neri Image

CreAtIve Magor/Neri joint event

Proposal: crc1d5uop4vq

Date: 2023-07-12

8,000.0000 TLM

Value: $45.6

Approved by: rlxqw.wam, .p2bu.wam, i4p3u.c.wam

Description of Proposal

Budget for the creAtIve Magor/Neri joint event rewards. This is a Generative AI Prompt Contest, made in collaboration with planet Magor.
The event will be running from 14th of July to 22nd of July (UTC Time).

The rewards (8000 MAG and 8000 NER) will be as follows:

TOP 1 to TOP 3 :
1st - 1500 MAG / 1500 NER
2nd - 1000 MAG / 1000 NER
3rd - 500 MAG / 500 NER
TOP 4 to TOP 10 :
250 MAG / 250 NER

The remaining (3250 MAG / 3250 NER ) will be distributed among all the participants.

Magor and Neri planets will share the cost for the rewards budget equally (8000 MAG / 8000 NER).

An amount of 1000 MAG is also allocated by Magor for organization and management of the event.
The total budget is therefore of 9000 MAG and 8000 NER.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: neri.dac

quantity: 8,000.0000 TLM

memo: CreAtIve Magor/Neri joint event