neri Image

Manage, workshop and design branding solutions for Neri

Proposal: jzazhlvfl1tz

Date: 2023-02-18

250,000.0000 TLM

Value: $1,432.1

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam, hweaq.wam, 51mqs.wam

Description of Proposal

Managed by hweaq.wam and awdesigndept

To support the further branding of the Syndicate Neri by creating a visual language that aligns with the current and future needs of the Syndicate Council. This includes, but not limited to: Neri Logos, taglines, slogans, templates, style guides, and additional assets-- as needed by the approving Council. These designed assets will be also fully available to everyone via the License CC0-- The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication. These will be minted and delivered to the Neri Syndicate neri.dac upon approving Council review and approval.

Timeline ~1 month upon proposal acceptance.

Process Breakdown
Ideation workshop w/ approving Council
Professional 1 - 2 designers to meet objectives
Mint assets
Delivery of assets and documentation to neri.dac and approving Council

alien.worlds: transfer

from: neri.dac

quantity: 250,000.0000 TLM

memo: design branding solutions for Neri