eyeke Image

Eyeke Minecraft (Survival)

Proposal: qboctbk2d11m

Date: 2023-12-24

5,000.0000 TLM

Value: $26.8

Approved by: jbhqu.wam, 51mqs.wam, 15vgq.wam

Description of Proposal

This is to support the new community-built Minecraft Server: Eyeke Minecraft (Survival).
The world is largely based on a Planet Eyeke Sandy and Grassy Coastline terrain.
The Minecraft server (JE 1.19.2) name is worldsbeyond and address is
The Current server capacity is 2 GB of RAM (low) which will be upgraded to server capacity of 6 GB of RAM.
Community events are supported with the Galactic 123 ClaimIt system outside of the Minecraft system. https://galactic123.net/claimit.php

alien.worlds: transfer

from: eyeke.dac

quantity: 5,000.0000 TLM

memo: Eyeke Minecraft (Survival)