Clashdome Tournament Manager - Stage 2
Proposal: clashdomest2
Date: 2023-03-26
283,650.0000 TLM
Value: $1,654.5
Approved by: anyo.cabal, neyau.wam, y3zra.wam
Description of Proposal
Proposal to cover the second stage of the clashdome tournament manager. The first stage is live on testnet and first beta tournaments will start to be tested in the coming weeks. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X46opK7juDydW-9TBG6Z7sDpQakyiaa6qTrZoSSLaRU/edit#
alien.worlds: transfer
from: kavian.dac
to: clashdometkn
quantity: 283,650.0000 TLM
memo: Second stage of the Tournament Manager
Links from description: