kavian Image

David Harris for Office

Proposal: wivez3krmjvt

Date: 2023-03-15

5,000.0000 TLM

Value: $29.2

Approved by: y3zra.wam, anyo.cabal, hweaq.wam

Description of Proposal

David would like to receive 5k TLM to run for office; he currently does not have the means to do so.

While not a load, I would appreciate it if the 5k were returned to kavian.dac if the situation allows for it at a later time, even though there is no obligation to do so, but it would go towards giving more people a chance to run.

Below you can find David's information + answer to a question posed in https://t.me/planetkavian

Name: david harris
Wam: rr3qw.wam
Twitter: @David16881091
Telegram: @david_h87
Discord: @TheRedWizard#5938

Video yourself confirming said information and why you want to run: I'm doxed by the AlienWorlds team but will provide a video if required.

Amount requested: 5000 TLM

Reason for funds: to stake to run for a seat on the Syndicates

What you want to achieve if elected: I'm not going to make promises of riches and the next big thing but I do promise to do my best to bring life back into the space, my aim is bring the planets and miners together to help smaller struggling projects get back up and creating weather that be help funding the next stage of a game development or the 1st stage. Maybe even help fund a new artist/project trying to create new nfts with lore into Alien Worlds or create new utility for current Alien Worlds nfts. I also plan to host some good old fashion mining events and create more collaborative events with current projects like the ZoS and Fgl ones

Anything further to add: I would also love to make some irl differences like creating survival kits for the homeless like a backpack with a tent and sleeping bag with an inflatable pillow.

I haven't run for a seat before this is a 1st for me lol in regards to current proposals I think the zos and battledome ones have been the best ones for community engagement and rewarding, the monkey detectives was an awesome use of funding imo would love to see more of there investigations. I see alot of any and nick in various chat engaging with the community and other custodians the current custodians are all legends and do incredible things in there own way so I'm kind of dreaming being able to top them but I'll give it my all to live up to there expectations and sit with the greats

alien.worlds: transfer

quantity: 5,000.0000 TLM


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