering insights into essential game mechanics, crafting recipes, and survival strategies within a sleek and modern environment.
In terms of aesthetics, the spawn area will showcase a forward-thinking architectural style, incorporating futuristic elements. The design's primary objective is to create an immersive and visually captivating atmosphere, aligning with the overall goal of enhancing the early gaming experience for newcomers. Through this proposal, we aim to establish a spawn area that not only represents a sophisticated entry point but also serves as a dynamic and engaging introduction to the expansive possibilities within the Minecraft universe.

Build Time: 3 days x builders
Requested Funding: 6000 TLM (split between them)

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 6000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World Welcome Center

#: 324


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: wtbbcnh5yhp4


2024-02-29 07:54:55

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 323


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: yeeqounxg2me


2024-02-29 02:02:44

Value: $591.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam

#: 322


( 3 / 5 )

Name: The Foundation of the Decentralized Communication Platform

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: bluecom


2024-02-28 02:06:45

Value: $591.2

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

This proposal is to enable the Creation of the Smart Contract specified in the Bluepaper: Decentralized Communication Infrastructure: Emporting DAOs and their Initiatives.

The Smart Contract will be created and published in a public Github Repo, for anyone to use. It will also be deployed and activated on-chain.

This proposal will also include a User Interface integrated directly in the upcoming Alienw.com Wallet Interface. Enabling all AlienWorlds DAOs to interact with all the features of the contract.

More info can be found in the BluePaper: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmakak9kvCBWEsXUdGqiDW1ibDrvnHL7LhmRCeW4XaeHEn

Special Thanks to 5thba.wam for taking the time to specify the details in the bluepaper.

This proposal is created after discussions with the creator of the BluePaper, where he wanted us to bring it to life.

This Proposal will cover the Creation of the Smart Contract, and the initial User Interface.

All funds in this proposal goes directly to the developer, and Anyo will oversee the project and the integration into alienw.com.

The estimated cost is ~$2000, which at time of writing is just below 100k TLM.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: gn5e.earn

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Creation of Contract and UI for DAO Communication Platform

Links from description:

#: 321


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Official backlog of projects to support from Kavian

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: drlzguahbs4d


2024-03-04 04:57:10

Value: $0.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Amazing projects have been submitted from community members to the ipfbluepaper contest. Read about some really inspirational projects the community actually want to see built!

Wow. Such participation. Such engagement!

This Proposal is to support projects that active community members actually want built, not just Custodians taking guesses based on their limited understanding of the community.

Congrats to all those that submitted in making this Proposal possible-- this help build the future of the AW metaverse. Great work team, for making this possible!

Update on projects submitted:

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 0.0010 TLM

memo: awesome projects to support from bluepaper contest

Links from description:

#: 320


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: r1tunc45rsun


2024-02-27 20:41:07

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 319


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World waxjs Update

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: enju4smwzbjr


2024-02-21 05:30:51

Value: $354.7

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

WAX has recently released a new version of the waxjs library to properly handle the new power-up resource management in Cloud Wallet. Requesting to support the development to update the wax.js library for the entire Minequest system. Total development time is estimated at 10 hours so $1000 (60,000 TLM at current price)

Total Requested: 60,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 60000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World waxjs Update

#: 318


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Community Manager (Mar - Sept)

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: 1xli5s1ngmkg


2024-02-21 05:31:11

Value: $526.1

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Habibi has been managing the daily quest creations and community management/promotion/troubleshooting and has done a great job. He has agreed to continue supporting Kavian.World as the server moderator for another 6 months.

This proposal is to cover the monthly rewards for managing the Kavian.World community and systems for the next 6 months (March - August). $250 x 6 months = $1500 (89,000 TLM at current price)

Total Requested: 89,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 89000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World Community Manager (Mar - Sept)

#: 317


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World KAV Rewards (Mar - Sept)

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: lvm3511wpaqy


2024-02-21 05:31:39

Value: $2,128.2

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Kavian.World has been a great success in the first 3 months and both the quest participation and completion is up about 50%! As we near the completion of the initial 3 month funding, we are requesting to continue the Kavian.World services and quests for another 6 months (March - August).

This proposal is to cover the KAV token rewards for the daily quests for the next 6 months (March - August). 2000 KAV/day x 6 months = 360,000 TLM

Total Requested: 360,000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 360000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World KAV Rewards (Mar - Sept)

#: 316


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Hosting/Services (Mar - Sept)

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: 3mvdodjzzogu


2024-02-21 05:32:05

Value: $703.5

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Kavian.World has been a great success in the first 3 months and both the quest participation and completion is up about 50%! As we near the completion of the initial 3 month funding, we are requesting to continue the Kavian.World services and quests for another 6 months (March - August).

This proposal is to cover the operational costs of running the Minecraft server and questing services for 6 months:
Minecraft Server: $85 x 6 months = $500
Minequest Services: $250 x 6 months = $1500
($2000 = 119,000 TLM at current prices)

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 119000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World Hosting/Services (Mar - Sept)

#: 315


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Chinese Community Engagement Pilot Program

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: mshep1cw1ede


2024-02-21 00:43:54

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

During this period, we've made significant progress in operating the Chinese community. Our online fan base has grown to 22,456, showcasing considerable engagement. We've established the Alien Worlds Chinese library, enriching players' access to game information. Active community engagement includes answering player queries and promoting game participation. Over 30 official articles translated, 10 tutorials created, and various videos and posters produced to enhance player experience. Moving forward, we aim to further enrich the Chinese community experience. Grateful for the ongoing support from the community and players.

For detailed progress report, click https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-qlmgvHbeWZMd-rji725PTik8td60SvNjkTT7oJ6UxU/edit?usp=sharing

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 3.kaw.wam

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

Links from description:

#: 314


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: qwr2qnuwheis


2024-02-20 14:14:50

Value: $591.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam

#: 313


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: kv43aluty5aa


2024-02-20 14:26:28

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 312


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: yfcqt5xhl4oy


2024-02-14 03:06:17

Value: $591.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam

#: 311


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Claim Budget

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: 4zabzd1uczz5


2024-02-13 20:40:17

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Budget claim for kavian

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 310


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Quest Progress Feature

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: dqwhyry2mgyx


2024-02-08 02:21:42

Value: $481.8

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Kavian.World has been a success in seeing up to 40 people per day participating in some of the daily quests. One feature the community has requested is a more detailed display of the quest critera progress. The system was originally designed for smaller quantities of mobs/blocks but when larger multiple target quests are created, it's difficult to know the details of your progress to identify what is remaining.

We propose adding an additional feature to the system that tracks and displays the individual quest requirements and provides a more detailed breakdown for the users. We have already begun development on this feature and expect to roll it out in next few weeks after testing. Total development time is estimated to be about 10 hours, so $1000 (81,500 TLM at current price).

Total Requested: 81,500 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 81500.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World Progress Feature

#: 309


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: tjceliwxbbqx


2024-02-07 02:39:07

Value: $591.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam

#: 308


( 2 / 5 )

Name: TLM X change Listing

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: xjsiyozu1ifi


2024-02-07 17:08:03

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

TLM token listing on an existing centralized regulated exchange. The exchange is licensed in Switzerland, facilitates OTC trades between crypto and EUR and CHF. Users will be able to be onboarded with bank wires. The exchange is able to service prospective users in more than 30 countries in Europe. Resources for this Proposal supports in-part activities relating to listing.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: xchange

#: 307


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: rjzzhep3s5cv


2024-02-01 03:39:07

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 306


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Blue Paper Project

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: hqfleng441bz


2024-02-07 17:05:03

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Pilot creation and partial support for a contest: accepting, approving and publishing Friends of IPF Bluepapers.

This “create a bluepaper” contest and scope will be announced within a week of this Proposal being Executed.

This will be partially supported from this Proposal, as well as other supporters, Friends of the IPF, Alien Edition community, and anyone else who wants to support ideation and growth of the ecosystem in AW and beyond

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: blue papers

#: 305


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: wp1spgdcv1se


2024-01-31 03:57:12

Value: $591.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, t1dbe.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam fr35y.wam t1dbe.wam

#: 304


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian secures TLM against the unknown

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: unknown3


2024-01-30 22:16:30

Value: $2,364.7

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, fr35y.wam:, t1dbe.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Moving funds to help enabling long-term community support and to protect the ecosystem against the known and unknown.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 400000.0000 TLM

memo: unknown

#: 303


( 3 / 5 )

Name: La Ruche Community project

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: laruche


2024-01-24 04:30:02

Value: $295.6

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

To help with the creation of the BeeHive (La Ruche) system to create more activities for the Alien Worlds community to participate in.

Their goal is to increase the player engagement, particularly in the French community.
They plan to build a system to help users get started with their first mining tools.

More info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kFIvll1IfL3d21tC_bcFYQ1qQFOn38ni85kyiCNvby8/edit#heading=h.j9zip5djw658

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: Support the Beehive initiative

Links from description:

#: 302


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Extra Rewards Feb-March

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: dfpm4la252vz


2024-01-24 04:29:51

Value: $354.7

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Kavian.World Minecraft project has been successfully launched and sees a few dozen players participating in each of the daily quests.

With the current amount allocated for quest rewards (~1000 KAV/quest), with 25+ participants, completed quest rewards are averaging around 40-50 KAV/quest completed. The community has stated more players may engage if the quest rewards were increased, so we this request is to add an additional 1000 TLM/day for Feb & March to increase the per-quest rewards to increase player participation.

Increased questing rewards: 30,000 TLM x 2 months = 60,000 TLM
Total Requested: 60,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 60000.0000 TLM

memo: kavian world extra rewards feb-march

#: 301


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Server Upgrade

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: kid2zmltuzkp


2024-01-24 04:29:08

Value: $47.3

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Kavian.World Minecraft project has been successfully launched and sees a few dozen players participating in each of the daily quests.

During testing, we have noticed that performance has been impacted when more than 10+ players are connected and questing. We have worked to make the system more efficient, but ultimately ended up having to move the hosting services to a larger, more dependable host to prevent the performance issues. This has therefore increased the operational monthly hosting costs of the services more than original budgeted, so we are requesting additional funds to upgrade the hosting instance for Kavian.World to a larger package to handle the load. We also are looking to add the static IP services which will allow for the "play.kavian.world" address to be used to connect.

Increased hosting costs for Feb-Mar: $50/month = $100 total
Total Requested: 8,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 8000.0000 TLM

memo: kavian world server upgrade

#: 300


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Shards-Bugfixes

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: pwudlj2n4ffx


2024-01-24 04:29:39

Value: $236.5

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Kavian.World Minecraft project has been successfully launched and sees a few dozen players participating in each of the daily quests.

We have confirmed with AlienWorlds that we can enable the AW Shards reward mechanism for the Kavian.World rewards, but the current system does not fully support the points mechanism for the new external questing services. The primary mechanics are already built, there is extra work needed to allow the points reward option for Kavian.World. There are also some bug fixes identified with the first external questing setup that are planned to be addressed as well.

Expected Dev Costs (half): $500
Total Requested: 40,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 40000.0000 TLM

memo: kavian world shards-bugfix

#: 299


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: t1dbe.wam

Proposal: x3ce2e5v1mjf


2024-01-29 02:33:15

Approved by: t1dbe.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 298


( 4 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: kjpfaakivvtk


2024-01-24 03:20:50

Value: $591.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, t1dbe.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam fr35y.wam t1dbe.wam

#: 297


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: 3ozqwvjknetn


2024-01-15 08:13:22

Value: $591.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, t1dbe.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam fr35y.wam t1dbe.wam

#: 296


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: 5kmtumlxe4xh


2024-01-17 06:20:13

Approved by: t1dbe.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 295


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Claim Budget

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: 4dzeu2fgefzp


2024-01-10 07:23:47

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, t1dbe.wam:, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Budget claim for kavian

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 294


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian secures TLM against the unknown

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: unknown2


2024-01-16 13:41:39

Value: $2,240.4

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, fr35y.wam:, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

Moving funds to help enabling long-term community support and to protect the ecosystem against the known and unknown.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 378973.0000 TLM

memo: unknown

#: 293


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: bolhlximsoeg


2024-01-08 10:42:12

Value: $591.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, t1dbe.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam fr35y.wam t1dbe.wam

#: 292


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Claim Budget

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: giuevhiwu1il


2024-01-05 19:25:06

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, fr35y.wam:, t1dbe.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Budget claim for kavian

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 291


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: klx1jqbytbxt


2023-12-31 09:15:26

Value: $591.2

Approved by: t1dbe.wam:, fr35y.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Custodian Weekly Allowance

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam fr35y.wam t1dbe.wam

#: 290


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian supports listing of tlm to tip.cc

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: tipcclist


2023-12-29 08:46:12

Value: $44.3

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Help support the listing of TLM inside the tip.cc bot as facilitated by SlickNinja and spacewrangler
More info: https://alienw.com/proposals/eyeke/xirwqohj1ysp

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 7500.0000 TLM

memo: Towards TLM listing on tip.cc // Kavian

Links from description:

#: 289


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian + WAX Creator Program

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: creatorprog


2023-12-29 08:35:38

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Kavian is supporting the creation of a Creator Program in collaboration with WAX Hubs.

This proposal will help create more coverage on everything being created in the Alien World Ecosystem.
The program will be tested and run over 3 months, after that it will be evaluated to measure the effects of it.

If any Creator is interested in learning more, please join the Kavian Telegram chat https://t.me/planetkavian, The WAX Hubs Discord https://ambassador.wax.io/accounts/login/ or reach out to xXanderC.

The Goal is to create more awareness and engagement in Alien Worlds, The Syndicates, Galactic Hubs and the new Lore.

Let the creation begin

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: The Creator Program

Links from description:

#: 288


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Claim Budget

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: vphyrz4kddl5


2023-12-29 12:26:42

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, fr35y.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Budget claim for kavian

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 287


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian Supports unknown

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: unknown


2023-12-27 03:23:18

Value: $4,111.5

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, t1dbe.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Moving funds to help enabling long-term community support and to protect the ecosystem against the known and unknown.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 695478.0000 TLM

memo: unknown

#: 286


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: dbbarcqydynr


2023-12-25 04:41:24

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, t1dbe.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 285


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: 5yb52411rjsf


2023-12-25 04:41:36

Value: $591.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, t1dbe.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Custodian Weekly Allowance

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam fr35y.wam t1dbe.wam

#: 284


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: 3f5pgb5sdbvo


2023-12-18 14:49:35

Value: $591.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, t1dbe.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Custodian Weekly Allowance

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam fr35y.wam t1dbe.wam

#: 283


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Ongoing Maintenance for Alienw

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: alienwmaint1


2023-12-13 03:45:52

Value: $2,069.1

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Alienw.com has become an essential tool for the Alien Worlds decentralized ecosystem.
The site, backend and upcoming features is actively being worked on for many hours each week, the majority is done in the backend and on new features.

This proposal is to fund the ongoing maintenance of the site and surrounding tools. Alienw recently added 2 new server and 6 new Enterprise grade SSD drives to improve and secure the growing database. As well as set up two WAX State History nodes for improved speed and reliability of the data moving forward.

Currently working on locating and solving a bug in the Nodeos State History code, the bug is sometimes resulting in the Database Indexer to stop.

Also work is being done to failover between the two different State History Nodes to hopefully remove most risks of missed data.

Thank you all for using Alienw.com, and thank you for the support.

The Last 30 days, alienw has 4.9k visits by 923 unique users. The average time spent on the site is 1 minute and 59 seconds. Let us see if we can increase those numbers in the coming months

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: alienw

quantity: 350000.0000 TLM

memo: Support Alienw ongoing maintenance and development

#: 282


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: srofxe5g4jsp


2023-12-18 14:49:14

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, t1dbe.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 281


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: cwgsquugorrt


2023-12-12 17:56:39

Value: $591.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, t1dbe.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Custodian Weekly Allowance

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam fr35y.wam t1dbe.wam

#: 280


( 3 / 5 )

Name: AWData AI Services

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: lnd1nfmz2tnz


2023-12-06 03:00:03

Value: $709.4

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

EOSUSA is continuing the implementation of the Llama2 AI model on the our large AlienWorlds dataset in our AWData Services. We are working on multiple services for the community to utilize the power of an AW data trained model. The goal is to make it easier to query and interact with the AlienWorlds dataset in new and improved ways.

This initial funding is to work on these features and get an alpha version out for testing.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 120000.0000 TLM

memo: AWData AI Services

#: 279


( 3 / 5 )

Name: weekly CWA B

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: weeklycwa122


2023-12-05 16:36:14

Value: $236.5

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

weekyl CWA for this strange week and situation. Two candidates unregistered their candidacy after being elected. While they remain in the msig of the planet, they are just as accountable and elected as any other elected council member. They will however need to execute their own proposal, which will be created on a second proposal which I approved to make it eligible to pass. If one elected custodian gets CWA, all elected custodians should receive the same.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 40000.0000 TLM

memo: hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam

#: 278


( 3 / 5 )

Name: weekly CWA A

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: weeklycwa121


2023-12-05 16:39:04

Value: $354.7

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica,

Description of Proposal

weekyl CWA for this strange week and situation. Two candidates unregistered their candidacy after being elected. While they remain in the msig of the planet, they are just as accountable and elected as any other elected council member. They will however need to execute their own proposal, which will be created on a second proposal which I approved to make it eligible to pass. If one elected custodian gets CWA, all elected custodians should receive the same.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 60000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam tzgai.wam

#: 277


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Chinese Community Engagement Pilot Program

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: z5wrsnyzfy1d


2023-12-05 13:05:59

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Our proposal outlines a 10-week Chinese Community Engagement Pilot Program for Alien Worlds. This program aims to enhance Alien Worlds' presence in the Chinese community through strategic community operations, content creation, event planning, localization support, and more. Our approach involves breaking down monthly goals into weekly increments, allowing us to adapt and optimize strategies as we progress. After the initial 10 weeks, we will reassess and make adjustments based on the program's effectiveness.

Adapting to the Alien Worlds Ecosystem:
Community Building: Establish a dedicated Chinese community section for discussion, sharing, and learning.

Content Creation: Translate official information, craft game guides, and produce localized visual content to cater to the information needs of Chinese users.

Event Planning: Regularly organize online activities, in-game tasks, and community events to boost player engagement.

Localization Support: Provide dedicated customer support, answering questions and ensuring a positive user experience.

Original Article Writing: Attract and convert new players to join the Alien Worlds metaverse.

Explore new avenues, continually optimize, and work towards the ultimate goal!

Program Goals:
Community Growth: Increase the total number of Chinese community members by at least 2.5% weekly, enhancing community activity.

Content Output: Publish a minimum of 1-2 Chinese articles and create no fewer than 1-2 localized visual content pieces each week.

Event Hosting: Organize at least 2-4 online community events monthly to attract more Chinese users' participation.

Program Feasibility and Team Capability:
Our team, consisting of gaming enthusiasts, Chinese/media editors, and community operations experts, brings extensive experience in gaming community operations and dedicates full-time commitment to this program.

Attractiveness and Sustainability:
Regular updates of community content, engaging online events, and effective localization support will ensure the attractiveness of the Chinese community. Establishing a community autonomy mechanism will encourage active participation and ensure the program's self-sufficiency post-grant period.

The Chinese Community Engagement Pilot Program for Alien Worlds is essential for enhancing visibility, increasing community engagement, providing localized support, creating compelling content, and establishing a self-sustaining community ecosystem. Our goal is to build a dynamic and informative Chinese community for Alien Worlds. Through practical efforts, we aim to strengthen Alien Worlds' recognition and user engagement in the Chinese community. We appreciate your support in jointly driving the success of Alien Worlds in the Chinese community.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 3.kaw.wam

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: N/A

#: 276


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: CryptoMonica | tzgai.wam

Proposal: bzabk24mxdao


2023-12-06 05:15:45

Approved by: tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 275


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Support the dacoco Lore Initiative

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: supportlore2


2023-11-29 10:58:52

Value: $0.0

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Dacoco has collaborated with a known sci-fi author (Kevin J. Anderson) over the last year to create a new base storyline that will be released over the coming future. It will allow us all to build dapps, games, content etc ontop of it. Creating a unified storyline with a lot of possibility to expand into creative ways for each project and/or planet. You can read more about it here: https://alienworlds.io/blogs/tokenized-lore-evolving-alien-worlds-lore-with-new-technologies-races-and-cultures/

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: more lore is cool

Links from description:

#: 274


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Claim Budget

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: 2rocbmgyvk5y


2023-11-29 10:58:48

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, tzgai.wam:CryptoMonica, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Budget claim for kavian

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 273


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ucoc3wmvy2im


2023-11-29 05:22:51

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 272


( 3 / 5 )

Name: IPF Campaign

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 1j1b32u2evfw


2023-11-26 22:44:16

Value: $2,128.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Further Resources for IPF campaigns. For more information about the IPF and our contributions to the ecosystem visit our medium at https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 360000.0000 TLM

memo: ipfcampaign1 ipfcampaign2 ipfcampaign3

Links from description:

#: 271


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Support TLM listing

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: a3eytxnaglnj


2023-11-26 22:44:34

Value: $147.8

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

~20 Proposals to reach target support In partial support of additional of exploring TLM token listing on an existing centralized regulated exchange. The exchange may be licensed in Switzerland, facilitate OTC trades between crypto and EUR and CHF. Users may be able to be onboarded with bank wires. The exchange may be able to service prospective users more than 30 countries in Europe. Resources for this Proposal may support in-part some of the activities relating to bringing TLM online though the Swiss market to research, marketing, and additional consulting fees. Approximate token listing may be ~Q4 2023.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 25000.0000 TLM

memo: additional support

#: 270


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: nhaxxuthlvf4


2023-11-26 22:44:52

Value: $570.5

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

CWA using split tool and in compliance with less than 20% of weekly budget.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 96500.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 269


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Support the dacoco Lore Initiative

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: supportlore1


2023-11-30 23:08:16

Value: $0.0

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Dacoco has collaborated with a known sci-fi author over the last year to create a new base storyline that will be released over the coming future. It will allow us all to build dapps, games, content etc ontop of it. Creating a unified storyline with a lot of possibility to expand into creative ways for each project and/or planet. You can read more about it here: https://alienworlds.io/blogs/tokenized-lore-evolving-alien-worlds-lore-with-new-technologies-races-and-cultures/

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: more lore is cool

Links from description:

#: 268


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: jkyb4oveuqxc


2023-11-22 19:48:49

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 267


( 3 / 5 )

Name: IPF Campaign

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: xf54t4exszud


2023-11-22 01:41:11

Value: $1,909.5

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Further Resources for IPF campaigns. For more information about the IPF and our contributions to the ecosystem visit our medium at https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 323000.0000 TLM

memo: ipfcampaign1 ipfcampaign2 ipfcampaign3

Links from description:

#: 266


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: bng1lxa4dcma


2023-11-22 00:23:06

Value: $354.7

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Although these Custodians did not propose their own CWA. as requested. CWA for all Custodians.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 60000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam

#: 265


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Support TLM listing

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: euy4mpxytvdf


2023-11-16 20:41:07

Value: $443.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

~20 Proposals to reach target support In partial support of additional of exploring TLM token listing on an existing centralized regulated exchange. The exchange may be licensed in Switzerland, facilitate OTC trades between crypto and EUR and CHF. Users may be able to be onboarded with bank wires. The exchange may be able to service prospective users more than 30 countries in Europe. Resources for this Proposal may support in-part some of the activities relating to bringing TLM online though the Swiss market to research, marketing, and additional consulting fees. Approximate token listing may be ~Q4 2023.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: exchange

#: 264


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: m4fedjkveu4q


2023-11-16 06:49:47

Value: $118.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Here's my proposed CWA.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 263


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: jfroo5pygony


2023-11-15 05:09:59

Value: $114.8

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Here's my proposed CWA.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 19420.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 262


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 43gft5kdrhtw


2023-11-15 05:01:40

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 261


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 4gfux2gqqv5i


2023-11-14 21:26:13

Value: $0.0

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Custodians of each Syndicate all contribute to the Syndicates within their own strengths and self management. As it currently stands, any Custodian can submit a Proposal for CWA on behalf of other Custodians.

This Proposal shall act as an invitation after the next election for each Custodian to Propose their own CWA moving forward, based on what they feel their contribution reflects on a weekly basis to the Syndicate, to help Members better understand the roles of each Custodian.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 260


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: ifdxum3ywyrh


2023-11-14 21:24:52

Value: $236.5

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 40000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam

#: 259


( 0 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: eknxyezyhvmv


2023-11-14 21:09:13

Value: $177.4

Approved by:

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 30000.0000 TLM

memo: anyo.cabal neyau.wam

#: 258


( 3 / 5 )

Name: IPF Campaign

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 41uy5mwhbh4t


2023-11-13 02:29:01

Value: $2,216.9

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Further Resources for IPF campaigns. For more information about the IPF and our contributions to the ecosystem visit our medium at https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 375000.0000 TLM

memo: ipfcampaign1 ipfcampaign2 ipfcampaign3

Links from description:

#: 257


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Additional Support: Alien Edition Shorts

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 24mepm3bigwj


2023-11-10 20:48:48

Value: $41.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Additional Support: Alien Edition Shorts - Short videos based on existing content

to be produced and distributed 1~2 months

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: gykb4.wam

quantity: 7000.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Edition and IPF are the dopest!

#: 256


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Partial Support of 3 Projects

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: fruls1hsw5yh


2023-11-10 20:48:44

Value: $177.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

In-part support for these 3 projects:

10k - Support TLM listing on regulated crypto exchange (ongoing)

10k - 1~2 IPF News covering Top Kavian Proposals (New!)

10k - Dragon Awakening (wrap up)

All these projects are supported from multiple planets and other communities!

Kavian Custodians: a great way to chat about these Proposals is msig.chat!

The IPF is pretty cool!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 30000.0000 TLM

memo: xsvou.c.wam eventservice gykb4.wam

#: 255


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Encouraging Open Syndicates and Inclusive Operations

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: wcn5zlbej4gi


2023-11-10 05:56:02

Value: $118.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

To encourage communication amongst Custodians of the Syndicates, the Custodians of Kavian are pleased to announce the release of a wax based multisig chat group for each AW Syndicate on msig.chat. These newly created Syndicate chat groups rotate permissions based on the results of the weekly elections, allowing only the elected custodians to participate in the chats. We believe this system will provide a more inclusive environment for all elected Custodians.
Msig.chat was created and resourced in part by the Custodians of Kavian and Veles in collaboration with the amazing team behind Consortium. This project is currently a minimum viable product and development is ongoing.
To receive CWA on Kavian this week we are requiring each Custodian to participate in supporting msig.chat and open communication by completing the following:
1: Login to msig.chat using your wax account
2: Update your profile to include your nickname, description, and a profile picture.
3: Write a message in the Kavian Chat.
This proposal will be signed and executed following completion of the above steps.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 254


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Encouraging Open Syndicates and Inclusive Operations

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: hicaxxnfzbsk


2023-11-10 05:56:07

Value: $118.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

To encourage communication amongst Custodians of the Syndicates, the Custodians of Kavian are pleased to announce the release of a wax based multisig chat group for each AW Syndicate on msig.chat. These newly created Syndicate chat groups rotate permissions based on the results of the weekly elections, allowing only the elected custodians to participate in the chats. We believe this system will provide a more inclusive environment for all elected Custodians.
Msig.chat was created and resourced in part by the Custodians of Kavian and Veles in collaboration with the amazing team behind Consortium. This project is currently a minimum viable product and development is ongoing.
To receive CWA on Kavian this week we are requiring each Custodian to participate in supporting msig.chat and open communication by completing the following:
1: Login to msig.chat using your wax account
2: Update your profile to include your nickname, description, and a profile picture.
3: Write a message in the Kavian Chat.
This proposal will be signed and executed following completion of the above steps.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: hweaq.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 253


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Encouraging Open Syndicates and Inclusive Operations

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: uaydvqflyjry


2023-11-16 21:07:28

Value: $118.2

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

To encourage communication amongst Custodians of the Syndicates, the Custodians of Kavian are pleased to announce the release of a wax based multisig chat group for each AW Syndicate on msig.chat. These newly created Syndicate chat groups rotate permissions based on the results of the weekly elections, allowing only the elected custodians to participate in the chats. We believe this system will provide a more inclusive environment for all elected Custodians.
Msig.chat was created and resourced in part by the Custodians of Kavian and Veles in collaboration with the amazing team behind Consortium. This project is currently a minimum viable product and development is ongoing.
To receive CWA on Kavian this week we are requiring each Custodian to participate in supporting msig.chat and open communication by completing the following:
1: Login to msig.chat using your wax account
2: Update your profile to include your nickname, description, and a profile picture.
3: Write a message in the Kavian Chat.
This proposal will be signed and executed following completion of the above steps.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: neyau.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 252


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Encouraging Open Syndicates and Inclusive Operations

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: zxgzoqpaxekb


2023-11-16 21:07:02

Value: $118.2

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

To encourage communication amongst Custodians of the Syndicates, the Custodians of Kavian are pleased to announce the release of a wax based multisig chat group for each AW Syndicate on msig.chat. These newly created Syndicate chat groups rotate permissions based on the results of the weekly elections, allowing only the elected custodians to participate in the chats. We believe this system will provide a more inclusive environment for all elected Custodians.
Msig.chat was created and resourced in part by the Custodians of Kavian and Veles in collaboration with the amazing team behind Consortium. This project is currently a minimum viable product and development is ongoing.
To receive CWA on Kavian this week we are requiring each Custodian to participate in supporting msig.chat and open communication by completing the following:
1: Login to msig.chat using your wax account
2: Update your profile to include your nickname, description, and a profile picture.
3: Write a message in the Kavian Chat.
This proposal will be signed and executed following completion of the above steps.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 251


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Encouraging Open Syndicates and Inclusive Operations

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 2oq5xw2mslhu


2023-11-10 05:55:51

Value: $118.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

To encourage communication amongst Custodians of the Syndicates, the Custodians of Kavian are pleased to announce the release of a wax based multisig chat group for each AW Syndicate on msig.chat. These newly created Syndicate chat groups rotate permissions based on the results of the weekly elections, allowing only the elected custodians to participate in the chats. We believe this system will provide a more inclusive environment for all elected Custodians.
Msig.chat was created and resourced in part by the Custodians of Kavian and Veles in collaboration with the amazing team behind Consortium. This project is currently a minimum viable product and development is ongoing.
To receive CWA on Kavian this week we are requiring each Custodian to participate in supporting msig.chat and open communication by completing the following:
1: Login to msig.chat using your wax account
2: Update your profile to include your nickname, description, and a profile picture.
3: Write a message in the Kavian Chat.
This proposal will be signed and executed following completion of the above steps.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: gykb4.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 250


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: bjdboodvujuh


2023-11-08 16:12:13

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 249


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: ep3ri2ryo11a


2023-11-14 18:11:44

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 248


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Set aside funds for bigger proposal

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: ebg5ey5zilex


2023-11-08 04:33:55

Value: $2,532.3

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

To address the limitations of brief election cycles and the necessity for substantial TLM reserves to support larger initiatives, a dedicated account governed by multi-signature (MSIG) is established. Custodians endorsing this proposal will oversee the account. The primary objective is to allocate these funds towards the development of new game(s), game mode(s), and/or community centric tool(s). Ultimately, the goal is to enrich both the community experience of the Alien Worlds Ecosystem and align that with the interests of Kavian.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: trade.org

quantity: 428356.0000 TLM

memo: Towards Enriching the future of the Alien Worlds Ecosystem

#: 247


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Establishment of a Unified Lore and Narrative for Alien Worlds Metaverse

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: dacocoawlore


2023-11-13 16:36:05

Value: $0.0

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, fr35y.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

We are proposing this at the request of the federation.
We kindly ask each Planetary Syndicate to deliberate, vote, and approve this proposed lore as the foundational narrative for Alien Worlds.
To the Esteemed Leaders and Members of the Planetary Syndicates,Greetings.

We, the team at Dacoco, the original pioneers of the Alien Worlds metaverse, approach the venerated Planetary Syndicates with a proposal we believe will bring further depth, coherence, and excitement to our shared universe.

The heart of any metaverse lies not just in its mechanics, technology, or economy, but also in its storiesu2014the lore that forms the backbone of its existence. The narratives we weave give life, context, and meaning to every action, every planet, and every life form in our expansive universe.

Dacoco is excited to share that we have teamed up with esteemed Sci-Fi Author [REDACTED] to present the beginning of a reimagined, more expansive lore for Alien Worldsu2014one that goes beyond our current narrative and offers a richer backdrop for our shared universe. This tale transcends our current narrative and embroiders a more immersive tapestry for storytelling, portraying the genesis, challenges, and dreams of the myriad races within our shared Metaverse, with Trilium at its epicenter.

Proposed Lore:
Trilium is the most bioreactive natural substance in the known Metaverse. It accelerates the mutation and replication of genetic material at an unparalleled rate in its raw form. This spells catastrophe for any organisms that make contact. The race that discovered Trilium, [REDACTED], researched it, refined it, and harnessed it. Ultimately, they discovered that they could precisely control the effect Trilium had on genetic material using technology they called [REDACTED]. They could eliminate disease, slow down aging, and make themselves better, faster, and stronger with super-organic abilities. But, the effects were temporary, only lasting as long as one could supply the [REDACTED] technology with Trilium. This had profound impacts on every aspect of their society, economy, and culture. Eventually, the [REDACTED] ran out of Trilium and turned to the stars to locate more. Using Trilium and [REDACTED] technology to enhance their ability to survive in other atmospheres, the [REDACTED] began the Great Expansion, where an unprecedented exchange of culture, knowledge, and technology occurred as contact was made between more and more sentient species. Now, the only known supplies of Trilium are on six planets: Magor, Eyeke, Neri, Kavian, Naron, and Veles and are controlled by powerful Syndicates. Today, Trilium is at the center of the Metaverse. u2018Why solve the mystery of life when weu2019ve solved the mystery of death?u2019- Notes from a Trilium Researcher Why this is Important:

Consistency: A unified, overarching lore ensures that all players, developers, and stakeholders share a common understanding of the Alien Worlds universe, enhancing immersion and engagement.

Depth: This introduces layers of complexityu2014economic, political, culturalu2014that can spur countless stories, missions, challenges, and innovations within the Metaverse.

Growth: A compelling story attracts a broader audience, enhances retention, and stimulates community involvement and content creation. Community Building: A shared narrative fosters a sense of belonging, allowing players to find purpose and align themselves with the larger goals of the Alien Worlds metaverse.

Decentralization: Collaboratively building this new world brings a new focus for decentralization. When the community controls the story it can eventually control the IP and beyond.
We are optimistic that this enriched narrative will resonate with all members of the Metaverse, enhancing the Alien Worlds experience for every Explorer, builder, and creator. It is our belief that the next great IP will emerge not from a corporation, but from a community.
This is only the beginning. The Dacoco Team

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Establishment of a Unified Lore and Narrative for Alien Worlds Metaverse

#: 246


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: xvzna5nejolz


2023-11-01 22:11:01

Value: $118.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: gykb4.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 245


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: 123bniufsyzw


2023-11-01 22:11:05

Value: $118.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 244


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: oadsih3o2d4d


2023-11-01 22:11:10

Value: $118.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 243


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: 3jxio4wp1agx


2023-11-01 22:11:15

Value: $118.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: neyau.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 242


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: krnldp15mgxn


2023-11-01 22:11:21

Value: $118.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: fr35y.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 241


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Federation HR

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: t3fslq5krdl2


2023-11-08 07:33:31

Value: $384.3

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

To support ongoing Federation HR services of the interim ambassador.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 65000.0000 TLM

memo: Federation HR

#: 240


( 2 / 5 )

Name: TLM Listing Support

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: xrv51rmai1h3


2023-11-08 07:25:31

Value: $591.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

5th Kavian Support Proposal includes ~20 Proposals to reach target support In partial support of additional of exploring TLM token listing on an existing centralized regulated exchange. The exchange may be licensed in Switzerland, facilitate OTC trades between crypto and EUR and CHF. Users may be able to be onboarded with bank wires. The exchange may be able to service prospective users more than 30 countries in Europe. Resources for this Proposal may support in-part some of the activities relating to bringing TLM online though the Swiss market to research, marketing, and additional consulting fees. Approximate token listing may be ~Q4 2023.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: TLM Listing Support

#: 239


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Claim Budget

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: qs1o3zzm4i4o


2023-11-01 15:45:33

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Budget claim for kavian

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 238


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Set aside funds for bigger proposal

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: enrichfuture


2023-10-31 19:59:13

Value: $1,075.9

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, fr35y.wam:,

Description of Proposal

To address the limitations of brief election cycles and the necessity for substantial TLM reserves to support larger initiatives, a dedicated account governed by multi-signature (MSIG) is established. Custodians endorsing this proposal will oversee the account. The primary objective is to allocate these funds towards the development of new game(s), game mode(s), and/or community centric tool(s). Ultimately, the goal is to enrich both the community experience of the Alien Worlds Ecosystem and align that with the interests of Kavian.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: trade.org

quantity: 182000.0000 TLM

memo: Towards Enriching the future of the Alien Worlds Ecosystem

#: 237


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Community Management

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: yxlttaqhfeqw


2023-10-31 19:01:11

Value: $354.7

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, fr35y.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

The Kavian.World Questing system and Minecraft server needs a community manager to help with quests and support/relay issues as needed. Currently the player Habibi manages the EOSUSA MineQuest system and has done a fantastic job.

He has agreed to help administer the Kavian.World Minecraft world. For this we are requesting 60,000 TLM to cover the initial 3 months of community support for Habibi. Landing on 20,000 TLM per month for this job.

Requested: 20,000 TLM x 3 months
Total: 60,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 60000.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World Community Management

#: 236


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian.World Quest Rewards

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: 1xtxy2usscac


2023-10-31 19:01:04

Value: $665.1

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, fr35y.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

The creation of the new Kavian.World will have a Questing system where the user can be rewarded with KAV tokens through their gameplay. We initially target a daily 1250 KAV token Questing budget to try it out.

This proposal is to set aside rewards for the first 3 months (90 days), Estimating roughly 112,500 TLM that will be swapped to KAV tokens. This should allow the kavian.world Minecraft server to be initiated and tested.

The KAV tokens will immediately be converted to KAV tokens and transferred to the waxminecraft account for automatic distribution.

Requested: 1250 Daily KAV Rewards x 90 days
Total: 112,500

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 112500.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian.World Quest Rewards

#: 235


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Setup of Kavian.World MineQuest services

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: lib5wnyuqahk


2023-10-31 19:00:58

Value: $591.2

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, fr35y.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Initiate a dedicated Kavian Minecraft world: kavian.world. It will be built using the EOSUSA MineQuest system as a new, independent world. With a full Quest and reward system able to distribute KAV tokens to players. The system has the capabilities of adding other types of rewards in the future if requested and enabled.

Set-up fee: $250
Monthly operating costs (Servers & Maintenance): $250 x 3 months
Proposal to cover the Setup plus November, December and January.
Total: ~$1000, roughly 100,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Setup of Kavian.World MineQuest services

#: 234


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: 2dy4ewesnbke


2023-10-30 20:31:47

Value: $118.2

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 233


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: ccjuzgnurmpk


2023-10-30 20:31:41

Value: $118.2

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: gykb4.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 232


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: 3tv3admixeib


2023-10-30 20:31:30

Value: $118.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: fr35y.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 231


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: 44d4xrf2t2rl


2023-10-30 20:31:18

Value: $118.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: neyau.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 230


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fr35y.wam

Proposal: psbn5csjfuqq


2023-10-30 20:31:24

Value: $118.2

Approved by: fr35y.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 229


( 2 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: bxjxvydz3ysc


2023-11-01 19:00:52

Value: $443.4

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam fr35y.wam

#: 228


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Dragon Awakening

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: zdkkvpdg5olr


2023-11-01 18:32:38

Value: $591.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

In part, a real life event to bring an Alien Avatar NFT character to life/NFT meet-up through a Performance called Dragon Awakening. Outcomes include but aren’t limited to: Media for future content, distribution of AW swag and NFT’s, AW outreach and education, and future AW lore.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Dragon Awakening

#: 227


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Support TLM Listing

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: je1wtuq4p3al


2023-11-01 18:30:58

Value: $886.8

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

5th Kavian Support Proposal includes ~20 Proposals to reach target support In partial support of additional of exploring TLM token listing on an existing centralized regulated exchange. The exchange may be licensed in Switzerland, facilitate OTC trades between crypto and EUR and CHF. Users may be able to be onboarded with bank wires. The exchange may be able to service prospective users more than 30 countries in Europe. Resources for this Proposal may support in-part some of the activities relating to bringing TLM online though the Swiss market to research, marketing, and additional consulting fees. Approximate token listing may be ~Q4 2023.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 150000.0000 TLM

memo: support tlm listing

#: 226


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Claim Budget

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: wjiq5du2nebh


2023-10-25 11:33:29

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, fr35y.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Budget claim for kavian

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 225


( 3 / 5 )

Name: WAX-based Decentralized Chat for Custodians and MSIG accounts

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: pdeqi34moegw


2023-10-19 00:55:50

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

To be applied towards the anticipated 500k TLM ~4-8 more in-part Proposals may be needed to support this project. Supporting in-part a utility-based chat service initially focused at Custodians of the Planets and MSIG (multi-signature holders) of various WAX accounts. Release one may focus on Custodian users being able to log in a website that hosts a decentralized chat, where they could communicate with each other in a safe, secure, moderated destination-- as it enhances the signal-to-noise ratio. This could be designed in a way to be expanded with additional feature and feature requests. Anticipated amount Resourced is ~500k TLM 450k for Chat service support , 50k for management and QA

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: resourcing in part, chat service

#: 224


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Support TLM listing on regulated crypto exchange

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: dk4mrhgvk5rm


2023-10-19 00:53:32

Value: $886.8

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

4th Kavian Support Proposal includes ~20 Proposals to reach target support In partial support of additional of exploring TLM token listing on an existing centralized regulated exchange. The exchange may be licensed in Switzerland, facilitate OTC trades between crypto and EUR and CHF. Users may be able to be onboarded with bank wires. The exchange may be able to service prospective users more than 30 countries in Europe. Resources for this Proposal may support in-part some of the activities relating to bringing TLM online though the Swiss market to research, marketing, and additional consulting fees. Approximate token listing may be ~Q4 2023.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 150000.0000 TLM

memo: TLM utility support to support itself

#: 223


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Dragon Awakening

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: tjunnjpdrh1u


2023-10-19 00:47:53

Value: $443.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

75,000 of 400,000 - In part, a real life event to bring an Alien Avatar NFT character to life/NFT meet-up through a Performance called Dragon Awakening. Outcomes include but aren’t limited to: Media for future content, distribution of AW swag and NFT’s, AW outreach and education, and future AW lore.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: IRL event

#: 222


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ap1wxnr3kvir


2023-10-13 22:54:01

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 221


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: zcz2kjmw54cu


2023-10-13 22:53:58

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 220


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: gcz1nhna4woi


2023-10-18 05:24:51

Value: $591.2

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Congratulations 4%!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 219


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: bzekku2qkzah


2023-10-18 04:48:17

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 218


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian supports IPF

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: ej5o5acihitq


2023-10-12 02:44:18

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Kavian Custodians support in part the continuation of Federation HR: https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: Resourcing Federation HR

Links from description:

#: 217


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Dragon Awakening

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: xccodhyyqhfx


2023-10-12 02:42:54

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

50,000 of 400,000 - In part, a real life event to bring an Alien Avatar NFT character to life/NFT meet-up through a Performance called Dragon Awakening. Outcomes include but aren’t limited to: Media for future content, distribution of AW swag and NFT’s, AW outreach and education, and future AW lore.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: IRL event

#: 216


( 3 / 5 )

Name: X WAX-based Decentralized Chat for Custodians and MSIG accounts

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: eepdyjbhr53e


2023-10-12 02:41:42

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

50k TLM applied towards the anticipated 500k TLM ~4-8 more in-part Proposals may be needed to support this project. Supporting in-part a utility-based chat service initially focused at Custodians of the Planets and MSIG (multi-signature holders) of various WAX accounts. Release one may focus on Custodian users being able to log in a website that hosts a decentralized chat, where they could communicate with each other in a safe, secure, moderated destination-- as it enhances the signal-to-noise ratio. This could be designed in a way to be expanded with additional feature and feature requests. Anticipated amount Resourced is ~500k TLM 450k for Chat service support , 50k for management and QA

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: rnjgk.wam

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: resourcing in part, chat service

#: 215


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Support TLM listing on regulated crypto exchange

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: chdgv32tqshk


2023-10-12 02:40:44

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

3rd Kavian Support Proposal includes ~20 Proposals to reach target support In partial support of additional of exploring TLM token listing on an existing centralized regulated exchange. The exchange may be licensed in Switzerland, facilitate OTC trades between crypto and EUR and CHF. Users may be able to be onboarded with bank wires. The exchange may be able to service prospective users more than 30 countries in Europe. Resources for this Proposal may support in-part some of the activities relating to bringing TLM online though the Swiss market to research, marketing, and additional consulting fees. Approximate token listing may be ~Q4 2023.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: TLM utility support to support itself

#: 214


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: ydtks3evcqhx


2023-10-11 21:13:29

Value: $443.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 213


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: xt4qfsomavj1


2023-10-11 21:13:20

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 212


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian Brew Co

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 5nmvxh1smbug


2023-10-10 19:27:26

Value: $443.4

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Showing support for Kavian Brew Co the Best Brewery in the Metaverse.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: brewco

#: 211


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian supports IPF

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: irq2jwdfvaum


2023-10-06 16:54:49

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Kavian Custodians support in part the continuation of Federation HR: https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: Resourcing Federation HR

Links from description:

#: 210


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Dragon Awakening

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: e2wsnruxvafy


2023-10-06 16:54:24

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

50,000 of 400,000 - In part, a real life event to bring an Alien Avatar NFT character to life/NFT meet-up through a Performance called Dragon Awakening. Outcomes include but aren’t limited to: Media for future content, distribution of AW swag and NFT’s, AW outreach and education, and future AW lore.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: IRL event

#: 209


( 3 / 5 )

Name: WAX-based Decentralized Chat for Custodians and MSIG accounts

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: p5l2cnorrt3w


2023-10-06 16:54:16

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

50k TLM applied towards the anticipated 500k TLM ~4-8 more in-part Proposals may be needed to support this project. Supporting in-part a utility-based chat service initially focused at Custodians of the Planets and MSIG (multi-signature holders) of various WAX accounts. Release one may focus on Custodian users being able to log in a website that hosts a decentralized chat, where they could communicate with each other in a safe, secure, moderated destination-- as it enhances the signal-to-noise ratio. This could be designed in a way to be expanded with additional feature and feature requests. Anticipated amount Resourced is ~500k TLM 450k for Chat service support , 50k for management and QA

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: rnjgk.wam

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: resourcing in part, chat service

#: 208


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Support TLM listing on regulated crypto exchange

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: p5xaodzlqgjv


2023-10-06 16:54:09

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

2nd Kavian Support Proposal includes ~20 Proposals to reach target support In partial support of additional of exploring TLM token listing on an existing centralized regulated exchange. The exchange may be licensed in Switzerland, facilitate OTC trades between crypto and EUR and CHF. Users may be able to be onboarded with bank wires. The exchange may be able to service prospective users more than 30 countries in Europe. Resources for this Proposal may support in-part some of the activities relating to bringing TLM online though the Swiss market to research, marketing, and additional consulting fees. Approximate token listing may be ~Q4 2023.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: TLM utility support to support itself

#: 207


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: nodvmy3d2sht


2023-10-04 22:14:12

Value: $443.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 206


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: n1gnjeoib1ww


2023-10-04 05:16:56

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 205


( 3 / 5 )

Name: WAX-based Decentralized Chat for Custodians and MSIG accounts

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 32hnicrjpzgo


2023-09-28 04:14:14

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

50k TLM applied towards the anticipated 500k TLM
~4-8 more in-part Proposals may be needed to support this project.
Supporting in-part a utility-based chat service initially focused at Custodians of the Planets and MSIG (multi-signature holders) of various WAX accounts. Release one may focus on Custodian users being able to log in an website that hosts a decentralized chat, where they could communicate with each other in a safe, secure, moderated destination-- as it enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. This could be designed in a way to be expanded with additional feature and feature requests.

Anticipated amount Resourced is ~500k TLM
450k for Chat service support , 50k for management and QA

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: rnjgk.wam

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: resourcing in part chat service

#: 204


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Supporting TLM listing on regulated crypto exchange.

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: g25xekd4mzsz


2023-09-28 04:14:21

Value: $886.8

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Proposal includes ~20 Proposals to reach target support
In partial support of additional of exploring TLM token listing on an existing centralized regulated exchange. The exchange may be licensed in Switzerland, facilitate OTC trades between crypto and EUR and CHF. Users may be able to be onboarded with bank wires. The exchange may be able to service prospective users more than 30 countries in Europe.
Resources for this Proposal may support in-part some of the activities relating to bringing TLM online though the Swiss market to research, marketing, and additional consulting fees.
Approximate token listing may be ~Q4 2023.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 150000.0000 TLM

memo: TLM utility support to support itself

#: 203


( 1 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 3vs11hvkis4x


2023-09-28 00:07:07

Value: $443.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 202


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: xtmvwgpjo3li


2023-09-27 04:38:12

Value: $443.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 201


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: mzjo4cgkn5kj


2023-09-27 04:38:06

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 200


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Consortium Engagement Pilot Program Expansion

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: aiirwyfu2igk


2023-09-27 04:37:38

Value: $0.0

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

The Consortium Pilot Program has three rewards left to be redeemed. This Proposal serves to expand the Consortium Pilot Program to include the newest community on Consortium, Alien Edition!

Create a poll on Alien Edition, get five votes on it, and win 1,000 TLM!


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Consortium Pilot Program

Links from description:

#: 199


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Mission Control + IPF Medium

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: f2fwqn13m4ft


2023-09-27 04:37:27

Value: $29.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Mission Control has taken on a new responsibility as the publisher of the Interplanetary Federation's newspaper. Now, we're in search of willing participants to become the messengers of information, distributing newspapers to subscribers on all six planets. By taking on this vital role, you'll contribute to fostering understanding, unity, and shared awareness among the diverse inhabitants of the Federation's member planets.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: adventure,38

#: 198


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian supports IPF

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: efwfracbrllg


2023-09-27 04:37:17

Value: $739.0

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Kavian Custodians support in part the continuation of Federation HR: https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 125000.0000 TLM

memo: Resourcing Federation HR

Links from description:

#: 197


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Alien Avatars Season 2

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 53zixznnnt5r


2023-09-27 04:37:07

Value: $0.0

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Season 2 of Alien Avatars has been received and is ready for distribution. Of each character commissioned (based on the preferences of the Founding Members of the InterPlanetary Federation,) there are 10 total NFTs, totaling 100 NFTs.
Distribution schedule is as follows:
Mint 1,2, and 3 of each character will be sent to the address which requested the character.
Mint 4, 5, and 6 will be held in ipfmultisig1
Mint 7, 8, and 9 will be held for community rewards in aliencontent
Mint 10 will be held in kavian.dac

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: boid

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Avatars Season 2

#: 196


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian Brew Co X Swag Surpris

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: jjp3s2abgigz


2023-09-24 04:15:49

Value: $739.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Resourcing in part the creation, distribution, and support of Kavian swag featuring Kavian Brew Co and surprise swag for AW communities

Based on the success of Proposal : https://alienw.com/proposals/kavian/ipzakw4epe2i
As pictured in: https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation/alien-worlds-swag-spotted-around-the-globe-2b1d8285706c

100,000– swag
25,000– management

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 125000.0000 TLM

memo: swag special metaversal delivery

Links from description:

#: 195


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 5uzptphzctlk


2023-09-21 02:14:09

Value: $443.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 194


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 5xdb1wpmrsyx


2023-09-21 02:13:56

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 193


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Alien Edition Live Segments Sponsored by Galactic Lore

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: vkbrcxn1u4qd


2023-09-20 03:54:36

Value: $1,389.3

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Alien Edition Live Segments Sponsored by Galactic Lore – Alien Edition is celebrating Galactic Lore and the Lore Engagement Pilot Program by running a “Month of Lore Lords” and inviting the Galactic Lore Lords of the Lore Engagement Pilot Program to support engagement with Galactic Lore Consortium from September 1-30th.


Management: 35,000
Alien Edition: 200,000
Community Rewards: utilizing previous distribution

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 235000.0000 TLM

memo: Galactic Lore and Alien Edition

Links from description:

#: 192


( 3 / 5 )

Name: AW/WAX game pilot

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 24n3klsr4u3q


2023-09-20 03:35:18

Value: $295.6

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Supported in part by Kavian Custodians, for a proof of concept 3D game that uses WAX wallet, where users can interact by sending tokens and NFTs.

Timeline: minimum 6 weeks.

First distribution of 2.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: 1/2 Resourcing

#: 191


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Alien Avatar Season 2 - Asset Management

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: lx5homthjr51


2023-09-19 19:53:54

Value: $0.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Transfer of assets to WAX account for management: Alien Avatar Season 2 NFT's sponsored by Kavian Custodians, as referenced in Proposal : https://alienw.com/proposals/kavian/cuagoudjjdjm

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: boid

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Season 2

Links from description:

#: 190


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: qxwdqrb5u1ci


2023-09-13 04:25:56

Value: $443.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 189


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 2r5acsbjubvt


2023-09-13 04:15:21

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 188


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: yg5qda5s3mob


2023-09-13 04:15:08

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 187


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 4vcwossyybkr


2023-09-13 03:57:25

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 186


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Onboarding Pilot Program Expansion

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: p4s1prsdpyqe


2023-09-13 03:00:16

Value: $739.0

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Based on the success of the Onboarding Pilot Program (https://alienw.com/proposals/kavian/vbx1u1laumi2). Kavian Custodians wish to partially support the extension of this program. Some of the previous program participants pictured at the bottom of https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation/alien-worlds-swag-spotted-around-the-globe-2b1d8285706c

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 125000.0000 TLM

memo: Onboarding Pilot Program Expansion

Links from description:

#: 185


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Support Tool 2 earn

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: tytool2earn


2023-09-09 00:57:44

Value: $29.6

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Show support for All the tools built and maintained at https://tool2earn.pages.dev/aw/

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: efhr.wam

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: Thanks for the Alien Worlds tools

Links from description:

#: 184


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Support alienw Notification on Official AW TG

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: alienwnotify


2023-09-09 00:57:39

Value: $29.6

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Show support for adding the alienw notification bot to the official Alien Worlds Telegram group.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: alienw

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: Thanks for the Alien Worlds Notification Bot

#: 183


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Alien Edition goes live in 5 minutes!

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: sj4xvemtghan


2023-09-13 18:55:20

Value: $0.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal


First five viewers to join win a prize!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Edition

Links from description:

#: 182


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: r21ehryw1u1a


2023-09-07 05:25:43

Value: $443.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 181


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 2rcklbo1b4ku


2023-09-07 05:25:32

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 180


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Federation HR

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: gkkslrgiairu


2023-09-06 16:05:01

Value: $1,123.2

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Federation HR

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 190000.0000 TLM

memo: Resourcing Federation HR

#: 179


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian Supports the IPF

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: mrw4iomidlfn


2023-08-30 04:52:28

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The IPF has the support of Kavian. Learn more about the IPF at medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: IPF

#: 178


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: mjy5lvvwuo4b


2023-08-30 04:51:54

Value: $443.4

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 177


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: dksbluk5o4hn


2023-08-30 04:45:10

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 176


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Federation HR

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: br3lgqknkht2


2023-08-29 18:36:38

Value: $886.8

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Resourcing Federation HR

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 150000.0000 TLM

memo: Federation HR

#: 175


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian Brewco Brawl!

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: bpekg4urtr3p


2023-08-27 22:04:48

Value: $29.6

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Kavian wishes to support Mission Control by sponsoring an Adventure!

Kavian's biggest company, the Kavian Brewco, faces a dire threat from intoxicated looters with an insatiable desire for Kavians most prized resource: beer. Your mission is to gather a team to defend the brewery against this unruly menace.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: adventure,26

#: 174


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: tlqagnxky231


2023-08-23 03:51:43

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 173


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: xoxavg11rkzc


2023-08-23 16:28:36

Value: $443.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 172


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: ffdkp154q1i3


2023-08-23 16:27:50

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 171


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Mission Control Adventure

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: b4hjmopzwr2u


2023-08-23 03:56:12

Value: $29.6

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

Kavian's biggest company, the Kavian Brewco, faces a dire threat from intoxicated looters with an insatiable desire for Kavians most prized resource: beer. Your mission is to gather a team to defend the brewery against this unruly menace.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: hq.mu

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: tlmdrop

#: 170


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Alien Avatar

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: zazc5txpzhex


2023-08-22 01:01:06

Value: $295.6

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Partially Resourcing the creation of a custom Alien Avatar.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: boid

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Avatar

#: 169


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Social Media Initiative Pilot Program

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: lrof4i22lagb


2023-08-23 16:28:02

Value: $886.8

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Partially Resourcing the creation of a Social Media Initiative Pilot Program. This will seed the creation of 10 videos, thirty-second in length, for various social media platforms. The goal is to build evergreen short form content that can be reused and re-tooled for a variety of marketing purposes.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 150000.0000 TLM

memo: media

#: 168


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 1tohdhwtslq4


2023-08-19 16:49:20

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 167


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Social Media Initiative Pilot Program

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: eqm3irff4zqz


2023-08-19 02:04:00

Value: $88.7

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Partially Resourcing the creation of a Social Media Initiative Pilot Program. This will seed the creation of 10 videos, thirty-second in length, for various social media platforms. The goal is to build evergreen short form content that can be reused and re-tooled for a variety of marketing purposes.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 15000.0000 TLM

memo: media

#: 166


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Lore Engagement Pilot Program

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: crjwjydngu1d


2023-08-20 05:36:13

Value: $709.4

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

(Resubmitting for proposal that did not execute).

Partially Resourcing the Lore Engagement Pilot Program for the purpose of additionally Resourcing the chosen Lore Lords

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 120000.0000 TLM

memo: Lore

#: 165


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: qc35eyqzczvs


2023-08-16 05:00:31

Value: $443.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 74998.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 164


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 3givaakbqltk


2023-08-16 05:00:06

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 163


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Miners Union Farewell Mission

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: huvuqwpfzbr3


2023-08-16 05:00:18

Value: $29.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Custodians of Kavian wish to support the Miners Union in their farewell mission.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: hq.mu

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: tlmdrop

#: 162


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Miners Union Farewell Mission

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: zswpbalyezaa


2023-08-15 22:03:38

Value: $29.6

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

Custodians of Kavian wish to support the Miners Union in their farewell mission.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: hq.mu

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: Miners Union

#: 161


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: rst5ojdh3fkh


2023-08-11 17:40:34

Value: $443.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 160


( 0 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: amdmfzmmgeqc


2023-08-10 14:05:08

Value: $443.4

Approved by:

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 159


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: sugq1j1ofbbg


2023-08-09 20:05:27

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 158


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Social Media Initiative Pilot Program

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: a35p5bsucjix


2023-08-16 01:14:39

Value: $798.1

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Partially Resourcing the creation of a Social Media Initiative Pilot Program. This will seed the creation of 10 videos, thirty-second in length, for various social media platforms. The goal is to build evergreen short form content that can be reused and re-tooled for a variety of marketing purposes.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 135000.0000 TLM

memo: content

#: 157


( 3 / 5 )

Name: InterPlanetary Transmissions

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: ck2vbgysx3rx


2023-08-09 20:05:38

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Partially Resourcing the enabling of InterPlanetary Transmissions in major city to support Alien Edition and other Kavian supported initiatives.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: Transmission

#: 156


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: r1yspca52i3l


2023-08-02 16:00:08

Value: $443.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 155


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: aqnsnptnac1g


2023-08-02 14:58:11

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 154


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ykzafoivxtre


2023-08-09 14:53:24

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 153


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Lore Engagement Pilot Program

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: d5pd5oygopnw


2023-08-08 18:14:42

Value: $709.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Partially Resourcing the Lore Engagement Pilot Program for the purpose of additionally Resourcing the chosen Lore Lords due to mis-wording in original Proposal: https://alienw.com/proposals/kavian/4qqfcjufwawr

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 120000.0000 TLM

memo: Lore Lord

Links from description:

#: 152


( 3 / 5 )

Name: IPF Resourcing

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: utvs2idmag1m


2023-08-02 16:41:42

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Partially resourcing the IPF - FederationHR.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: IPF

#: 151


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: caumhjcvxar1


2023-07-26 14:55:06

Value: $443.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 150


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ndralp25pltf


2023-07-26 04:28:54

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 149


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: xx5tx2uotdus


2023-07-26 04:20:35

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 148


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Onboarding Pilot Program

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: vbx1u1laumi2


2023-07-25 20:34:49

Value: $739.0

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Pilot Program for onboarding 5 new players into Alien Worlds game and Alien Worlds DAOs. Each new player will be awarded 15,000 TLM for their time learning and to support future engagement of Alien Worlds DAOs. Additional outcomes include but aren't limited to the use of media from the onboarding to create more content.

75,000 TLM (5 x 15,000)
Management: 50,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 125000.0000 TLM

memo: Onboarding Pilot Program

#: 147


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Content Creation Pilot Program Additional Support

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: mq5bvi1dynbv


2023-07-25 20:31:56

Value: $1,330.1

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Description - Part 2- Expanding on the Content Creation Pilot Program to partially Resource the creation of content including but not limited to Medium, Twitter, and YouTube, as well as costumes and performance.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 225000.0000 TLM

memo: part 2/2

#: 146


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Test Transfer

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: fzxe43qwukml


2023-07-27 20:33:03

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Here's the first custom MSIG tx out of Kavian! Let's get Kavian #1 to one of our trusted community members.

atomicassets: transfer

from: .kavian.dac

asset_ids: ['1099885743047']

memo: "Test first custom MSIG from Kavian!"

#: 145


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: vclcv51paeoh


2023-07-19 15:30:12

Value: $443.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 144


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: xwf1kj3qvdgc


2023-07-17 19:58:27

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 143


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Acryptia Boss Battles!

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: oxgwewmlqmvk


2023-07-17 07:15:55

Value: $0.0

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

This is the account [gykb4.wam] we wish to be the captain for the three Acryptia x Alien Worlds Boss Battles!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: gykb4.wam

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Acryptia!

#: 142


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Acryptia Boss Battles!

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: zpfqiblpsacw


2023-07-24 05:52:11

Value: $0.0

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

This is the account [gykb4.wam] we wish to be the captain for the three Acryptia x Alien Worlds Boss Battles!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Acryptia

#: 141


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Content Creation Pilot Program Additional Support

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: hz1xp1mjljso


2023-07-14 02:50:58

Value: $1,330.1

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Description - Part 1- Expanding on the Content Creation Pilot Program to Resource community rewards to be distributed through engagement, including but not limited to NFT's, TwitterSpace, live segments, and contests.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 225000.0000 TLM

memo: Expansion

#: 140


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Lore Engagement Pilot Program Expansion

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: annyt2sqgaco


2023-07-14 02:42:38

Value: $177.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Expanding the Lore Engagement Pilot Program Resources for community rewards.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 30000.0000 TLM

memo: Expansion

#: 139


( 3 / 5 )

Name: cwa

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 5e53vqqfrq2v


2023-07-14 02:40:32

Value: $443.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 138


( 1 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: gup3ebosmlj2


2023-07-13 04:23:54

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 137


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: sfrsz2sh4c1h


2023-07-19 16:26:39

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 136


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Sponsorship of Second Edition of Alien Avatars

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: cuagoudjjdjm


2023-07-07 11:57:54

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

2 of 2 - Support in part for the Second Edition of Alien Avatars, the gHubs.io | AW Community supported project: https://alienavatars.io/ Deliverables to kavian.dac

as per https://alienw.com/proposals/kavian/q3olh3arzbqu

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: boid

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: 2/2 Second Edition Alien Avatars. <3

Links from description:

#: 135


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Sponsorship of Second Edition of Alien Avatars

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: n1f4g5nerewx


2023-07-07 12:06:47

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

2 of 2 - Support in part for the Second Edition of Alien Avatars, the gHubs.io | AW Community supported project: https://alienavatars.io/ Deliverables to kavian.dac

as per https://alienw.com/proposals/kavian/q3olh3arzbqu

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: boid

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: 2/2 Second Edition Alien Avatars. <3

Links from description:

#: 134


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Sponsorship of Second Edition of Alien Avatars

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 1xbh3oupybrh


2023-07-07 12:06:44

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

2 of 2 - Support in part for the Second Edition of Alien Avatars, the gHubs.io | AW Community supported project: https://alienavatars.io/ Deliverables to kavian.dac

as per https://alienw.com/proposals/kavian/q3olh3arzbqu

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: boid

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: 2/2 Second Edition Alien Avatars. <3

Links from description:

#: 133


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: nbsiks5mdhw2


2023-07-05 22:23:12

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 132


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: ewex4gikp4ii


2023-07-05 22:22:27

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 131


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: de41jpkwizse


2023-06-29 19:56:15

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 130


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Sponsorship of Second Edition of Alien Avatars

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: q3olh3arzbqu


2023-06-29 01:28:56

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

1 of 2 - Support in part for the Second Edition of Alien Avatars, the gHubs.io | AW Community supported project: https://alienavatars.io/

Deliverables to kavian.dac includes, but not limited to:
~10 pre-minted NFT avatar templates
~3 pre-minted NFTs of each avatar

Congrats to Boid team for the successful AW Community project!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: boid

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: Second Edition Alien Avatars. <3

Links from description:

#: 129


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: w2d45n5cxijs


2023-06-28 15:27:34

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 128


( 3 / 5 )

Name: IPF Resources

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: ldz2sttiuwdm


2023-06-27 22:49:22

Value: $1,300.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

IPF Resources

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 220000.0000 TLM

memo: IPF

#: 127


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian Custodians Congratulate IPF Founding Members

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: gzabidcfyyyz


2023-06-27 22:43:19

Value: $591.2

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Congratulate support for Ratification of the IPF Constitution

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: 5thba.wam 42lra.wam t1dbe.wam jbhqu.wam rnjgk.wam r1onu.c.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam 51mqs.wam gykb4.wam

#: 126


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Swag Distribution Support

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: xsxtx2he5jd3


2023-06-27 22:40:22

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Additional support for distribution of Kavian AW swag.

Deliverables includes but not limited to:
~10-30 domestic + international destination swag boxes
-assistance in fulfillment

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: swag special metaversal delivery

#: 125


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian Custodians Congratulate IPF Founding Members

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: r1na1pbzjuej


2023-07-04 22:33:14

Value: $591.2

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Congratulate support for Ratification of the IPF Constitution

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: 5thba.wam 42lra.wam t1dbe.wam jbhqu.wam rnjgk.wam r1onu.c.wam a.d3u.c.wam hweaq.wam 51mqs.wam gykb4.wam

#: 124


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Silver and TLM backed NFTs for Kavian Landholders

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: mhbqhjerdkwf


2023-06-27 18:51:08

Value: $473.0

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Additional resources for Kavain Silver backed NFT's.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 80002.0000 TLM

memo: LD2

#: 123


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Silver and TLM backed NFTs for Kavian Landholders

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: jzpqzy2lowu1


2023-07-04 03:15:42

Value: $472.9

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Additional resources for Kavain Silver backed NFT's.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 80000.0000 TLM

memo: LD2

#: 122


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 5vbouvauesmf


2023-06-21 04:27:15

Value: $295.6

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 121


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: v3vmoav1nvtk


2023-06-21 04:25:28

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 120


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: tkjfmjl33dfd


2023-06-15 15:27:08

Value: $295.6

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: hweaq.wam a.d3u.c.wam gykb4.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam

#: 119


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: h2sqq5rafzhg


2023-06-14 04:49:05

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 118


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Silver and TLM backed NFTs for Kavian Landholders

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: wemyahzgc5nq


2023-06-13 21:39:09

Value: $1,300.6

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Now supporting Kavian Landholders! We saw these on Neri, we want them on Kavian!

Documented by IPF for Neri: https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation/how-to-claim-your-tlm-silver-backed-nfts-from-ld2-dd2e2dd9949e

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 220000.0000 TLM

memo: nfts for kavian landholders

Links from description:

#: 117


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Production support for Pilot "Alien Edition"

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: pqwnsrzb2yk1


2023-06-13 21:02:35

Value: $886.8

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Partial support for post production services of "Alien Edition."

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 150000.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Edition

#: 116


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custom NFT Avatar Maker

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: jpasdlwnhil3


2023-06-13 20:46:22

Value: $147.8

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Two custom Kavian Custodian NFT Avatars.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: boid

quantity: 25000.0000 TLM

memo: for two avatars

#: 115


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: nxihplkvn41f


2023-06-07 04:08:12

Value: $295.6

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Custodian Weekly Allowance

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 114


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Consortium.vote additional support

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: vc4mmlc2jr4f


2023-06-06 21:14:54

Value: $1,477.9

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Additional Resourcing in part to support the decentralization and extension of the voting features on Consortium.vote-- the first gHubs grant recipient.

Some features requested:
account names voting—who votes, number of votes, start date of poll, expiration date - when poll should end, numeric and slider for qty staked, TX link to poll on waxblock, link to poll data on waxblock, data change UI order of polls, sort polls by newest first by default, hide poll.
To be able to see active, past, and all polls.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 250000.0000 TLM

memo: consortium

#: 113


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: m1vuwo313dqj


2023-06-01 22:16:45

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 112


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Representation at 3xp

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: gijacqxaed1w


2023-06-01 22:12:34

Value: $709.4

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The 3xp Web3 gaming expo is the first of its kind featuring exclusively gaming in the Web3 space. Attending the 3xp gaming expo would be a valuable experience for any Custodian. The 3xp gaming expo features some of the biggest names in the Web3 gaming space. Therefore Kavian should be represented at the 3xp gaming expo. Kavian’s presence as a DAO would make a lasting impression on participants in the space, further demonstrating that metaverse proposals can equal real world results.
This is a proposal for Kavian to send a representative to this event to promote Kavian and the Alien Worlds Community, learn about upcoming developments and network with other participants in the Web3 space. This will also serve as an opportunity to utilize previously resourced promotional materials. Resources will provide in part for costs associated with attendance.

120,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 120000.0000 TLM

memo: 3xp

#: 111


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: omwx3zf1zitb


2023-05-31 20:38:53

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 110


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Character for Kavian NFT

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: oybsaxntmsz4


2023-05-31 05:28:55

Value: $0.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Top- Mohawk with a few locks hanging on both sides

Head- black markings, a filled in V at the top of forehead that connects to the mohawk with scales. Black V stripe that goes from ear to ear, across the eyes and connecting across the nose. Black eyebrows and lips. Black V connects ear to ear from under the chin. Green eyes. High collar at the neck. Black strip in the shape of a V coming from the neckline/shoulder to a golden yellow amulet.

Torso- Silver shoulder guard armor arch up into feathered sharp angles. Blue/purple leotard is made of scales, opens in the front to below ches level/above belly button. KAV badge on the right side of the leotard. Silver strap connects shoulder guard armor across the chest above the breast line. An Amulet of a golden yellow gemstone hangs from the neck and centers in the chest strap. Double spaced silver waist strap connects down to V leg straps. Blue/purple leotard made of scales- fades to legs. Arms have silver wrist cuffs complimenting the V shapes of the other silver straps.

Legs- Blue/purple leotard made of scales fades out at hips and transitions to very sheer black skin. Black boots with complimenting silver V shapes at the top of the knee-high boot line. Army style knee high combat boots with lace ups, and a knife attachment on the left calf.

Equipment- knife attachment on the left calf, the silver waist strap holds a near body length black and silver katana that rests diagonally on the back (also has a golden yellow gem amulet), golden yellow gem amulet hanging on the neck that has special powers, mohawk shoots fire out golden beads on side tendrils that can ignite the katana (golden gem activation.)

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: days=1 receiver=kavian.dac

#: 109


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: zekrdbjervfl


2023-05-31 01:57:38

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 108


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Piloting two IRL Meet-up style events

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: xikqrb5x2dx1


2023-05-30 16:41:11

Value: $1,034.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

This Proposal will Resource in-part, two Pilot IRL events to introduce AW activities to greater audiences. One event will be used to capture content, the other will be used to create more public awareness via existing AW community provided branding. Both events will have engagement with prizes for attendees that successfully onboarding at the events. These events will be well documented and promoted. There will be calls-to-action, as to effectively track these campaigns.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 175000.0000 TLM

memo: piloting IRL events

#: 107


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Lore Engagement Pilot Program Application Extension

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: asjrsqyu3fio


2023-05-30 00:56:42

Value: $0.0

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Extending the application period on the Lore Lord Pilot Program (https://alienw.com/proposals/kavian/4qqfcjufwawr) to the 30th of June, 2023.

Submit applications to the Galactic Lore Telegram channel : https://t.me/+Bbgc7eoug9gzNmUx

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Lore Engagement

Links from description:

#: 106


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 5cyzvjvg2ile


2023-05-28 22:58:43

Value: $295.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 105


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: dqlqem5kphi1


2023-06-04 20:20:28

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 104


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 2vfk13wpwrrc


2023-05-24 02:43:36

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 103


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Resourcing the IPF

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 2cc5242nlc41


2023-05-23 22:27:57

Value: $226.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

The Interplanetary Federation is a proposed solution to unite Qualified Custodians from participating Syndicates into a system with Elected Councils, Rank Choice Voting, and Custodian Proposals.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 38294.0000 TLM

memo: IPF

#: 102


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Sponsorship of Expanding Content Creation Pilot Program

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: qqv1nm3ww4vw


2023-05-23 22:23:11

Value: $945.9

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Description - Partially supporting efforts including but not limited to video production, engagement, promotion, interviews, etc for Content Creation Pilot Program. Note- this was additionally resourced by other programs.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 160000.0000 TLM

memo: content

#: 101


( 3 / 5 )

Name: BattleDome prize pool

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: wilvcykadn35


2023-05-23 02:49:17

Value: $492.6

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Description: Support for Battledome prize pool that will reward players. Kavian will contribute 1/6th of the total asking amount, as it is one of six Planets.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: bank.dome

quantity: 83333.3333 TLM

memo: BattleDome prize pool

#: 100


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Community engagement and marketing event

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: vxzax3c3l3xh


2023-05-23 03:07:17

Value: $384.3

Approved by: gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Description: In person single day event in Las Vegas to create metaverse awareness, community engagement, and NFT meetup to distribute merchandise. Includes but not limited to promotional materials being distributed, character development performance art, photography, and videography. Supported in part by Custodians of Kavian.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 65000.0000 TLM

memo: In person event

#: 99


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Extend Lore Lord Application period

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: jz3zjawmceaz


2023-05-28 06:30:09

Value: $0.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Extending the application period on the Lore Lord Pilot Program (https://alienw.com/proposals/kavian/4qqfcjufwawr) from the15th of May, 2023 to the 31st of May, 2023.

Submit applications to the Galactic Lore Telegram channel : https://t.me/+Bbgc7eoug9gzNmUx

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Lore Lord

Links from description:

#: 98


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Community engagement and marketing event

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: xs1xqxqesqfn


2023-05-21 06:20:50

Value: $384.3

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Description: In person single day event in Las Vegas to create metaverse awareness, community engagement, and NFT meetup to distribute merchandise. Includes but not limited to promotional materials being distributed, character development performance art, photography, and videography. Supported in part by Custodians of Kavian.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 65000.0000 TLM

memo: Community engagement and marketing event

#: 97


( 1 / 5 )

Name: AWData-AWButler

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: xgfxzgpqrqjf


2023-05-26 12:06:37

Value: $307.4

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

EOSUSA created a data warehouse of all AW game data at the launch of the game to provide detailed reporting for the players. We also built the AWButler system which utilizes that data to provide automated airdrop services for AW land owners to provide additional rewards to their miners.

Seeking 52K TLM for May 2023 operations from Kavian for even split across planets.


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 52000.0000 TLM

memo: AWData-AWButler - May 2023

Links from description:

#: 96


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: trcgql34kbua


2023-05-17 01:12:03

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 95


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: oflhv1a5telz


2023-05-17 01:09:42

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 94


( 3 / 5 )

Name: MU Support 3

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: b2jtere5gvt5


2023-05-16 06:09:01

Value: $197.1

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

MU Support (three missions total)

Description: Custodians of Kavian wish to support the Miners Union by sponsoring three missions.

Mission 3/3

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: hq.mu

quantity: 33333.0000 TLM

memo: tlmdrop

#: 93


( 3 / 5 )

Name: MU Support 2

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: tvuzpr24ilku


2023-05-16 06:08:43

Value: $197.1

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

MU Support (three missions total)

Description: Custodians of Kavian wish to support the Miners Union by sponsoring three missions.

Mission 2/3

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: hq.mu

quantity: 33333.0000 TLM

memo: tlmdrop

#: 92


( 3 / 5 )

Name: MU Support

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: spotzna32hy1


2023-05-16 06:08:15

Value: $197.1

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

MU Support (three missions total)

Description: Custodians of Kavian wish to support the Miners Union by sponsoring three missions.

Mission 1/3

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: hq.mu

quantity: 33333.0000 TLM

memo: tlmdrop

#: 91


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Kavian Fun Swag for Giveaways!

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: ipzakw4epe2i


2023-05-16 00:29:06

Value: $591.2

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

We love cool swag and want some to support the Kavian Syndicate, existing and prospective Members. This Proposal in part will support the design, creation and distribution of promotional items referencing Kavian supported products and services. Completion of Proposal will be within 2-3 weeks of Execution.

Deliverables includes but not limited to:
~5 sticker designs (100~200 of each)
~50 t-shirts (1~2 designs)
~25-50 hats

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Swag + Giveaways

#: 90


( 3 / 5 )

Name: IPF

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 2h1dkynqsm45


2023-05-16 00:10:06

Value: $861.1

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Interplanetary Federation is a proposed solution to unite Qualified Custodians from participating Syndicates into a system with Elected Councils, Rank Choice Voting, and Custodian Proposals.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 145663.0000 TLM

memo: Interplanetary Federation

#: 89


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA (Custodian Weekly Allowance)

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: eyqqcaqolejq


2023-05-10 23:26:08

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

CWA (Custodian Weekly Allowance)

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 88


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 2vmpl55fippm


2023-05-10 06:43:02

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 87


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Delayed Payout Tool resourcing IPF

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: wfd1jqzmuho1


2023-05-09 20:27:46

Value: $591.2

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Demonstration how this tool can trickle resourcing over a period of time to save helpful resources in metaverse projects.

More information available at : https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation/the-delayed-payout-tool-contract-is-live-5c142160b1d9

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: days=90 receiver=ipfresources

Links from description:

#: 86


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Pilot Program for Lore Engagement

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: 4qqfcjufwawr


2023-05-09 20:18:25

Value: $266.0

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Description: Kavian Custodians support in part the creation of the Pilot Program for Lore Engagement:
Community created Lore on Consortium via Pilot Program which includes:

Kavian Member role: Galactic Lore Lord

Per week – Lore Lord will receive ~10,000 TLM to produce, publish and manage 1 Alien Worlds Lore story. They will use Consortium for publishing, managing pilot program specified community engagement and rewards. Lore Lord will be given guidance on creating Lore, and will be responsible for engaging community Members to vote. A report will be required at the end of the pilot program describing the metrics of engagement.

Method: Applications will open from May 9th~15th for the position of Lore Lord. Send inquires and post application publically in https://t.me/GalacticLORE

Application details:
Galactic Lore Lord– describe your experiences with AW, provide a sample writing, how you plan to get engagement on lore, if you have used ChatGPT4, describe your experience with community management, describe your strengths and weaknesses.

10,000 - Galactic Lore Lord rewards
5,000 - Community engagement stipend
30,000- Management

Timeline: ~30 days

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 45000.0000 TLM

memo: Lore Engagement Pilot Program

Links from description:

#: 85


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Proposal - Content Creation Pilot Program

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: o4an4u3qc3fy


2023-05-09 20:06:46

Value: $1,034.6

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Pilot program to support new content creator onto AW to cover InterPlanetary activity and expand on current content. Prerequisite of blockchain experience and marketing background to strategically support new and existing AW community members.

Scope: Content including but not limited to video, social media, articles. Content creator will build social media outreach, engage communities through multiple avenues of media. Extension of Medium articles through video.

TLM resource for creator: 150,000
TLM resource for management: 25,000

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 175000.0000 TLM

memo: Content Creation Pilot Program

#: 84


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: isjwlavdo1bk


2023-05-03 00:53:54

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Custodian Weekly Allocation using Split tool

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 83


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: swzr3pgu2g31


2023-05-03 00:45:49

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 82


( 3 / 5 )

Name: IPF

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 5pikmn5stbbe


2023-05-02 16:35:00

Value: $2,216.9

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

The Interplanetary Federation is a proposed solution to unite Qualified Custodians from participating Syndicates into a system with Elected Councils, Rank Choice Voting, and Custodian Proposals.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 375000.0000 TLM

memo: Interplanetary Federation

#: 81


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Expansion of Pilot Program for Consortium Engagement

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: oohl43rp1weu


2023-05-01 04:34:51

Value: $0.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal


To expand the pilot program previously passed which rewards engagement on Eyeke and IPF Consortium: https://alienw.com/proposals/kavian/tnrwlt1ocnf1

Pilot Program now includes the new Syndicate Consortium communities:

Kavian, Magor, Neri, Naron, and Veles.

Program rewards 1000 TLM to the first ten Members who successfully create a poll and receive five votes.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Consortium Pilot Program Expansion

Links from description:

#: 80


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 2cdfrpbwkogc


2023-04-26 16:45:38

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Custodian Weekly Allocation using Split tool

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 79


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: cqkj1vis24m4


2023-04-26 00:58:33

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 78


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Consortium.vote additional support

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: 3psews4zrk4h


2023-04-22 22:49:29

Value: $739.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Additional Resourcing to support the decentralization and extension of the voting features on Consortium.vote-- the first gHubs grant receipient.

Features requested:

1) The community creator can create and manage a whitelist for who can vote in that community.

2) They can add accounts or move accounts as needed.

3) A toggle to allow the whitelisted accounts -OR- the community creator, allowing one or the other submit the polls to that community.

4) When they set up community, The community creator be able to specify the maximum number of tokens per voter per poll. They should be able to change this number of tokens as well.

Resourcing will support management of this proposal, refining requirements and additional testing as determined by the voting and executing Custodians.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 125000.0000 TLM

memo: Addional support to extend Consortium

#: 77


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Delayed Resource Allocation

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: efsfabaeh5cl


2023-04-21 20:52:28

Value: $165.5

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Save Kavian resources for later using the Delayed Payout Tool built by IPF Custodians,
28000TLM will be sent back to kavian.dac over a period of 28 days. Thanks to the IPF and Neri for this amazing tool.

Save Helpful Resources In Metaverse Projects.

More info here:

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 28000.0000 TLM

memo: days=28 receiver=kavian.dac

Links from description:

#: 76


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Consortium Communities

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 1mxp5pi5dbv4


2023-04-21 19:41:00

Value: $886.8

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Kavian would like to support IPF in the creation of Consortium Communities for all Syndicates in AW.
Consortium is a fully on chain polling system, and the first Galactic Hubs grant recipient.
This valuable tool allows for voting with TLM in polls created by the community.
The IPF will utilize the Resources from this proposal in part to create 5 new Consortium Communities, As, Eyeke already has one.
Each New Community requires approximately 27000TLM to create, New Polls require approximately 270TLM to create.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 150000.0000 TLM

memo: Consortium Communities

#: 75


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: fxdepjsivbnm


2023-04-19 00:25:57

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Custodian Weekly Allowance using Split Tool

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 74


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 1tequozntejg


2023-04-19 00:24:34

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 73


( 3 / 5 )

Name: IPF

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: cthsyc3fuks3


2023-04-18 19:49:43

Value: $1,864.8

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Interplanetary Federation is a proposed solution to unite Qualified Custodians from participating Syndicates into a system with Elected Councils, Rank Choice Voting, and Custodian Proposals.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 315434.0000 TLM

memo: IPF

#: 72


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: qey4mowvopaj


2023-04-12 20:23:03

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Custodian Weekly Allowance using Split tool.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabal neyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 71


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: b4rmhayjqbx3


2023-04-12 20:21:17

Value: $295.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Kavian Custodian Weekly Allowance

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: gykb4.wam a.d3u.c.wam anyo.cabalneyau.wam hweaq.wam

#: 70


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Consortium Pilot Program

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: tnrwlt1ocnf1


2023-04-12 18:03:07

Value: $206.9

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Pilot Program to reward engagement on Consortium.

Based on the success of Consortium as the first Galactic Hubs Grant Program recipient.


1,000TLM reward for the first 10 Players to create a Poll and receive 5 votes in either Eyeke Consortium or IPF Consortium.

Eyeke Consortium https://wax.consortium.vote/community/u4jvv1csiwbu

IPF Consortium https://wax.consortium.vote/community/b3rudzmplfmw

Bridge engagement in the AW Communities with Consortium Communities.

25,000 management
10,000 Consortium Pilot Program (1,000 x 10)

#: 69


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: oacaekma3kcd


2023-04-12 00:30:08

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 68


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: mx14vjp4jn3u


2023-04-12 00:29:18

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, r1onu.c.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 67


( 2 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: fegp3nlivfa5


2023-04-12 00:29:28

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, r1onu.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 66


( 3 / 5 )

Name: IPF

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: ykh4nbhwbnmp


2023-04-10 15:00:28

Value: $2,394.3

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, r1onu.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Interplanetary Federation is a proposed solution to unite Qualified Custodians from participating Syndicates into a system with Elected Councils, Rank Choice Voting, and Custodian Proposals.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 405000.0000 TLM

memo: IPF

#: 65


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Interplanetary Federation

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: dgiocdwrzddt


2023-04-04 18:58:48

Value: $850.1

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, r1onu.c.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

The Interplanetary Federation is a proposed solution to unite Qualified Custodians from participating Syndicates into a system with Elected Councils, Rank Choice Voting, and Custodian Proposals.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 143798.0000 TLM

memo: Interplanetary Federation

#: 64


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: euh3g1dy35oc


2023-03-31 17:58:51

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, r1onu.c.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 63


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Season One: Artist Grant Program

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: a3jy5x42cwiu


2023-03-28 22:01:36

Value: $1,625.7

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, r1onu.c.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam,

Description of Proposal

Based on the successes of the Pilot Program on Neri: https://alienw.com/proposals/neri/ez2xrzutl22i
Read Review: https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation/celebrating-the-successful-completion-of-the-artist-grant-pilot-program-a-win-for-artists-daos-e9a5f9ea0637

Kavian would like to support Season One: Artist Grant Program

Program Includes: Sponsor 5 curated artists that have not made NFTs yet. Help and document their journeys into AW and WAX ecosystem.

Total: 275,000
Management: 25,000
Education and Production: 200000
Artist Bonus: 50,000

1) Introduce artist and their work.
2) Onboard artist into WAX Ecosystem and document any highlights with video.
3) Show them how to mint their 1st artwork NFT edition. Edition of 25-50 NFTs
4) Apply for their collection to be Whitelisted on Atomic.
5) Request donation of the artist to provide 5-10 of their NFTs to the sponsoring Syndicate: kavian.dac
6) Finalize documentation, host on IPFS, send transaction to Syndicate with link per video.
7) Reward 10000 TLM per artist upon submitting NFTs to kavian.dac

#: 62


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Interplanetary Federation

Proposer: r1onu.c.wam

Proposal: oetrbs2vwqbp


2023-03-26 18:05:52

Value: $6,916.8

Approved by: r1onu.c.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

The Interplanetary Federation is a proposed solution to unite Qualified Custodians from participating Syndicates into a system with Elected Councils, Rank Choice Voting, and Custodian Proposals.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1170000.0000 TLM

memo: Interplanetary Federation

#: 61


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Interplanetary Federation

Proposer: r1onu.c.wam

Proposal: amupxv5ktlhe


2023-04-02 17:52:30

Value: $0.1

Approved by: r1onu.c.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.
This proposal shall serve as the foundation of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress. A yes vote to this proposal signifies your intention to join the The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress. The first 9 individual Custodians to Approve this Proposal shall be considered the Founding Members of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.
Please note, this is a living document, and is subject to alteration and editing prior to ratification, based on the suggestions of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.
Resources remaining in kavianplanet will be utilized to build the necessary infrastructure for The Interplanetary Federation DAO.
The Interplanetary Federation DAO (henceforth referred to as The Interplanetary Federation) shall be open to all players of AW who achieve the required qualifications as Custodians, as defined below:
Interplanetary Federation Constitution DRAFT
We, the Custodians of the Interplanetary Federation, ordain and establish this Constitution to promote cooperation and coordination between the Syndicates of AW, and to further the development and growth of our shared community.`
Article I: Membership
1.1 Custodians elected to the same Syndicate for one consecutive 4 week term or more are invited to apply to The Interplanetary Federation.
1.2 Interplanetary Federation membership shall last a period of 180 days. After which Custodians will only be eligible to reapply after being elected for a separate consecutive 4 week term.
1.3 Interplanetary Federation Members who are elected to a second consecutive 4 week term during their last 6 weeks of active membership to The Interplanetary Federation will automatically receive a second term.
1.4 Each Interplanetary Federation Member must stake (100,000) TLM to The Interplanetary Federation for 90 days to gain Interplanetary Federation participation rights.
1.5 Interplanetary Federation participation rights will begin on the initial stake date and will only remain active while staking is active. Interplanetary Federation Participation rights will include, creating proposals, and voting in the biweekly election.
1.6 Syndicate membership in The Interplanetary Federation will be voluntary, subject to approval by 3 of 5 of the active Custodians per Syndicate.
1.7 Syndicate membership in The Interplanetary Federation will require each Syndicate to contribute 10% of their weekly budget to the Interplanetary Federation.
1.8 Syndicate membership shall be considered active on the date of the first contribution and remain active as long as contributions are active.
1.8.1 Syndicates who do not contribute to The Interplanetary Federation for a period of 14 days shall be considered inactive.
1.9 Only Interplanetary Federation Members from active Syndicates shall be eligible to run for Special Councils.
1.9.1 Interplanetary Federation Members from inactive Syndicates shall be removed from Special Councils immediately and replaced at the next biweekly election.
Article II: Special Councils
2.1 There shall be three Special Councils, each consisting of 5 Interplanetary Federation Members.
2.2 Interplanetary Federation Special Council Members will serve 60 day terms and shall be elected by receiving 51% or more in rank choice voting of active Federation Members who participate in the biweekly election.
2.3 Elections of Special Council Members shall occur as part of the biweekly Interplanetary Federation Member voting cycle, and shall be by rank choice voting, where each Interplanetary Federation Member shall vote for two candidates. If one candidate receives 51% or more in the election they are elected to the Special Council. If no candidate receives 51% or more, there shall be an automatic runoff election of the top 2 candidates by percentage until one candidate receives 51% or more of the vote.
2.4 Every Interplanetary Federation Member from an actively contributing Syndicate shall be eligible to run for Special Council but may only serve on one Special Council at a time.
2.5 Special Council proposals shall be considered passed if approved by 3 of 5 Special Council Members.
2.6 There shall be 5 Members on the Executive Council. They will be responsible for the direction of The Interplanetary Federation and finalizing proposals to The Interplanetary Federation Members.
2.7 There shall be 5 Members on the Judicial Council. They will settle disputes within The Interplanetary Federation and determine whether proposals have potential legal consequences. The Judicial Council is responsible for the final check on proposal approval.
2.8 There shall be 5 Members of the Treasury Council. They will determine the costs associated with Interplanetary Federation proposals, approve budgets for proposals, and determine if funds allocated were appropriately spent.
Article III: Proposals
3.1 Proposals may be made by any active Interplanetary Federation Member, but must have a clear and justifiable purpose (where a clear and justifiable purpose is defined as a connection to an ongoing previously approved Interplanetary Federation project; or where it is reasonable to assume that said proposal would be agreed upon by 51% or more of current Interplanetary Federation voting members, and that the proposal will contribute to the furtherance of AW and/or its’ respective Syndicates).
3.2 Each Interplanetary Federation Member receives 1 vote in the biweekly election (regardless of how many Syndicates they are elected to).
3.3 Proposals can be approved in three ways:
3.3.1 If proposed by an Interplanetary Federation Member in the biweekly vote, and a proposal receives the approval of 66% of active Interplanetary Federation Members, it is sent to the Treasury and Judicial Councils for approval. If 3 of 5 of the Treasury Council, and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council approve the proposal, the proposal passes. The Judicial Council has final approval (ratified by Judicial).

3.3.2 If proposed by an Interplanetary Federation Member in the biweekly vote, and a proposal receives the approval of 51% of active Interplanetary Federation Members, it is sent to the Executive Council for approval and revision. If 3 of 5 of the Executive Council approve the proposal, it is sent to the Treasury and Judicial Councils for approval. If 3 of 5 the Treasury Council and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council approve the proposal, the proposal passes. The Judicial Council has final approval. (ratified by Judicial).
3.3.3 If proposed by a Special Council Member, a proposal requires the approval of 3 of 5 of the Executive Council, 3 of 5 of the Treasury Council, and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council, as well as a 51% approval of active Interplanetary Federation Members in the biweekly vote. The Interplanetary Federation Members have final approval. (ratified by Members).

Article IV: Ratification
4.1 This Interplanetary Federation Constitution shall be considered ratified, upon receiving a passing proposal from no less than three Syndicates within AW..
4.2 In the event that The Interplanetary Federation Constitution does not receive a passing proposal from at least 3 Syndicates, the Interplanetary Federation shall be governed by an appointed council of Custodians of any number, chosen at the Interplanetary Federations sole discretion.
Article V: Amendments
5.1 This Interplanetary Federation Constitution is to be considered a living document. Post ratification of this document, it shall remain subject to amendment by receiving 66% in the biweekly vote and a 3 of 5 majority of all three Special Councils.
***If you are a Custodian who supports this Proposal, Please consider submitting it in its entirety to your Syndicate.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 9.0000 TLM

memo: Federation

#: 60


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: sdxngf4sntov


2023-03-26 17:03:05

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, r1onu.c.wam:, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 59


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Give Kavian community a voice on Miners Union

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: kavianmuvote


2023-04-02 12:37:19

Value: $6,798.5

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, y3zra.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Proposal to add voting power to the kavian community over at Miners Union. Their system will allow the community to vote from Mid April

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: hq.mu

quantity: 1150000.0000 TLM

memo: votepower,kavian

#: 58


( 2 / 5 )

Name: AWData-AWButler

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: i5ggcywhzma3


2023-04-02 12:30:04

Value: $6,798.5

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Request for operational funding for the AWData/AWButler services we developed and provide for the community for the months of April 2023 and May 2023. Details of the services and systems available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UWmQ51leL_eOkWCIPqnWWaGPXqmZx_qnpY3jY36hvRo

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1150000.0000 TLM

memo: awdata april23-may23

Links from description:

#: 57


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Clashdome Tournament Manager - Stage 2

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: clashdomest2


2023-03-26 09:54:27

Value: $1,676.9

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, y3zra.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Proposal to cover the second stage of the clashdome tournament manager. The first stage is live on testnet and first beta tournaments will start to be tested in the coming weeks. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X46opK7juDydW-9TBG6Z7sDpQakyiaa6qTrZoSSLaRU/edit#

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 283650.0000 TLM

memo: Second stage of the Tournament Manager

Links from description:

#: 56


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Claim Budget

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: ktrlagnaf1bs


2023-03-20 08:30:02

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, y3zra.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

Budget claim for kavian

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 55


( 3 / 5 )

Name: test for Delayed Payout Tool.

Proposer: Max Infeld | hweaq.wam

Proposal: bf34wnxea15f


2023-03-19 01:41:21

Value: $0.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam:Max Infeld, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

This is the first DAO test of the Delayed Payout Tool.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 5.0000 TLM

memo: days=5 receiver=kavian.dac

Links from description:

#: 54


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Rohan van der Sandt for Office

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: x2dvf33rilrr


2023-03-25 19:24:06

Value: $29.6

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

Rohan would like to receive 5k TLM to run for office; he currently does not have the means to do so.

While not required, I would appreciate it if the 5k were returned to kavian.dac if the situation allows for it at a later time, even though there is no obligation to do so, but it would go towards giving more people a chance to run.

Below you can find Rohan's information + answer to a question posed in https://t.me/planetkavian

Name: Rohan van der Sandt Aka Red

Wam: 4ulb.wam

TLM Requested : 5000 (Candidacy fee)
Twitter: @OrderWorksRed
Telegram: @OrderWorks_Studio
Discord: Ro | Ancient Alley & OrderWorks#3756
Video yourself confirming said information and
Video Coming today. (A bit shy)
why you want to run:
Running for council provides me with a platform to be directly involved in creating sustainable infrastructure within the space, and to drive exciting community engagement initiatives and events. As a WAX creator and project owner I feel personally committed to this thriving digital environment based on inclusive growth, and am here for the long game. A cornerstone of my dedication to the DAO is building a foundation of collective prosperity and enjoyment - something upon which I base all my decisions.
I look forward to serving you all!

What you want to achieve if elected: you mean besides greatness? 😋
Expansion of the Intergalactic Federations social reach and engagement through dedicated discord server. (Also obviously the dedicated maintenance of said server and all that goes with it.)
Delivery of Council Seat NFT artwork
Expansion of public content library for social and community engagement. (Stickers, Mojis, Gifs, Posters etc.)
Anything further to add:
I am fairly new to the AW/SYNFED, I have however been in the larger WAX creative space for over 2 years and know many of the creative/creator players. As such I would like to include and leverage my creative network in favour of SYNFED and the DAO ecosystem growth.

Video: https://t.me/planetkavian/1092

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 4ulb.wam

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM


Links from description:

#: 53


( 3 / 5 )

Name: David Harris for Office

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: wivez3krmjvt


2023-03-15 08:30:22

Value: $29.6

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

David would like to receive 5k TLM to run for office; he currently does not have the means to do so.

While not a load, I would appreciate it if the 5k were returned to kavian.dac if the situation allows for it at a later time, even though there is no obligation to do so, but it would go towards giving more people a chance to run.

Below you can find David's information + answer to a question posed in https://t.me/planetkavian

Name: david harris
Wam: rr3qw.wam
Twitter: @David16881091
Telegram: @david_h87
Discord: @TheRedWizard#5938

Video yourself confirming said information and why you want to run: I'm doxed by the AlienWorlds team but will provide a video if required.

Amount requested: 5000 TLM

Reason for funds: to stake to run for a seat on the Syndicates

What you want to achieve if elected: I'm not going to make promises of riches and the next big thing but I do promise to do my best to bring life back into the space, my aim is bring the planets and miners together to help smaller struggling projects get back up and creating weather that be help funding the next stage of a game development or the 1st stage. Maybe even help fund a new artist/project trying to create new nfts with lore into Alien Worlds or create new utility for current Alien Worlds nfts. I also plan to host some good old fashion mining events and create more collaborative events with current projects like the ZoS and Fgl ones

Anything further to add: I would also love to make some irl differences like creating survival kits for the homeless like a backpack with a tent and sleeping bag with an inflatable pillow.

I haven't run for a seat before this is a 1st for me lol in regards to current proposals I think the zos and battledome ones have been the best ones for community engagement and rewarding, the monkey detectives was an awesome use of funding imo would love to see more of there investigations. I see alot of any and nick in various chat engaging with the community and other custodians the current custodians are all legends and do incredible things in there own way so I'm kind of dreaming being able to top them but I'll give it my all to live up to there expectations and sit with the greats

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: rr3qw.wam

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM


Links from description:

#: 52


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: i2drpcm3pckr


2023-03-14 11:29:33

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 51


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Battledome Player Leagues

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: battledome1


2023-03-13 15:22:00

Value: $1,415.9

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

This proposal is for Kavian to cover half of the Battledome Proposal, Executed only if Neri pass the proposal to cover the other half. - https://alienw.com/proposals/neri/fcdryv2mfkfj. Project initiation: (2 person days) Specify the project for the jr. developers. Coding (8 person days): Steve will manage the two junior developers to implement the changes. Testing (3 person days): We will work with the community to test the update and make necessary updates and changes to ensure smooth gameplay. Release (1 person day): Push out the final changes and update our player guide. Post-Release Support & Tuning (1 person day) Request This project is estimated to take 100-120 person-hours to complete or $7500, which will be paid in TLM. This time estimate includes architecture and design, project management, and knowledge transfer from our CTO to community developers. 50% in advance and 50% upon completion. https://battledome.live/

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: 1fdba.wam

quantity: 239500.0000 TLM

memo: half TLM for battledome player leagues

Links from description:

#: 50


( 3 / 5 )

Name: alienw Worker Proposal UI - Milestone 1

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: alienwmile1a


2023-03-20 14:48:42

Value: $2,069.1

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

The plan is to create a viewer (website) which displays the current and past proposals. With multiple filters and searchable attributes for added transparency and traceability. The User Interface is also planned to provide WAX login (cloud wallet and anchor). So any custodian, arbitrator and project member can interact with the smart contract in a user friendly way. The whole project will require a lot of hours to break down and fully understand how to best present and interact with the Worker Proposal Contract. Including setting up the database, backend functions, frontend functions, caching system and iterations on that feedback. More info: https://alienw.com/articles/alienw/alienw_wp_ui

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: sweden

quantity: 350000.0000 TLM

memo: TLM for the first Milestone

Links from description:

#: 49


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Claim Budget

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: uo33j4ueongf


2023-03-13 14:26:13

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, y3zra.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Budget claim for kavian

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 48


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: gixtxdjswnt5


2023-03-14 18:38:59

Value: $1,436.8

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

We are proposing a new approach to Resource distribution that empowers Custodians to allocate Resources based on their expertise and judgement. Kavian Custodians have already demonstrated their value and ability to manage Resources effectively, and we believe that giving them greater autonomy in this area will benefit our organization.
Current Situation:
Currently, Resource distribution is determined by a centralized decision-making process. While this process has produced some results, we believe that there is a better way. By allowing Custodians to allocate Resources as they see fit, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution.
Under this proposal, each Custodian would receive an equal share of the weekly Resource allocation, and be allowed to utilize these Resources as they see fit, with the understanding that they are accountable for their decisions. This would be done within the framework of our existing policies and procedures, ensuring that Resources are allocated in a manner consistent with our mission and values.
There are several benefits to this approach. First, it allows us to tap into the knowledge and expertise of our Custodians, resulting in more effective Resource distribution. Second, it streamlines the decision-making process, allowing us to allocate Resources more quickly and efficiently. Finally, it increases transparency and accountability, as Custodians will be responsible for their decisions and must report on their allocation of Resources.
In conclusion, we believe that empowering Custodians to distribute Resources at their discretion is a logical next step for our communities. By doing so, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution. We hope that you will consider this Proposal and support us in implementing this change.

*This is a proposed solution to the recent events on Kavian and Neri and is not affiliated with The Interplanetary Federation.
**Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to utilize resources received to benefit Kavian and/or AW. Resources received will not be used for voting or any reason that does not benefit Kavian and/or AW.
***Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to submit updates and proof of completion of your project to kavian.dac by Proposal or memo.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: hweaq.wam

quantity: 243043.6000 TLM

memo: Deliver

#: 47


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: yhxlzfszlhcg


2023-03-14 18:38:24

Value: $1,436.8

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

We are proposing a new approach to Resource distribution that empowers Custodians to allocate Resources based on their expertise and judgement. Kavian Custodians have already demonstrated their value and ability to manage Resources effectively, and we believe that giving them greater autonomy in this area will benefit our organization.
Current Situation:
Currently, Resource distribution is determined by a centralized decision-making process. While this process has produced some results, we believe that there is a better way. By allowing Custodians to allocate Resources as they see fit, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution.
Under this proposal, each Custodian would receive an equal share of the weekly Resource allocation, and be allowed to utilize these Resources as they see fit, with the understanding that they are accountable for their decisions. This would be done within the framework of our existing policies and procedures, ensuring that Resources are allocated in a manner consistent with our mission and values.
There are several benefits to this approach. First, it allows us to tap into the knowledge and expertise of our Custodians, resulting in more effective Resource distribution. Second, it streamlines the decision-making process, allowing us to allocate Resources more quickly and efficiently. Finally, it increases transparency and accountability, as Custodians will be responsible for their decisions and must report on their allocation of Resources.
In conclusion, we believe that empowering Custodians to distribute Resources at their discretion is a logical next step for our communities. By doing so, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution. We hope that you will consider this Proposal and support us in implementing this change.

*This is a proposed solution to the recent events on Kavian and Neri and is not affiliated with The Interplanetary Federation.
**Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to utilize resources received to benefit Kavian and/or AW. Resources received will not be used for voting or any reason that does not benefit Kavian and/or AW.
***Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to submit updates and proof of completion of your project to kavian.dac by Proposal or memo.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 243043.6000 TLM

memo: Deliver

#: 46


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: zpcmjktnlu3s


2023-03-14 18:36:23

Value: $1,436.8

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

We are proposing a new approach to Resource distribution that empowers Custodians to allocate Resources based on their expertise and judgement. Kavian Custodians have already demonstrated their value and ability to manage Resources effectively, and we believe that giving them greater autonomy in this area will benefit our organization.
Current Situation:
Currently, Resource distribution is determined by a centralized decision-making process. While this process has produced some results, we believe that there is a better way. By allowing Custodians to allocate Resources as they see fit, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution.
Under this proposal, each Custodian would receive an equal share of the weekly Resource allocation, and be allowed to utilize these Resources as they see fit, with the understanding that they are accountable for their decisions. This would be done within the framework of our existing policies and procedures, ensuring that Resources are allocated in a manner consistent with our mission and values.
There are several benefits to this approach. First, it allows us to tap into the knowledge and expertise of our Custodians, resulting in more effective Resource distribution. Second, it streamlines the decision-making process, allowing us to allocate Resources more quickly and efficiently. Finally, it increases transparency and accountability, as Custodians will be responsible for their decisions and must report on their allocation of Resources.
In conclusion, we believe that empowering Custodians to distribute Resources at their discretion is a logical next step for our communities. By doing so, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution. We hope that you will consider this Proposal and support us in implementing this change.

*This is a proposed solution to the recent events on Kavian and Neri and is not affiliated with The Interplanetary Federation.
**Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to utilize resources received to benefit Kavian and/or AW. Resources received will not be used for voting or any reason that does not benefit Kavian and/or AW.
***Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to submit updates and proof of completion of your project to kavian.dac by Proposal or memo.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 243043.6000 TLM

memo: Deliver

#: 45


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: yjjimcdnd1sb


2023-03-14 18:30:56

Value: $1,436.8

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

We are proposing a new approach to Resource distribution that empowers Custodians to allocate Resources based on their expertise and judgement. Kavian Custodians have already demonstrated their value and ability to manage Resources effectively, and we believe that giving them greater autonomy in this area will benefit our organization.
Current Situation:
Currently, Resource distribution is determined by a centralized decision-making process. While this process has produced some results, we believe that there is a better way. By allowing Custodians to allocate Resources as they see fit, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution.
Under this proposal, each Custodian would receive an equal share of the weekly Resource allocation, and be allowed to utilize these Resources as they see fit, with the understanding that they are accountable for their decisions. This would be done within the framework of our existing policies and procedures, ensuring that Resources are allocated in a manner consistent with our mission and values.
There are several benefits to this approach. First, it allows us to tap into the knowledge and expertise of our Custodians, resulting in more effective Resource distribution. Second, it streamlines the decision-making process, allowing us to allocate Resources more quickly and efficiently. Finally, it increases transparency and accountability, as Custodians will be responsible for their decisions and must report on their allocation of Resources.
In conclusion, we believe that empowering Custodians to distribute Resources at their discretion is a logical next step for our communities. By doing so, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution. We hope that you will consider this Proposal and support us in implementing this change.

*This is a proposed solution to the recent events on Kavian and Neri and is not affiliated with The Interplanetary Federation.
**Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to utilize resources received to benefit Kavian and/or AW. Resources received will not be used for voting or any reason that does not benefit Kavian and/or AW.
***Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to submit updates and proof of completion of your project to kavian.dac by Proposal or memo.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: neyau.wam

quantity: 243043.6000 TLM

memo: Deliver

#: 44


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: h3aiipropjux


2023-03-07 19:32:21

Value: $1,436.8

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

We are proposing a new approach to Resource distribution that empowers Custodians to allocate Resources based on their expertise and judgement. Kavian Custodians have already demonstrated their value and ability to manage Resources effectively, and we believe that giving them greater autonomy in this area will benefit our organization.
Current Situation:
Currently, Resource distribution is determined by a centralized decision-making process. While this process has produced some results, we believe that there is a better way. By allowing Custodians to allocate Resources as they see fit, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution.
Under this proposal, each Custodian would receive an equal share of the weekly Resource allocation, and be allowed to utilize these Resources as they see fit, with the understanding that they are accountable for their decisions. This would be done within the framework of our existing policies and procedures, ensuring that Resources are allocated in a manner consistent with our mission and values.
There are several benefits to this approach. First, it allows us to tap into the knowledge and expertise of our Custodians, resulting in more effective Resource distribution. Second, it streamlines the decision-making process, allowing us to allocate Resources more quickly and efficiently. Finally, it increases transparency and accountability, as Custodians will be responsible for their decisions and must report on their allocation of Resources.
In conclusion, we believe that empowering Custodians to distribute Resources at their discretion is a logical next step for our communities. By doing so, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution. We hope that you will consider this Proposal and support us in implementing this change.

*This is a proposed solution to the recent events on Kavian and Neri and is not affiliated with The Interplanetary Federation.
**Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to utilize resources received to benefit Kavian and/or AW. Resources received will not be used for voting or any reason that does not benefit Kavian and/or AW.
***Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to submit updates and proof of completion of your project to kavian.dac by Proposal or memo.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: neyau.wam

quantity: 243043.6000 TLM

memo: Deliver

#: 43


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: a1gbujzljs3v


2023-03-14 18:26:56

Value: $1,436.8

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, hweaq.wam:Max Infeld,

Description of Proposal

Developing, Encouraging, and Leveraging Internal Value to Efficiently use Resources

We are proposing a new approach to Resource distribution that empowers Custodians to allocate Resources based on their expertise and judgement. Kavian Custodians have already demonstrated their value and ability to manage Resources effectively, and we believe that giving them greater autonomy in this area will benefit our organization.
Current Situation:
Currently, Resource distribution is determined by a centralized decision-making process. While this process has produced some results, we believe that there is a better way. By allowing Custodians to allocate Resources as they see fit, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution.
Under this proposal, each Custodian would receive an equal share of the weekly Resource allocation, and be allowed to utilize these Resources as they see fit, with the understanding that they are accountable for their decisions. This would be done within the framework of our existing policies and procedures, ensuring that Resources are allocated in a manner consistent with our mission and values.
There are several benefits to this approach. First, it allows us to tap into the knowledge and expertise of our Custodians, resulting in more effective Resource distribution. Second, it streamlines the decision-making process, allowing us to allocate Resources more quickly and efficiently. Finally, it increases transparency and accountability, as Custodians will be responsible for their decisions and must report on their allocation of Resources.
In conclusion, we believe that empowering Custodians to distribute Resources at their discretion is a logical next step for our communities. By doing so, we can tap into their unique insights and knowledge, resulting in more efficient and effective Resource distribution. We hope that you will consider this Proposal and support us in implementing this change.

*This is a proposed solution to the recent events on Kavian and Neri and is not affiliated with The Interplanetary Federation.
**Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to utilize resources received to benefit Kavian and/or AW. Resources received will not be used for voting or any reason that does not benefit Kavian and/or AW.
***Approval of this Proposal is an Agreement to submit updates and proof of completion of your project to kavian.dac by Proposal or memo.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: y3zra.wam

quantity: 243043.6000 TLM

memo: Deliver

#: 42


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: cdbwinsujh3c


2023-03-05 17:03:15

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, y3zra.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 41


( 0 / 5 )

Name: alienw Worker Proposal UI - Milestone 1

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: alienwmile1a


2023-03-15 20:00:08

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

The plan is to create a viewer (website) which displays the current and past proposals. With multiple filters and searchable attributes for added transparency and traceability. The User Interface is also planned to provide WAX login (cloud wallet and anchor). So any custodian, arbitrator and project member can interact with the smart contract in a user friendly way. The whole project will require a lot of hours to break down and fully understand how to best present and interact with the Worker Proposal Contract. Including setting up the database, backend functions, frontend functions, caching system and iterations on that feedback. More info: https://alienw.com/articles/alienw/alienw_wp_ui

alien.worlds: transfer

error: Could not decode action

Links from description:

#: 40


( 3 / 5 )

Name: MonkeyDetective Support

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: ycxpafgndrje


2023-03-01 17:26:52

Value: $295.6

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

I like what you guys are doing for the ecosystem. This proposal from Kavian to add 50k as a small contribution to the detective fund, which, if that one goes through, maybe we can repeat that later and also inspire other planets to contribute a bit, as it’s nice that there is some additional effort put into the eternal cat & mouse game.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: From Kavian with ❤️

#: 39


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: vmk5gouxkdc4


2023-02-28 10:30:29

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 38


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress

Proposer: mouoa.c.wam

Proposal: y5ug1q142cgc


2023-03-05 06:15:02

Value: $0.1

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.
This proposal shall serve as the foundation of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress. A yes vote to this proposal signifies your intention to join the The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress. The first 9 individual Custodians to Approve this Proposal shall be considered the Founding Members of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.
Please note, this is a living document, and is subject to alteration and editing prior to ratification, based on the suggestions of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.
Resources remaining in kavianplanet will be utilized to build the necessary infrastructure for The Interplanetary Federation DAO.
The Interplanetary Federation DAO (henceforth referred to as The Interplanetary Federation) shall be open to all players of AW who achieve the required qualifications as Custodians, as defined below:
Interplanetary Federation Constitution DRAFT
We, the Custodians of the Interplanetary Federation, ordain and establish this Constitution to promote cooperation and coordination between the Syndicates of AW, and to further the development and growth of our shared community.`
Article I: Membership
1.1 Custodians elected to the same Syndicate for one consecutive 4 week term or more are invited to apply to The Interplanetary Federation.
1.2 Interplanetary Federation membership shall last a period of 180 days. After which Custodians will only be eligible to reapply after being elected for a separate consecutive 4 week term.
1.3 Interplanetary Federation Members who are elected to a second consecutive 4 week term during their last 6 weeks of active membership to The Interplanetary Federation will automatically receive a second term.
1.4 Each Interplanetary Federation Member must stake (100,000) TLM to The Interplanetary Federation for 90 days to gain Interplanetary Federation participation rights.
1.5 Interplanetary Federation participation rights will begin on the initial stake date and will only remain active while staking is active. Interplanetary Federation Participation rights will include, creating proposals, and voting in the biweekly election.
1.6 Syndicate membership in The Interplanetary Federation will be voluntary, subject to approval by 3 of 5 of the active Custodians per Syndicate.
1.7 Syndicate membership in The Interplanetary Federation will require each Syndicate to contribute 10% of their weekly budget to the Interplanetary Federation.
1.8 Syndicate membership shall be considered active on the date of the first contribution and remain active as long as contributions are active.
1.8.1 Syndicates who do not contribute to The Interplanetary Federation for a period of 14 days shall be considered inactive.
1.9 Only Interplanetary Federation Members from active Syndicates shall be eligible to run for Special Councils.
1.9.1 Interplanetary Federation Members from inactive Syndicates shall be removed from Special Councils immediately and replaced at the next biweekly election.
Article II: Special Councils
2.1 There shall be three Special Councils, each consisting of 5 Interplanetary Federation Members.
2.2 Interplanetary Federation Special Council Members will serve 60 day terms and shall be elected by receiving 51% or more in rank choice voting of active Federation Members who participate in the biweekly election.
2.3 Elections of Special Council Members shall occur as part of the biweekly Interplanetary Federation Member voting cycle, and shall be by rank choice voting, where each Interplanetary Federation Member shall vote for two candidates. If one candidate receives 51% or more in the election they are elected to the Special Council. If no candidate receives 51% or more, there shall be an automatic runoff election of the top 2 candidates by percentage until one candidate receives 51% or more of the vote.
2.4 Every Interplanetary Federation Member from an actively contributing Syndicate shall be eligible to run for Special Council but may only serve on one Special Council at a time.
2.5 Special Council proposals shall be considered passed if approved by 3 of 5 Special Council Members.
2.6 There shall be 5 Members on the Executive Council. They will be responsible for the direction of The Interplanetary Federation and finalizing proposals to The Interplanetary Federation Members.
2.7 There shall be 5 Members on the Judicial Council. They will settle disputes within The Interplanetary Federation and determine whether proposals have potential legal consequences. The Judicial Council is responsible for the final check on proposal approval.
2.8 There shall be 5 Members of the Treasury Council. They will determine the costs associated with Interplanetary Federation proposals, approve budgets for proposals, and determine if funds allocated were appropriately spent.
Article III: Proposals
3.1 Proposals may be made by any active Interplanetary Federation Member, but must have a clear and justifiable purpose (where a clear and justifiable purpose is defined as a connection to an ongoing previously approved Interplanetary Federation project; or where it is reasonable to assume that said proposal would be agreed upon by 51% or more of current Interplanetary Federation voting members, and that the proposal will contribute to the furtherance of AW and/or its’ respective Syndicates).
3.2 Each Interplanetary Federation Member receives 1 vote in the biweekly election (regardless of how many Syndicates they are elected to).
3.3 Proposals can be approved in three ways:
3.3.1 If proposed by an Interplanetary Federation Member in the biweekly vote, and a proposal receives the approval of 66% of active Interplanetary Federation Members, it is sent to the Treasury and Judicial Councils for approval. If 3 of 5 of the Treasury Council, and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council approve the proposal, the proposal passes. The Judicial Council has final approval (ratified by Judicial).

3.3.2 If proposed by an Interplanetary Federation Member in the biweekly vote, and a proposal receives the approval of 51% of active Interplanetary Federation Members, it is sent to the Executive Council for approval and revision. If 3 of 5 of the Executive Council approve the proposal, it is sent to the Treasury and Judicial Councils for approval. If 3 of 5 the Treasury Council and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council approve the proposal, the proposal passes. The Judicial Council has final approval. (ratified by Judicial).
3.3.3 If proposed by a Special Council Member, a proposal requires the approval of 3 of 5 of the Executive Council, 3 of 5 of the Treasury Council, and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council, as well as a 51% approval of active Interplanetary Federation Members in the biweekly vote. The Interplanetary Federation Members have final approval. (ratified by Members).

Article IV: Ratification
4.1 This Interplanetary Federation Constitution shall be considered ratified, upon receiving a passing proposal from no less than three Syndicates within AW..
4.2 In the event that The Interplanetary Federation Constitution does not receive a passing proposal from at least 3 Syndicates, the Interplanetary Federation shall be governed by an appointed council of Custodians of any number, chosen at the Interplanetary Federations sole discretion.
Article V: Amendments
5.1 This Interplanetary Federation Constitution is to be considered a living document. Post ratification of this document, it shall remain subject to amendment by receiving 66% in the biweekly vote and a 3 of 5 majority of all three Special Councils.
***If you are a Custodian who supports this Proposal, Please consider submitting it in its entirety to your Syndicate.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 9.0000 TLM

memo: proposal

#: 37


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Reward Real ID

Proposer: mouoa.c.wam

Proposal: kexszc4dvjmo


2023-02-28 20:56:55

Value: $591.2

Approved by: mouoa.c.wam:, rbt3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Unlike the majority of custodians on this council, you have chosen to reveal your identity and contribute to Alienworlds. This proposal is intended to reward those who have come forward with their real identities and intentions, encourage a more open dialogue, and prevent the potential abuses of those who refuse to provide such details. Thank you Nick Kusters, for all that you do for Alienworlds, and we’re excited to work with you in the future.
The Interplanetary Federation

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: y3zra.wam

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Reward Real ID

#: 36


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Reward Real ID

Proposer: mouoa.c.wam

Proposal: txykv4eaogew


2023-02-21 20:55:12

Value: $591.2

Approved by: mouoa.c.wam:, jsuoa.c.wam:, rbt3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Unlike the majority of custodians on this council, you have chosen to reveal your identity and contribute to Alienworlds. This proposal is intended to reward those who have come forward with their real identities and intentions, encourage a more open dialogue, and prevent the potential abuses of those who refuse to provide such details. Thank you Anders Björk, for all that you do for Alienworlds, and we’re excited to work with you in the future.
The Interplanetary Federation

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Reward Real ID

#: 35


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Interplanetary Federation

Proposer: jsuoa.c.wam

Proposal: dm1lomzjzav5


2023-02-21 18:58:11

Value: $2,615.2

Approved by: jsuoa.c.wam:, mouoa.c.wam:, rbt3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

A proposal to create the Interplanetary Federation. A DAO made up of qualified custodians with a shared goal to promote cooperation and coordination between the different planets within Alienworlds.io, and to further the development and growth of our shared community.
The first goal of the Interplanetary Federation was to demonstrate the potential for bad actors to exploit the system. This goal was achieved by transferring Kavian funds.
The second goal of the Interplanetary Federation was to encourage engagement amongst the custodians of Alienworlds.io. This goal was achieved by transferring Kavian funds.
The third goal of the Interplanetary Federation was to preserve funds for projects that would benefit Alienworlds.io. This goal was achieved by transferring Kavian funds.
The fourth goal of the Interplanetary Federation was to increase voting participation in Alienworlds.io. This goal was achieved by transferring Kavian funds.
The simple act of transferring Kavian funds demonstrated the potential for bad actors, encouraged engagement, preserved funds, and increased voting participation. While some may not agree with the methods; the results speak for themselves.
The Interplanetary Federation will stand committed to utilize the funds acquired for the furtherance of Alienworlds.io, and its respective planetary DAOs.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 442375.0000 TLM

memo: Interplanetary Federation

#: 34


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: mouoa.c.wam

Proposal: xdiwxz5vze4m


2023-02-21 16:15:26

Approved by: mouoa.c.wam:, rbt3u.c.wam:, jsuoa.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 33


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Nick's Build Queue

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: rxyapyp4235j


2023-02-22 09:01:51

Value: $4,020.0

Approved by: y3zra.wam:,

Description of Proposal

A system where People & Councils can have me (Nick Kusters) build things. There is a lot of things that still needs to be built to make the AlienWorlds Syndicates system a better place, but there are always issues around funding and priority. This system will let people dictate what gets built first, add things to the queue and it can also serve as a repository of work that can be used to offload excess planet funds without losing value and for Planets to contribute to the things they want to see built.


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 680000.0000 TLM

memo: AWIC003

Links from description:

#: 32


( 3 / 5 )

Name: The AW Syndicates gratitude towards alienw.com

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: thanksalienw


2023-02-14 22:05:46

Value: $1,513.4

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, mouoa.c.wam:, jsuoa.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Alienw.com has been built and maintained soley by anyo, and it has, and is, requiring a lot of time and effort. This proposal is a kind request to show appreciation for the work that is being put in. More details can be found here: https://alienw.com/articles/alienw_initial_planet_funding

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 256000.0000 TLM

memo: A Gratitude for building and maintaining alienw.com

Links from description:

#: 31


( 3 / 5 )

Name: transfer

Proposer: rbt3u.c.wam

Proposal: bxmbsrf1cetk


2023-02-12 16:21:54

Value: $1,962.7

Approved by: rbt3u.c.wam:, jsuoa.c.wam:, mouoa.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 332000.0000 TLM

memo: proposal

#: 30


( 3 / 5 )

Name: transfer

Proposer: jsuoa.c.wam

Proposal: jjsews4jrtin


2023-02-12 16:18:10

Value: $23,647.0

Approved by: jsuoa.c.wam:, mouoa.c.wam:, rbt3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 4000000.0000 TLM

memo: proposal

#: 29


( 1 / 5 )

Name: transfer

Proposer: mouoa.c.wam

Proposal: frqn43f1az5w


2023-02-12 16:24:12

Value: $29,558.8

Approved by: mouoa.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 5000000.0000 TLM

memo: proposal

#: 28


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Transfer

Proposer: rbt3u.c.wam

Proposal: bnbet5lmbttc


2023-02-12 16:20:48

Value: $29,558.8

Approved by: rbt3u.c.wam:, mouoa.c.wam:, jsuoa.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 5000000.0000 TLM

memo: proposal

#: 27


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: rbt3u.c.wam

Proposal: x4u1vdtvunmt


2023-02-12 16:02:39

Approved by: rbt3u.c.wam:, mouoa.c.wam:, jsuoa.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 26


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: ggzgkbmtcavw


2023-02-01 19:34:02

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, y3zra.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 25


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 4mlkxvxmzz1c


2023-01-29 17:26:36

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, y3zra.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 24


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Incrase the ZOS x AW event prize pool

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: zosaddprize


2023-01-29 06:23:33

Value: $1,064.1

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, y3zra.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Let us increase the prize pool to 250k TLM to make the ZOS event more attractive for users. Currently the prize pool for the 90 day event is 70,000 TLM. More on their event can be found on this medium post: https://medium.com/zos-getting-started/zos-x-alien-worlds-planetary-dao-proposal-update-47bc35413613

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: zos

quantity: 180000.0000 TLM

memo: Increase the ZOS AW Event prize pool

Links from description:

#: 23


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Quarterly Community Audit Report

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: guaxmqtjhiqj


2023-01-25 15:02:05

Value: $59.1

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, r1onu.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Prepare and submit a public audit report about the grants funded using the model provided at https://help.eossupport.io/en/articles/6848986-eos-support-quarterly-audit-reports

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: jbhqu.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Quarterly Community Audit Report

Links from description:

#: 22


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: oedk4rqyhqi4


2023-01-25 14:30:19

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, r1onu.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 21


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Interplanetary Unconference

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: m4rj542z5wsv


2023-01-16 21:47:56

Value: $1,182.4

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, r1onu.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Proposal Overview - The TLDR
Over two weeks, an online Unconference with live streamed discussions, projects and interviews touching topics of interest to multiple Planets.
Project Objective - The What & Why
To cause discussion among the players in a decentralized fashion, with some degree of buy-in and resulting in content to share reflecting communications of the participants.
Project Specifications - The How
The Interplanetary Unconference will follow the model of Dacathon, which was created and hosted by the KROWN community. Past Dacathon resources can be reviewed at https://www.dacathon.com/ Dacathon has a heritage with Alien Worlds. Much of its activities led to participants becoming players and staff members at Alien Worlds since.

Note, during the planning process, the participants will determine the length, if there is a hackathon portion (like in Dacathon, for code or ideas), if there are prize pools, how much discussion, the types of discussion, the use of Consortium for participant voting and if any video interviews (like in the first Dacathon).
Project Milestones - The When
Once three or more Planets agree to support the Unconference, dates will be established for the following Milestones:

Planning discussion session at an AW Fractally meeting
Content - Concepts, issues and questions to pose to participants
Curriculum - Degree of interest in hackathon, discussion sessions, presentations
Dates - Select dates for Dacathon
Plan timeline (following Dacathon model - see some past resources here)
Planets Unconference Dates
The Requested Funding
How much do you request for your project?

“I am requesting 200,000 TLM per Planet to support my efforts organizing Dacathon. This will result in 600,000 to 1,200,000 TLM across the Planets, depending upon participation. In the past, Dacathon typically took a good part of 3 months to plan and host.” - Lisa Chandler

Wallet Address: jbhqu.wam

In the future, the Unconference will likely create rewards pools and after discussion, may return to request additional resources for rewards pools, specific event activities or project coordinators, if proposed during discussion.
Team Information - The Who
Lisa Chandler
Lisa is from the Alien Worlds and KROWN communities and co-hosted the Dacathon Unconference.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: jbhqu.wam

quantity: 200000.0000 TLM

memo: Interplanetary Unconference

Links from description:

#: 20


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Adam | a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: xbqxrnbhvxmo


2023-01-16 21:46:18

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:Adam, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, r1onu.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 19


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Murder Mistery on Alien Worlds

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: vu5poavsobaq


2023-01-12 10:23:15

Value: $5,425.1

Approved by: y3zra.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: y3zra.wam

quantity: 917679.0000 TLM

memo: AWIC002

Links from description:

#: 18


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: os3xedghfcbj


2023-01-06 10:57:46

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 17


( 3 / 5 )

Name: DAO IP Licensing

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: dmezbxfyodzi


2022-12-21 19:24:19

Value: $0.0

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, vwiaw.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

MSIG to propose a 1TLM transfer to the federation account to indicate the planet is signing the agreement and has rights to grant use to the Alien Worlds IP content

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Kavian approves the IP Licensing agreement

#: 16


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: vwiaw.wam

Proposal: pfmcravrmgtx


2022-12-20 22:19:23

Value: $55.6

Approved by: vwiaw.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. Based on 10% of the planet's current budget divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG discussions. Drafting and deploying proposals for users. Also to encourage future custodians to work harder for their elected planet. Claims can be made by each custodian once within the 7 days of office

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 9403.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 15


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: vwiaw.wam

Proposal: m5oleqebqrno


2022-12-20 22:18:53

Value: $55.6

Approved by: vwiaw.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. Based on 10% of the planet's current budget divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG discussions. Drafting and deploying proposals for users. Also to encourage future custodians to work harder for their elected planet. Claims can be made by each custodian once within the 7 days of office

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 9403.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 14


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: vwiaw.wam

Proposal: 5brilre1pm2n


2022-12-20 22:18:27

Value: $55.6

Approved by: vwiaw.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. Based on 10% of the planet's current budget divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG discussions. Drafting and deploying proposals for users. Also to encourage future custodians to work harder for their elected planet. Claims can be made by each custodian once within the 7 days of office

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: neyau.wam

quantity: 9403.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 13


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: vwiaw.wam

Proposal: fy4zoqsh2525


2022-12-20 22:18:00

Value: $55.6

Approved by: vwiaw.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. Based on 10% of the planet's current budget divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG discussions. Drafting and deploying proposals for users. Also to encourage future custodians to work harder for their elected planet. Claims can be made by each custodian once within the 7 days of office

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: vwiaw.wam

quantity: 9403.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 12


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: vwiaw.wam

Proposal: w3a5g13hlzxw


2022-12-20 22:17:25

Value: $55.6

Approved by: vwiaw.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. Based on 10% of the planet's current budget divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG discussions. Drafting and deploying proposals for users. Also to encourage future custodians to work harder for their elected planet. Claims can be made by each custodian once within the 7 days of office

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 9403.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 11


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: budgetclaim


2022-12-09 19:07:52

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, vwiaw.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 10


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Zombie Outbreak Survival x AW Syndicates

Proposer: Anyobservation | anyo.cabal

Proposal: zosawevents


2022-12-07 21:17:56

Value: $2,955.9

Approved by: anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, vwiaw.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

For too long Alien Worlds weapons have lacked utility, we want to change this and give the AW weapons a meaningful and lucrative use case! Zombie Outbreak Survival (ZOS) a strategic resource management MMORPG native to WAX would like to offer the implementation of Alien Worlds Weapons into our core game mode, Supply Runs. This will result in Alien Worlds users being able to utilise their weapons on a passive game mode to earn NFTs & Tokens such as TLM & ZILVER. We are seeking Planetary DAO funding to enable us to make the infrastructural & smart contract changes necessary to achieve this. Link to details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ig5i4vgPGVaDu7MYfQrnAC-lx3rlOBKxrjKLXNR1bhg

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: zos

quantity: 500000.0000 TLM

memo: testing

Links from description:

#: 9


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: EOSUSA | neyau.wam

Proposal: tjnirt425rwe


2022-12-05 11:07:21

Approved by: neyau.wam:EOSUSA, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, vwiaw.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 8


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: igbahdrqs3fr


2022-11-24 14:23:51

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, vwiaw.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 7


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: ia4esqon4rmg


2022-11-17 13:56:50

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, vwiaw.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 6


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: g4kybr5oksse


2022-11-10 13:02:50

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, anyo.cabal:Anyobservation, neyau.wam:EOSUSA,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 5


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: skgaw.wam

Proposal: gsrrrbeeqv1w


2022-11-08 17:59:08

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian

#: 4


( 0 / 5 )

Name: awtoolbuildbihut

Proposer: skgaw.wam

Proposal: wgqimebztqip


2022-11-15 01:16:42

Value: $59.1

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

bihut.network has built a tool showing useful data including all planet stats, voting, is live, balance, sign teams, links to planet groups.

Here is the link to the live version 1.0 of our tool for AW Planets:


We are requesting a proposal from each Planet to support this project for 6 months with a grant of 10000 TLM each.

We anticipate continuing additional updates during this time, as well.

payment wallet bihutnetmain

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: tool from bihut

Links from description:

#: 3


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Proposal reader for all planets

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: bkwqhj24ljvw


2022-11-04 13:14:23

Value: $67.0

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, vwiaw.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Show proposals per planet (title, description) so you can read the proposals per planet and know what you're voting for. As agreed, each planet will pay an equal amount (11334 TLM) to fund this development.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: y3zra.wam

quantity: 11334.0000 TLM

memo: AWIC001

#: 2


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Mission Notification Hosting 1 month

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: aaxf3gxvmyfv


2022-11-10 13:51:11

Value: $73.9

Approved by: y3zra.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Hosting cost for AW Mission Telegram & Twitter Bot for 1 month

alien.worlds: transfer

from: kavian.dac

to: y3zra.wam

quantity: 12500.0000 TLM


#: 1


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: y3zra.wam

Proposal: gq32vhuzvwzb


2022-11-03 13:33:20

Approved by: y3zra.wam:, neyau.wam:EOSUSA, vwiaw.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: kavian