Rohan van der Sandt for Office
Proposal: x2dvf33rilrr
Date: 2023-03-25
5,000.0000 TLM
Value: $29.2
Approved by: y3zra.wam, anyo.cabal
Description of Proposal
Rohan would like to receive 5k TLM to run for office; he currently does not have the means to do so.
While not required, I would appreciate it if the 5k were returned to kavian.dac if the situation allows for it at a later time, even though there is no obligation to do so, but it would go towards giving more people a chance to run.
Below you can find Rohan's information + answer to a question posed in https://t.me/planetkavian
Name: Rohan van der Sandt Aka Red
Wam: 4ulb.wam
TLM Requested : 5000 (Candidacy fee)
Twitter: @OrderWorksRed
Telegram: @OrderWorks_Studio
Discord: Ro | Ancient Alley & OrderWorks#3756
Video yourself confirming said information and
Video Coming today. (A bit shy)
why you want to run:
Running for council provides me with a platform to be directly involved in creating sustainable infrastructure within the space, and to drive exciting community engagement initiatives and events. As a WAX creator and project owner I feel personally committed to this thriving digital environment based on inclusive growth, and am here for the long game. A cornerstone of my dedication to the DAO is building a foundation of collective prosperity and enjoyment - something upon which I base all my decisions.
I look forward to serving you all!
What you want to achieve if elected: you mean besides greatness? 😋
Expansion of the Intergalactic Federations social reach and engagement through dedicated discord server. (Also obviously the dedicated maintenance of said server and all that goes with it.)
Delivery of Council Seat NFT artwork
Expansion of public content library for social and community engagement. (Stickers, Mojis, Gifs, Posters etc.)
Anything further to add:
I am fairly new to the AW/SYNFED, I have however been in the larger WAX creative space for over 2 years and know many of the creative/creator players. As such I would like to include and leverage my creative network in favour of SYNFED and the DAO ecosystem growth.
Video: https://t.me/planetkavian/1092
alien.worlds: transfer
Links from description: