to build eyeke 3
Proposal: f2hiunrqgver
Date: 2024-01-31
58,985.0000 TLM
Value: $316.3
Approved by: 1uvkq.c.wam, vtkuo.wam, ancyw.wam
Description of Proposal
event allowing to improve, to open new construction zones, for main residences. Each week, an allocation will be distributed to active eyeke landowners (comm claim and DTAL claim) one allocation per owner account. these allocations will allow the opening of boost on the lands, each week an additional opening will be necessary to obtain the allocation. If the allocation is lower than the price of the next opening, we will remain on the current level until the necessary aid is paid. let's help landowners improve their land for the rest of the game! Lets build eyeke!
alien.worlds: transfer