magor Image

idea incubator

Proposal: qopchdcsjyxo

Date: 2023-02-15

43,500.0000 TLM

Value: $233.2

Approved by: i4p3u.c.wam, hx5b2.wam, liqbu.wam

Description of Proposal

Imagine you have a budget of 30k TLM to organize an event on AW:
Projects will need:

- not require development
- involve as many people as possible
- respect the Alien World rules

Send your ideas to or to snip#4861 on discord

A vote will be made by the community on the official AW discord to elect the best proposal

5000 MAG for the winner
3000 MAG for the second
1500 MAG for the places from 3 to 5
1000 MAG for the organization

30 000 MAG to realize the winning project

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 43,500.0000 TLM

memo: idea incubator