Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress
Proposal: itxg1xsgpkh3
Date: 2023-04-12
9.0000 TLM
Value: $0.1
Approved by: 1fdba.wam
Description of Proposal
This proposal shall serve as the foundation of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress. A yes vote to this proposal signifies your intention to join the The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress. The first 9 individual Custodians to Approve this Proposal shall be considered the Founding Members of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.
Please note, this is a living document, and is subject to alteration and editing prior to ratification, based on the suggestions of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.
Resources remaining in kavianplanet will be utilized to build the necessary infrastructure for The Interplanetary Federation DAO.
The Interplanetary Federation DAO (henceforth referred to as The Interplanetary Federation) shall be open to all players of AW who achieve the required qualifications as Custodians, as defined below:
Interplanetary Federation Constitution DRAFT
We, the Custodians of the Interplanetary Federation, ordain and establish this Constitution to promote cooperation and coordination between the Syndicates of AW, and to further the development and growth of our shared community.`
Article I: Membership
1.1 Custodians elected to the same Syndicate for one consecutive 4 week term or more are invited to apply to The Interplanetary Federation.
1.2 Interplanetary Federation membership shall last a period of 180 days. After which Custodians will only be eligible to reapply after being elected for a separate consecutive 4 week term.
1.3 Interplanetary Federation Members who are elected to a second consecutive 4 week term during their last 6 weeks of active membership to The Interplanetary Federation will automatically receive a second term.
1.4 Each Interplanetary Federation Member must stake (100,000) TLM to The Interplanetary Federation for 90 days to gain Interplanetary Federation participation rights.
1.5 Interplanetary Federation participation rights will begin on the initial stake date and will only remain active while staking is active. Interplanetary Federation Participation rights will include, creating proposals, and voting in the biweekly election.
1.6 Syndicate membership in The Interplanetary Federation will be voluntary, subject to approval by 3 of 5 of the active Custodians per Syndicate.
1.7 Syndicate membership in The Interplanetary Federation will require each Syndicate to contribute 10% of their weekly budget to the Interplanetary Federation.
1.8 Syndicate membership shall be considered active on the date of the first contribution and remain active as long as contributions are active.
1.8.1 Syndicates who do not contribute to The Interplanetary Federation for a period of 14 days shall be considered inactive.
1.9 Only Interplanetary Federation Members from active Syndicates shall be eligible to run for Special Councils.
1.9.1 Interplanetary Federation Members from inactive Syndicates shall be removed from Special Councils immediately and replaced at the next biweekly election.
Article II: Special Councils
2.1 There shall be three Special Councils, each consisting of 5 Interplanetary Federation Members.
2.2 Interplanetary Federation Special Council Members will serve 60 day terms and shall be elected by receiving 51% or more in rank choice voting of active Federation Members who participate in the biweekly election.
2.3 Elections of Special Council Members shall occur as part of the biweekly Interplanetary Federation Member voting cycle, and shall be by rank choice voting, where each Interplanetary Federation Member shall vote for two candidates. If one candidate receives 51% or more in the election they are elected to the Special Council. If no candidate receives 51% or more, there shall be an automatic runoff election of the top 2 candidates by percentage until one candidate receives 51% or more of the vote.
2.4 Every Interplanetary Federation Member from an actively contributing Syndicate shall be eligible to run for Special Council but may only serve on one Special Council at a time.
2.5 Special Council proposals shall be considered passed if approved by 3 of 5 Special Council Members.
2.6 There shall be 5 Members on the Executive Council. They will be responsible for the direction of The Interplanetary Federation and finalizing proposals to The Interplanetary Federation Members.
2.7 There shall be 5 Members on the Judicial Council. They will settle disputes within The Interplanetary Federation and determine whether proposals have potential legal consequences. The Judicial Council is responsible for the final check on proposal approval.
2.8 There shall be 5 Members of the Treasury Council. They will determine the costs associated with Interplanetary Federation proposals, approve budgets for proposals, and determine if funds allocated were appropriately spent.
Article III: Proposals
3.1 Proposals may be made by any active Interplanetary Federation Member, but must have a clear and justifiable purpose (where a clear and justifiable purpose is defined as a connection to an ongoing previously approved Interplanetary Federation project; or where it is reasonable to assume that said proposal would be agreed upon by 51% or more of current Interplanetary Federation voting members, and that the proposal will contribute to the furtherance of AW and/or itsβ respective Syndicates).
3.2 Each Interplanetary Federation Member receives 1 vote in the biweekly election (regardless of how many Syndicates they are elected to).
3.3 Proposals can be approved in three ways:
3.3.1 If proposed by an Interplanetary Federation Member in the biweekly vote, and a proposal receives the approval of 66% of active Interplanetary Federation Members, it is sent to the Treasury and Judicial Councils for approval. If 3 of 5 of the Treasury Council, and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council approve the proposal, the proposal passes. The Judicial Council has final approval (ratified by Judicial).
3.3.2 If proposed by an Interplanetary Federation Member in the biweekly vote, and a proposal receives the approval of 51% of active Interplanetary Federation Members, it is sent to the Executive Council for approval and revision. If 3 of 5 of the Executive Council approve the proposal, it is sent to the Treasury and Judicial Councils for approval. If 3 of 5 the Treasury Council and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council approve the proposal, the proposal passes. The Judicial Council has final approval. (ratified by Judicial).
3.3.3 If proposed by a Special Council Member, a proposal requires the approval of 3 of 5 of the Executive Council, 3 of 5 of the Treasury Council, and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council, as well as a 51% approval of active Interplanetary Federation Members in the biweekly vote. The Interplanetary Federation Members have final approval. (ratified by Members).
Article IV: Ratification
4.1 This Interplanetary Federation Constitution shall be considered ratified, upon receiving a passing proposal from no less than three Syndicates within AW..
4.2 In the event that The Interplanetary Federation Constitution does not receive a passing proposal from at least 3 Syndicates, the Interplanetary Federation shall be governed by an appointed council of Custodians of any number, chosen at the Interplanetary Federations sole discretion.
Article V: Amendments
5.1 This Interplanetary Federation Constitution is to be considered a living document. Post ratification of this document, it shall remain subject to amendment by receiving 66% in the biweekly vote and a 3 of 5 majority of all three Special Councils.
**If you are a Custodian who supports this Proposal, Please consider submitting it in its entirety to your Syndicate.
alien.worlds: transfer