kavian Image

Ongoing Maintenance for Alienw

Proposal: alienwmaint1

Date: 2023-12-13

350,000.0000 TLM

Value: $2,041.6

Approved by: anyo.cabal, tzgai.wam, neyau.wam

Description of Proposal

Alienw.com has become an essential tool for the Alien Worlds decentralized ecosystem.
The site, backend and upcoming features is actively being worked on for many hours each week, the majority is done in the backend and on new features.

This proposal is to fund the ongoing maintenance of the site and surrounding tools. Alienw recently added 2 new server and 6 new Enterprise grade SSD drives to improve and secure the growing database. As well as set up two WAX State History nodes for improved speed and reliability of the data moving forward.

Currently working on locating and solving a bug in the Nodeos State History code, the bug is sometimes resulting in the Database Indexer to stop.

Also work is being done to failover between the two different State History Nodes to hopefully remove most risks of missed data.

Thank you all for using Alienw.com, and thank you for the support.

The Last 30 days, alienw has 4.9k visits by 923 unique users. The average time spent on the site is 1 minute and 59 seconds. Let us see if we can increase those numbers in the coming months

alien.worlds: transfer

to: alienw

quantity: 350,000.0000 TLM

memo: Support Alienw ongoing maintenance and development