kavian Image

Setup of Kavian.World MineQuest services

Proposal: lib5wnyuqahk

Date: 2023-10-31

100,000.0000 TLM

Value: $583.3

Approved by: neyau.wam, fr35y.wam, anyo.cabal

Description of Proposal

Initiate a dedicated Kavian Minecraft world: kavian.world. It will be built using the EOSUSA MineQuest system as a new, independent world. With a full Quest and reward system able to distribute KAV tokens to players. The system has the capabilities of adding other types of rewards in the future if requested and enabled.

Set-up fee: $250
Monthly operating costs (Servers & Maintenance): $250 x 3 months
Proposal to cover the Setup plus November, December and January.
Total: ~$1000, roughly 100,000 TLM

alien.worlds: transfer

quantity: 100,000.0000 TLM

memo: Setup of Kavian.World MineQuest services