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Token Distro Tool

Proposal: umyvjqtm4vqh

Date: 2023-02-05

150,000.0000 TLM

Value: $854.8

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

A smart contract to support distribution of resources to multiple accounts.

Supporting TLM and other WAX-based tokens, when whitelisted, an individual user, or a Syndicate Council can send tokens divided evenly to multiple accounts.

Token resources would be transferred from user or Council Proposal to a specified account, memo with formatted list of accounts and the funds will be evenly split between them, multiple transfers will be executed to intended recipients.

Delivered within 1 week of TLM received.
Including support for at least 6 months.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: neri.dac

to: boid

quantity: 150,000.0000 TLM

memo: distro tool, lets save time!