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BUMP eCommerce Platform Adds Trilium Rewards

Proposal: jd5njujizsjv

Date: 2023-12-27

5,000.0000 TLM

Value: $26.8

Approved by: jbhqu.wam, vtkuo.wam, 51mqs.wam

Description of Proposal

Towards support of the BUMP eCommerce platform for local engagement and rewards adding Trilium.

It is anticipated that Trilium can be used for rewards for customer engagement, to establish ecommerce stores and for play action (services) rewards.

BUMP is currently planning to add Trilium to its platform and recently submitted an entry to the Interplanetary Unconference Hackathon:

The presentation and information folder with resources uploaded can be seen at https://www.interplanetaryunconference.com/hackathon/presentations

BUMP won the Open Source Software Award at the recent Interplanetary Unconference Hackathon 2023.

Planet Eyeke welcomes this development team from Solana to the WAX, Trilium, Alien Worlds, Interplanetary and Planet Eyeke ecosystem!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: eyeke.dac

quantity: 5,000.0000 TLM

memo: BUMP eCommerce Platform