Welcome Eyeke Athletes
Proposal: pfufjztciugf
Date: 2023-09-26
36,000.0000 TLM
Value: $193.0
Approved by: jbhqu.wam, ancyw.wam, 15vgq.wam
Description of Proposal
To Welcome Athletes to Eyeke Athletes
The Eyeke Athletes are a team of independent players who play games throughout the Metaverse on behalf of Planet Eyeke. Athletes represent our Planet, making us proud while attracting players from throughout the Metaverse.
alien.worlds: transfer
from: eyeke.dac
to: tlmsplitting
quantity: 36,000.0000 TLM
memo: bd13o.c.wam hdars.wam ux3aq.wam 2bhec.wam 55kvo.wam peaz2.wam rr3qw.wam