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Dark Side Of The Force

Proposal: gmuj3o2zfzux

Date: 2023-05-02

150,000.0000 TLM

Value: $804.3

Approved by: hx5b2.wam, n1saq.wam, cabba.wam

Description of Proposal

Place : 12 : 2 Rocky Desert on MAGOR
-3x Dark Side Event will be funded with this amount.
-May 15-21, 2023: Event 1
-May 22-28, 2023: Event 2
-May 29 to June 4, 2023: Event 3
-Top 10 players will receive 1000 MAG each.
Players ranked 11th to 20th will receive 750 MAG each.
Players ranked 21st to 30th will receive 600 MAG each.
Players ranked 31st to 40th will receive 500 MAG each.
Players ranked 41st to 50th will receive 400 MAG each.
Players ranked 51st to 60th will receive 300 MAG each.
Players ranked 61st to 70th will receive 200 MAG each.
Players ranked 71st to 80th will receive 100 MAG each.
Players ranked 81st to 90th will receive 50 MAG each.
Players ranked 91st to 100th will receive 25 MAG each.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 150,000.0000 TLM

memo: Amount reserved for the continuation of the DARK SIDE Events