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AWData AI Services

Proposal: lnd1nfmz2tnz

Date: 2023-12-06

120,000.0000 TLM

Value: $700.0

Approved by: anyo.cabal, neyau.wam, tzgai.wam

Description of Proposal

EOSUSA is continuing the implementation of the Llama2 AI model on the our large AlienWorlds dataset in our AWData Services. We are working on multiple services for the community to utilize the power of an AW data trained model. The goal is to make it easier to query and interact with the AlienWorlds dataset in new and improved ways.

This initial funding is to work on these features and get an alpha version out for testing.

alien.worlds: transfer

quantity: 120,000.0000 TLM

memo: AWData AI Services