side projects
Proposal: irwpgwcjt5rj
Date: 2024-02-02
29,900.0000 TLM
Value: $160.3
Approved by: ancyw.wam, 1uvkq.c.wam, vtkuo.wam
Description of Proposal
tlmintotipcc ==> for listing TLM on Tip.cc ( discord bot allowing various games (trivia, mathdrop, phrasedrop and tip)
2bhec.wam ==> https://www.twitch.tv/badfishy01
various games on twitch, meetings and discussions.
The tlm will be used as gifts for viewers for the various activities.
ibvra.wam ==> https://wax-stake.com/ - Danemark 🔥 - site to which I will add tables for events and reporting tools.
alien.worlds: transfer
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