#: 721


( 3 / 5 )

Name: French Community/Beehive Support

Proposer: fufu | .p2bu.wam

Proposal: ojax3gitjrll


2024-08-23 18:46:03

Value: $300.9

Approved by: .p2bu.wam:fufu, phlbq.wam:MjaM, pq.xo.wam:Caïn,

Description of Proposal

The Beehive is a federative structure that has brought together a large number of French-speaking Alien Worlds players who had no community of their own to join.

These funds will support the Beehive's efforts towards Alien Worlds and the French-speaking community.
It will support the creation and continuation of various projects such as :

- Giveaways and games organized on different channels such as Discord or Telegram

- The creation of a Discord Bot offering mini-games and various rewards

- Professional translation of certain textual content, for example: Alien Worlds Blog, News, Events... etc.

- Professional transcription/translation of certain audio/video content, for example: Twitter Space

- Various anti-bot measures

- And more in the future...

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 30000.0000 TLM

memo: French Community/Beehive Support

#: 665


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fufu | .p2bu.wam

Proposal: 2tntqhv3kbkr


2024-06-17 16:18:48

Value: $150.5

Approved by: .p2bu.wam:fufu, pq.xo.wam:Caïn, phlbq.wam:MjaM,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: .p2bu.wam

quantity: 15000 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 664


( 0 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: fufu | .p2bu.wam

Proposal: tpdh4dtu1zmb


2024-06-17 15:07:56

Value: $75.2

Approved by:

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: .p2bu.wam

quantity: 7500 TLM

memo: CWA

#: 663


( 5 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: TMDF | fug4w.c.wam

Proposal: isdkoqsaumrx


2024-06-22 10:18:21

Value: $752.4

Approved by: fug4w.c.wam:TMDF, yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock, phlbq.wam:MjaM, .p2bu.wam:fufu, pq.xo.wam:Caïn,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: .p2bu.wam pq.xo.wam phlbq.wam fug4w.c.wam yggqw.wam

#: 618


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Magor Projects

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: 2smyhrbfh2hx


2024-03-06 14:55:12

Value: $842.7

Approved by: n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Here is mainly magor wallet and the custodians have decided to distribute egualy to important Magor projects this week like 1.Arms Worlds 2.LightningWorks Comic Book 3. Panda NFT

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 84000.0000 TLM

memo: Distrubute to other project %25

#: 610


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: c1d4xhylvhdc


2024-02-21 07:07:48

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 604


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Magor Projects

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: fsr24npy2ecp


2024-02-08 11:24:03

Value: $1,033.3

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, phlbq.wam:MjaM,

Description of Proposal

Here is mainly magor wallet and the custodians have decided to distribute egualy to important Magor projects this week like 1.Arms Worlds 2.LightningWorks Comic Book 3. Planetary Defense: 4. Panda NFT

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 103000.0000 TLM

memo: Distrubute to other project %15

#: 599


( 0 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: atmc3hcpdgho


2024-01-31 08:35:48

Value: $752.4

Approved by:

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 74999.0000 TLM

memo: yggqw.wam phlbq.wam n1saq.wam fug4w.c.wam pq.xo.wam

#: 589


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: sm3hhskfdqpu


2024-01-10 06:47:18

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 582


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: 4qct4ejzzstc


2023-12-27 09:38:28

Value: $752.4

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, pq.xo.wam:Caïn, fug4w.c.wam:TMDF,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: phlbq.wam n1saq.wam fug4w.c.wam pq.xo.wam phmo4.c.wam

#: 577


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: jgw542emv1yw


2023-12-20 17:35:49

Approved by: phmo4.c.wam:, yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock, fug4w.c.wam:TMDF,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 562


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: o5somjfd1pxx


2023-11-15 20:42:04

Value: $752.4

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, phlbq.wam:MjaM, pq.xo.wam:Caïn,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: n1saq.wam yggqw.wam phlbq.wam phmo4.c.wam pq.xo.wam

#: 561


( 1 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: ev5gzg3epsbe


2023-11-15 17:23:02

Value: $752.4

Approved by: n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: n1saq.wam yggqw.wam phlbq.wam phmo4.c.wam pq.xo.wam

#: 555


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: ooyx5qa4s2yz


2023-11-08 07:00:43

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 554


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: c4vc2qhvzoml


2023-11-08 07:00:39

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 550


( 2 / 5 )

Name: TLM Listing Support

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: orkv4p4buwyp


2023-11-08 07:46:30

Value: $501.6

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

In partial support of additional of exploring TLM token listing on an existing centralized regulated exchange. The exchange may be licensed in Switzerland, facilitate OTC trades between crypto and EUR and CHF. Users may be able to be onboarded with bank wires. The exchange may be able to service prospective users more than 30 countries in Europe. Resources for this Proposal may support in-part some of the activities relating to bringing TLM online though the Swiss market to research, marketing, and additional consulting fees. Approximate token listing may be ~Q4 2023.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: TLM Listing Support

#: 549


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Federation HR

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: iktthlam2bv1


2023-11-08 07:44:51

Value: $652.1

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

To support ongoing Federation HR services of the interim ambassador

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 65000.0000 TLM

memo: Federation HR

#: 547


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Hello Adam

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: ge2wlxhowq4i


2023-11-01 20:06:58

Value: $0.0

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

lol, why don't you communicate with us like the rest of the custodians on Discord and Telegram? you might understand.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: yggqw.wam

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: adam

#: 546


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Resourcing Non Custodians?

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: hpvwye2rrtdn


2023-11-01 06:49:00

Value: $0.0

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

Why is Magor resourcing two non- elected custodians? Doesn't make sense. The game is not built that way. It's 3 of 5 not 4 of 7. You don't have the power to change the msig. Therefore this action is Exclusionary, Blasphemous, Treacherous and against the TOS.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: WTF

#: 537


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Magor 7

Proposer: MjaM | phlbq.wam

Proposal: rmapkjknqkmz


2023-10-26 15:29:02

Value: $0.0

Approved by: phlbq.wam:MjaM, n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Proposal: Increasing the Number of Custodians to 7

In our pursuit to stimulate greater participation and encourage healthy competition within the Alien Worlds community on Magor, we are introducing a significant upgrade to the current Custodian system, named "Magor 7." The central aim of this proposal is to expand the number of Custodians from 5 to 7. This expansion is designed to bring diversity into governance, foster innovation, and make Magor an attractive hub for engaged and entrepreneurial players. We anticipate that "Magor 7" will result in increased MAG staking activities, provide greater accessibility for new candidates, and inspire the development of numerous exciting projects.

Discord Requirement: To be eligible, both of the two additional Custodian candidates must join the Magor Council Discord.
Exclusive Custodianship: The new Custodians (#6-#7) cannot simultaneously hold Custodian positions on other planets within the Alien Worlds ecosystem to ensure their full dedication to Magor.

Custodian Expansion:
At the core of "Magor 7" lies the expansion of the Custodian team from 5 to 7. This strategic move is aimed at enriching Magor's governance with a broader diversity of perspectives and a wider range of voices.

Budget Allocation:
Magor will allocate a total of 105,000 TLM to its 7 Custodians. It's essential to clarify that this allocation does not involve any salary increases for individual Custodians. Instead, it reflects the expansion of the Custodian team from 5 to 7 members. This underscores Magor's dedication to nurturing a vibrant and engaged community.

Dacoco Acceptance:
We've submitted our intentions and a request to assess the technical feasibility of Magor altering the proposal acceptance threshold from 3 out of 5 to a more robust 5 out of 7. This change aims to fortify our decision-making process and create a more inclusive governance system. Elevating it to 5 out of 7 will enhance the safeguarding of Magor's treasury and encourage greater participation in the Council of 7.

"Magor 7" introduces an innovative and appealing concept for entrepreneurial players within Alien Worlds. With an expanded Custodian team and an increased budget, we are well-positioned to promote healthy competition, innovation, and opportunities. Together, we have the power to shape Magor's future and serve as a unique model for Alien Worlds Daos.

The potential to increase the number of Custodians proportionally to the growing budget remains a future possibility.


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Improved Magor Syndicate

Links from description:

#: 532


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: r4ob1ez1u5rq


2023-10-18 19:20:02

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, phlbq.wam:MjaM, n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 531


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: u23wom4seypa


2023-10-18 05:04:50

Value: $752.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock, a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: n1saq.wam yggqw.wam phlbq.wam a.d3u.c.wam gykb4.wam

#: 528


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: eji4njfi3xe4


2023-10-11 23:10:42

Value: $752.4

Approved by: gykb4.wam:, n1saq.wam:, phlbq.wam:MjaM,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: n1saq.wam yggqw.wam phlbq.wam a.d3u.c.wam gykb4.wam

#: 526


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: ylytuupunooc


2023-10-11 05:16:06

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 519


( 3 / 5 )

Name: CWA

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: twmyhdppcfu1


2023-09-21 00:54:13

Value: $752.4

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, phlbq.wam:MjaM, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: n1saq.wam yggqw.wam phlbq.wam a.d3u.c.wam gykb4.wam

#: 518


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: xpyvvs1euwsi


2023-09-21 02:21:49

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 517


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: y1wthngqq3cs


2023-09-27 04:42:57

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 516


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: hobkpms1wdxs


2023-09-27 04:42:57

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 515


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: m1ei2t44jpmm


2023-09-27 04:42:57

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 514


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: radvpyb4edwf


2023-09-27 04:42:56

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 513


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 21uzoznvdvos


2023-09-27 04:42:56

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 512


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 4zce3tuho2lr


2023-09-27 04:42:55

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 511


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: od3wnrd5tbhc


2023-09-27 04:42:55

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 510


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: bhfsoauw3fog


2023-09-27 04:42:55

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 509


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: iobi5x54yxwa


2023-09-27 04:42:55

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 508


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 2aeksflp1kkp


2023-09-27 04:42:54

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 507


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 4pnyhsmlsuel


2023-09-27 04:42:53

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 506


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: qim5yf5tbewe


2023-09-27 04:42:52

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 505


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: oghpkqygvkjb


2023-09-27 04:42:53

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 504


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: swpsi3apuehi


2023-09-27 04:42:52

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 503


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: vaqwhkfl3euu


2023-09-27 04:42:52

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 502


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: l33pbvjilbqd


2023-09-27 04:42:52

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 501


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 51rbshcabe2h


2023-09-27 04:42:52

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 500


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: jfh5yeuksrtb


2023-09-27 04:42:52

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 499


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: tvfkyroxfccv


2023-09-27 04:42:51

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 498


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: sigsomqmxyxv


2023-09-27 04:42:51

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 497


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: ljh2l25y1wbr


2023-09-27 04:42:51

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 496


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: gedbrlz253w1


2023-09-27 04:42:51

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 495


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: gmdferyga2gu


2023-09-27 04:42:51

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 494


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 2gpjxoqtehwz


2023-09-27 04:42:51

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 493


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: rp1nstt1vorn


2023-09-27 04:42:50

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 492


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 4ucpvkndo5tx


2023-09-27 04:42:50

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 491


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: uagr1ifgyc4i


2023-09-27 04:42:39

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 490


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: wxltwtzh2fp4


2023-09-27 04:42:39

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 489


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: zrlgoukphbze


2023-09-27 04:42:39

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 488


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 2igzx3p5p3qu


2023-09-27 04:42:39

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 487


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 4mmoyzd52buh


2023-09-27 04:42:39

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 486


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: buje2jjsiuud


2023-09-27 04:42:38

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 485


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: vglaclfkjwpw


2023-09-27 04:42:38

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 484


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: jzjniimkvgdz


2023-09-27 04:42:38

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 483


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: udypugklwvrd


2023-09-27 04:42:38

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 482


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: e1x1bfgbbq1i


2023-09-27 04:42:37

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 481


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: buqzgi5wif4g


2023-09-27 04:42:37

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 480


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 3ctkkidnmczi


2023-09-27 04:42:37

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 479


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: cwqbzux2veuh


2023-09-27 04:42:37

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 478


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: hbg5ylla2alv


2023-09-27 04:42:36

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 477


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: pe2yj5yowayl


2023-09-27 04:42:36

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 476


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: znrecunmptvc


2023-09-27 04:42:35

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 475


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 42fizws3y1b5


2023-09-27 04:42:35

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 474


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: ux5rmzj5q5qy


2023-09-27 04:42:35

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 473


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: extyjd24o2dz


2023-09-27 04:42:34

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 472


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: cxqdkt1wdx4o


2023-09-27 04:42:34

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 471


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: zjlqu1kzglvi


2023-09-27 04:42:34

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 470


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: qe1fpsxdtbfg


2023-09-27 04:42:34

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 469


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: u2k4gnyiklcy


2023-09-27 04:42:34

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 468


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: lisptieco2ko


2023-09-27 04:42:33

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 467


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: jmfyx3i1ulrh


2023-09-27 04:42:33

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 466


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: sx1vwzslkoxu


2023-09-27 04:42:32

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 465


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: hob4qxveuapr


2023-09-27 04:42:32

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 464


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: vnemmcvwsrbu


2023-09-27 04:42:33

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 463


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: crjxf5fcl1me


2023-09-27 04:42:32

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 462


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: fflu5ss2kayz


2023-09-27 04:42:32

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 461


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: f5ld2hx4olkr


2023-09-27 04:42:26

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 460


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: dedtmc2adsx1


2023-09-27 04:42:25

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 459


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: kqutchlhmpyc


2023-09-27 04:42:25

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 458


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: gx5wbmxhnomm


2023-09-27 04:42:24

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 457


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: ccrulvqttkmp


2023-09-27 04:42:24

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 456


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 4ciyft2pfeqm


2023-09-27 04:42:25

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 455


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: 2fbounomitqp


2023-09-27 04:42:24

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 454


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: hvk4tajejdye


2023-09-27 04:42:24

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 453


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: dk4tmosqwupi


2023-09-27 04:42:23

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 452


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: ss5mt3qk1aw3


2023-09-27 04:42:23

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 451


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: onbnpgmre3bh


2023-09-27 04:42:23

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 450


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: wm2ijmprw3cm


2023-09-27 04:42:22

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 449


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: mupmhtlohybt


2023-09-27 04:42:22

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 448


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: ewe2sgh1o1t2


2023-09-27 04:42:21

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 447


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: wflqwzrpdg2g


2023-09-27 04:42:21

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 446


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: pzgd4jmg3e4a


2023-09-27 04:42:21

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 445


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: x5srly5n2fbw


2023-09-27 04:42:20

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 444


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: eqnw3urwlees


2023-09-27 04:42:19

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 443


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: zkzgesaf1nrj


2023-09-27 04:42:18

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 442


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: a.d3u.c.wam

Proposal: lxbnop1ytokm


2023-09-27 04:42:17

Approved by: a.d3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 434


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: gykb4.wam

Proposal: omlgjnxiry3c


2023-09-21 05:18:23

Value: $752.4

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, phlbq.wam:MjaM, yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 75000.0000 TLM

memo: n1saq.wam yggqw.wam phlbq.wam a.d3u.c.wam gykb4.wam

#: 430


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: qec4o.c.wam

Proposal: lozhdekzliap


2023-09-14 04:59:49

Approved by: qec4o.c.wam:, phlbq.wam:MjaM, gykb4.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 428


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Alien Edition Goes Live in 10 Minutes!

Proposer: qec4o.c.wam

Proposal: dw4llpmnwxa3


2023-09-13 18:49:33

Value: $0.0

Approved by: qec4o.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal


First five viewers to join win a prize!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Edition

Links from description:

#: 415


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: ezm1s25hwjqd


2023-08-23 17:32:19

Value: $150.5

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

This allowance covers the day-to-day responsibilities carried out by the custodians throughout their 7-day tenure, which includes activities on platforms such as Zoom, Twitter Spaces, Discord, and TG. Custodians are expected to consistently uphold their co

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: yggqw.wam

quantity: 14999.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 408


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: f1xgujgslpvr


2023-08-24 03:13:58

Approved by: phmo4.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 406


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: 5nsbizem3gwg


2023-08-24 02:49:53

Approved by: phmo4.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 405


( 2 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: 4ovtopffq3zw


2023-08-23 16:53:00

Approved by: phmo4.c.wam:, phlbq.wam:MjaM,

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 386


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: e355tu2x3gf2


2023-08-04 22:14:26

Value: $125.4

Approved by: yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

This allowance covers the day-to-day responsibilities carried out by the custodians throughout their 7-day tenure, which includes activities on platforms such as Zoom, Twitter Spaces, Discord, and TG.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: pq.xo.wam

quantity: 12500.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 385


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: rpsdprveme1h


2023-08-04 22:14:31

Value: $125.4

Approved by: yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

This allowance covers the day-to-day responsibilities carried out by the custodians throughout their 7-day tenure, which includes activities on platforms such as Zoom, Twitter Spaces, Discord, and TG.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 12500.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 384


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: j3b2uo1zvhao


2023-08-04 22:14:37

Value: $125.4

Approved by: yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

This allowance covers the day-to-day responsibilities carried out by the custodians throughout their 7-day tenure, which includes activities on platforms such as Zoom, Twitter Spaces, Discord, and TG.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: phlbq.wam

quantity: 12500.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 383


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: dqyt5v35lcg2


2023-08-04 22:14:40

Value: $125.4

Approved by: yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

This allowance covers the day-to-day responsibilities carried out by the custodians throughout their 7-day tenure, which includes activities on platforms such as Zoom, Twitter Spaces, Discord, and TG.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 12500.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 382


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: g3w5phyb3j34


2023-08-04 22:14:46

Value: $125.4

Approved by: yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

This allowance covers the day-to-day responsibilities carried out by the custodians throughout their 7-day tenure, which includes activities on platforms such as Zoom, Twitter Spaces, Discord, and TG.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: yggqw.wam

quantity: 12500.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 381


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: rb2ne35lfzmo


2023-08-10 15:04:56

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 380


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: prizcvemlmjx


2023-08-10 13:55:45

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 375


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Arms World Game

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: diozwhcpyyaw


2023-07-26 03:00:17

Value: $7,523.7

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, phlbq.wam:MjaM,

Description of Proposal

We are started create website and now we are write code of website.
We will use design and tools for website.

We are developing the project to use mostly Alien worlds arm.world NFTs. But in the first place, the game will be played only with the cards we have given. With later updates, users will be able to participate in games on the game with their own NFTs.

Our porposal more users use Alien Worlds NFTs.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 750000.0000 TLM

memo: Arms World

#: 364


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: sznqtk51n2uf


2023-07-29 14:57:15

Approved by: phlbq.wam:MjaM, phmo4.c.wam:, n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 363


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Acryptoa Event : Captain Election

Proposer: MjaM | phlbq.wam

Proposal: ffih3nucckii


2023-07-28 21:48:03

Value: $0.0

Approved by: phlbq.wam:MjaM, pq.xo.wam:Caïn,

Description of Proposal

This is the account [.ktka.c.wam] we wish to be the captain for the three Acryptia x Alien Worlds Boss Battles!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Acryptia Event

#: 356


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Trilium Quest

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: dzde1exmn1yj


2023-07-25 13:27:20

Value: $1,003.2

Approved by: yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

Proposal to support trilium quest to final launch and beyond.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: trilium quest

#: 353


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Trilium Quest

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: orc4ndybzgv1


2023-07-18 13:26:13

Value: $1,203.8

Approved by: yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

Trilium Quest further dev funding pre game version 1

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 120000.0000 TLM

memo: trilium Quest

#: 347


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: tbsoltz3lani


2023-07-17 21:10:27

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 346


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: uso2nv1eotsl


2023-07-17 13:34:00

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 326


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Geoff - Test Proposal

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: whgv3ew5x3bj


2023-07-03 16:26:06

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

Geoff's *test* proposal description...

awlndratings: claimpay

receiver: magor.dac

#: 325


( 0 / 5 )

Name: dtal land magor

Proposer: Caïn | pq.xo.wam

Proposal: cz2oh4uthued


2023-07-02 19:18:11

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

dtal land

awlndratings: claimpay

receiver: magor.dac

#: 324


( 0 / 5 )

Name: dtal land magor

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: e2w5b24ckh2k


2023-06-25 07:34:32

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

dtal land

awlndratings: claimpay

receiver: magor.dac

#: 322


( 0 / 5 )

Name: DTAL Magor Land

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: zr2g1yno2afx


2023-06-26 02:04:42

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

DTAL Magor Land: Anakin land DTAL claim.

awlndratings: claimpay

receiver: magor.dac

#: 321


( 0 / 5 )

Name: DTAL Magor Land

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: l3bkqebuktje


2023-06-26 02:05:03

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

DTAL Magor Land: Anakin land DTAL claim.

awlndratings: claimpay

receiver: magor.dac

#: 320


( 0 / 5 )

Name: DTAL Magor Land

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: 3qv4qttn325t


2023-06-26 02:05:30

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

DTAL Magor Land :Anakin land DTAL claim. wEFSDFDSFSFSFDSF

awlndratings: claimpay

receiver: magor.dac

#: 319


( 0 / 5 )

Name: DTAL Magor Land

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: ixftqj3wquey


2023-06-26 02:05:48

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

DTAL Magor Land :Anakin land DTAL claim.

awlndratings: claimpay

receiver: magor.dac

#: 318


( 0 / 5 )

Name: DTAL Magor Land

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: b3haddpeabqw


2023-06-26 02:06:07

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

DTAL Magor Land :Anakin land DTAL claim.

awlndratings: claimpay

receiver: magor.dac

#: 314


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: ing3m11pugay


2023-06-28 10:58:38

Value: $25.1

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

This allowance covers the day-to-day responsibilities carried out by the custodians throughout their 7-day tenure, which includes activities on platforms such as Zoom, Twitter Spaces, Discord, and TG.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: rr3qw.wam

quantity: 2500.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 309


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: okadxauzbafe


2023-06-28 10:52:56

Value: $100.3

Approved by: yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

This allowance covers the day-to-day responsibilities carried out by the custodians throughout their 7-day tenure, which includes activities on platforms such as Zoom, Twitter Spaces, Discord, and TG.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: rr3qw.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 302


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: yavruysoqrtf


2023-06-28 02:00:02

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 294


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: fyfugaiafqe2


2023-06-23 06:43:29

Value: $100.3

Approved by: n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

This allowance covers the day-to-day responsibilities carried out by the custodians throughout their 7-day tenure, which includes activities on platforms such as Zoom, Twitter Spaces, Discord, and TG. Custodians are expected to consistently uphold their co

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: yggqw.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 293


( 4 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: pm4ccl2kvtxj


2023-06-21 01:48:07

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock, pq.xo.wam:Caïn, phmo4.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 265


( 2 / 5 )

Name: MAGOR Duel

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: whf1bix5zlgm


2023-05-21 17:41:19

Value: $1,003.2

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal


Use your Alien Worlds Knowledge and earn to MAG
How much do you know about Alien Worlds?
Test your Alien Worlds Wisdom

Hows work Game?

l will prepare the game (it will be on Android side). l will prepare questions and share on the game and users will download the game and play Alien Worlds- MAGOR Duel. if they know true answers Users will collect to point or MAG. And we will give him MAG.

Purpose: The goal of this event users learn more Alien Worlds game, NFTs and Earn to some MAG.

Technical Details

Development and Rewards Part: 100000 TLM.

We will think nearly 1000 members to download game and play our game.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: MAGOR Duel, first round

#: 252


( 2 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: ysaaodtnfk4x


2023-05-20 04:46:04

Approved by: phmo4.c.wam:, n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 251


( 2 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: y3clictcvdgj


2023-05-16 06:57:52

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, phmo4.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 250


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: cc3ieelsnocz


2023-05-12 19:51:18

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 249


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian weekly allowance

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: cwj5lgvsihbt


2023-05-12 07:06:41

Value: $100.3

Approved by: hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. 50k TLM divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: phlbq.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian weekly allowance

#: 248


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian weekly allowance

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: sehxqsb5nllm


2023-05-12 07:06:53

Value: $100.3

Approved by: hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. 50k TLM divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: hx5b2.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian weekly allowance

#: 247


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian weekly allowance

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: iv1favzmeazc


2023-05-12 07:07:02

Value: $100.3

Approved by: hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. 50k TLM divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian weekly allowance

#: 246


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian weekly allowance

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: 1ejz2ohtej5v


2023-05-12 07:07:13

Value: $100.3

Approved by: hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. 50k TLM divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian weekly allowance

#: 245


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian weekly allowance

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: ykwv4cgxtxb2


2023-05-12 07:07:25

Value: $100.3

Approved by: hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. 50k TLM divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: yggqw.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian weekly allowance

#: 243


( 1 / 5 )

Name: MAGOR Duel APP

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: mgzeguihxy3x


2023-05-11 08:38:57

Value: $1,003.2

Approved by: n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal


Use your Alien Worlds Knowledge and earn to MAG
How much do you know about Alien Worlds?
Test your Alien Worlds Wisdom

Hows work Game?

l will prepare the game (it will be on Android side). l will prepare questions and share on the game and users will download the game and play Alien Worlds- MAGOR Duel. if they know true answers Users will collect to point or MAG. And we will give him MAG.

Purpose: The goal of this event users learn more Alien Worlds game, NFTs and Earn to some MAG.

Technical Details

Development and Rewards Part: 100000 TLM.

We will think nearly 1000 members to download game and play our game.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Magor Duel

#: 242


( 1 / 5 )

Name: MAGOR Duel APP

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: tuuyuasjjqsa


2023-05-04 08:39:15

Value: $1,003.2

Approved by: n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Alien Worlds


Use your Alien Worlds Knowledge and earn to MAG
How much do you know about Alien Worlds?
Test your Alien Worlds Wisdom

Hows work Game?

l will prepare the game (it will be on Android side). l will prepare questions and share on the game and users will download the game and play Alien Worlds- MAGOR Duel. if they know true answers Users will collect to point or MAG. And we will give him MAG.

Purpose: The goal of this event users learn more Alien Worlds game, NFTs and Earn to some MAG.

Technical Details

Development and Rewards Part: 100000 TLM.

We will think nearly 1000 members to download game and play our game.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Magor Duel

#: 241


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Alien Worlds Local Community

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: mgbm1f5gjhn2


2023-05-11 08:27:21

Value: $60.2

Approved by: n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Event - 4

Idea: Omer | Wax |BSc
1. What: l have proposal for local Alien Worlds Community.
2. Where: Alien Worlds Turkey Telegram (https://t.me/alienworldss_TR)
3. Who: All community members
4. Why (purpose):
- Community growth,
- Increase the positivity of community members.
- Disseminate knowledge about Alien Worlds.
5. Event: Trivia and Quiz.
6. How:
We will hold Trivia 2 times per week at Alien Worlds official telegram channel in Turkey.
Admin Turkey will prepare additional questions and knowledge for that sentence, to disseminate knowledge to community members.
Sponsored TLM will be used to purchase Alien Worlds NFTs and reward members with the fastest and correct answers.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 6000.0000 TLM

memo: Turkey community

Links from description:

#: 240


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Alien Worlds x Panda

Proposer: MjaM | phlbq.wam

Proposal: smgozknsscy2


2023-05-10 19:38:44

Value: $501.6

Approved by: phlbq.wam:MjaM,

Description of Proposal

We are space bamboozled by the overwhelmingly positive response and high levels of engagement from participants since the start of the collaboration between Alien Worlds and Panda NFT. In order to sustain the momentum and excitement, we propose a second round of festivity. This will provide players with even more opportunities to participate.

By utilizing both their Alien Worlds and Panda NFTs, players will have the chance to compete for the top spot on the leaderboard, adding a new layer of competition to the event.

Stay tuned for more details and announcements about the festival. We are confident that it will be an unforgettable experience for all participants. The second round of festivity is just the beginning of what we have in store for the community, and we look forward to sharing more.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: Panda NFT Reward

#: 234


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Alien Words Community

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: gdcap15yvmre


2023-05-04 08:24:04

Value: $100.3

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Event -3

Idea: Omer | Wax |BSc
1. What: l have proposal for local Alien Worlds Community.
2. Where: Alien Worlds Turkey Telegram (https://t.me/alienworldss_TR)
3. Who: All community members
4. Why (purpose):
- Community growth,
- Increase the positivity of community members.
- Disseminate knowledge about Alien Worlds.
5. Event: Trivia and Quiz.
6. How:
We will hold Trivia 2 times per week at Alien Worlds official telegram channel in Turkey.
Admin Turkey will prepare additional questions and knowledge for that sentence, to disseminate knowledge to community members.
Sponsored TLM will be used to purchase Alien Worlds NFTs and reward members with the fastest and correct answers.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Community

Links from description:

#: 233


( 2 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: 4gt4vnkzndp2


2023-05-03 06:24:11

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 231


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Battle Miners - Development funds

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: cttjmhnitile


2023-05-02 08:49:56

Value: $2,006.3

Approved by: cabba.wam:,

Description of Proposal

To maximize growth of our respective projects, our proposal offers to target key elements of within our respective games:
As previously mentioned, In NBM, players can set up mining operations using land cards and miners. Each player can also use “Booster cards”, strong NFTs which constantly boost the yields of a particular operation. Booster cards are generally extremely rare cards having a value between 0.5-3%.

1. We offer to allocate booster features for up to 5 AW templates,
0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 3% .

This option will allow users to use AW NFTs inside the NBM Metaverse to boost their mining operations. This unique feature will offer a strong advantage to any AW asset holders while providing additional utility(thus value) to the selected AW templates given those inter-game functionalities. .

2. AW sponsored Lucky Draw weekly events for a period of at least 3 months.

Lucky Draw is a weekly event on NBM where every player can try his luck to get hold of some valuable NBM NFTs or resources.
It could be easy to design a scheme where the AW council could be a 3 months sponsor for the Lucky Draw event by offering additional rewards such as TLM. This option will provide extra incentive for NBM players to explore the AW ecosystem.(Sponsorship for a duration of at least 3 months ; 12 events),

3. AW council sponsored weekly PvP events for a period of 3 months.
NBM has launched its PvP card game in 2022. Since then, we hold bi-weekly events (tournaments) with many prizes for the winners (NFTs, Tokens etc.)
Similarly to the lucky draw event, we will be more than happy if AW could sponsor this event by offering additional prizes (Sponsorship for a duration of 3 months ; 12 events)

4. Special blending recipes based on Apertian ingredients.
As we mentioned in our introduction, NBM recently released Aperta, a unique region on the New Terra planet where players can mine resources and NFTs. Aperta contains various biomes ranging from thick jungle to oceans. For our next release, while mining on Aperta, players will be able to collect ingredients such as mushrooms, water, insects and more. Those ingredients will be used to create recipes meant to cook strong elixirs granting temporary bonuses. We are thereby offering an option where AW users could also use and blend oversupplied AW NFTs (few templates to be decided) in those recipes in order to get NBM elixirs. . In the long term, this concept could offer an interesting way for the AW team to reduce the circulating supply of particular assets.

5. Formation of bilateral depth on Alcor for cross token swaps. TLM vs each of 4 NBM tokens.
This will enable users to easily Swap TLM/ NBM instead of needing to use WAX trades in between.

6. Including AW NFTs in NBM Cave mining
NBM cave mining is an innovative concept which is currently being developed by our team. In NBM Cave mining, NBM players will be able to explore caves present on the surface of the Arcadian planet in order to fight monsters, extract more resources and find unique items. In this concept, gamers will be able to collect extra ingredients, craft unique weapons or armor etc. This could be the perfect opportunity to ensure that each user holding in his wallet a particular AW template (tbd) could get access to exclusive AW branded weapons with unique features.
Additionally, we plan on introducing a leaderboard for cave exploration with weekly rewards for the best explorers.

This brings the additional option for AW to increase its visibility by further sponsoring leaderboard rewards with TLM.

This set of activities, events and integration should allow AW to:
1.Increase its visibility
2.Widen its assets utility
3. Stimulate community actions
4. Improve its Inter-game connections
5. Strengthen its marketing

Budget and expenses
For the following section, the budget required is expressed in $ (USD) (Expected in TLM equivalent in case of approval):
1. Integrations, Development and Design - 3000$
2. Prize pools for events: 3000$
3. Marketing and efforts associated to the collaboration for the duration of 3 months: 3000$
4. Liquidity for cross token pairs in TLM: 1000$

Total: 10000$

Battle Miner draft document:


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 200000.0000 TLM

memo: Battle Miners - Development funds

Links from description:

#: 229


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Aliwn Worlds - MAGOR Duel

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: qmdy3wxr55gq


2023-05-04 08:24:13

Value: $1,003.2

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Alien Worlds


Use your Alien Worlds Knowledge and earn to MAG
How much do you know about Alien Worlds?
Test your Alien Worlds Wisdom

Hows work Game?

l will prepare the game (it will be on Android side). l will prepare questions and share on the game and users will download the game and play Alien Worlds- MAGOR Duel. if they know true answers Users will collect to point or MAG. And we will give him MAG.

Purpose: The goal of this event users learn more Alien Worlds game, NFTs and Earn to some MAG.

Technical Details

Development and Rewards Part: 100000 TLM.

We will think nearly 1000 members to download game and play our game.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: Magor Duel

#: 221


( 2 / 5 )

Name: BattleMiner Proposal

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: rw1hfhdyvqer


2023-05-03 05:36:53

Value: $0.0

Approved by: cabba.wam:, hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

To maximize growth of our respective projects, our proposal offers to target key elements of within our respective games:
As previously mentioned, In NBM, players can set up mining operations using land cards and miners. Each player can also use “Booster cards”, strong NFTs which constantly boost the yields of a particular operation. Booster cards are generally extremely rare cards having a value between 0.5-3%.

1. We offer to allocate booster features for up to 5 AW templates,
0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 3% .

This option will allow users to use AW NFTs inside the NBM Metaverse to boost their mining operations. This unique feature will offer a strong advantage to any AW asset holders while providing additional utility(thus value) to the selected AW templates given those inter-game functionalities. .

2. AW sponsored Lucky Draw weekly events for a period of at least 3 months.

Lucky Draw is a weekly event on NBM where every player can try his luck to get hold of some valuable NBM NFTs or resources.
It could be easy to design a scheme where the AW council could be a 3 months sponsor for the Lucky Draw event by offering additional rewards such as TLM. This option will provide extra incentive for NBM players to explore the AW ecosystem.(Sponsorship for a duration of at least 3 months ; 12 events),

3. AW council sponsored weekly PvP events for a period of 3 months.
NBM has launched its PvP card game in 2022. Since then, we hold bi-weekly events (tournaments) with many prizes for the winners (NFTs, Tokens etc.)
Similarly to the lucky draw event, we will be more than happy if AW could sponsor this event by offering additional prizes (Sponsorship for a duration of 3 months ; 12 events)

4. Special blending recipes based on Apertian ingredients.
As we mentioned in our introduction, NBM recently released Aperta, a unique region on the New Terra planet where players can mine resources and NFTs. Aperta contains various biomes ranging from thick jungle to oceans. For our next release, while mining on Aperta, players will be able to collect ingredients such as mushrooms, water, insects and more. Those ingredients will be used to create recipes meant to cook strong elixirs granting temporary bonuses. We are thereby offering an option where AW users could also use and blend oversupplied AW NFTs (few templates to be decided) in those recipes in order to get NBM elixirs. . In the long term, this concept could offer an interesting way for the AW team to reduce the circulating supply of particular assets.

5. Formation of bilateral depth on Alcor for cross token swaps. TLM vs each of 4 NBM tokens.
This will enable users to easily Swap TLM/ NBM instead of needing to use WAX trades in between.

6. Including AW NFTs in NBM Cave mining
NBM cave mining is an innovative concept which is currently being developed by our team. In NBM Cave mining, NBM players will be able to explore caves present on the surface of the Arcadian planet in order to fight monsters, extract more resources and find unique items. In this concept, gamers will be able to collect extra ingredients, craft unique weapons or armor etc. This could be the perfect opportunity to ensure that each user holding in his wallet a particular AW template (tbd) could get access to exclusive AW branded weapons with unique features.
Additionally, we plan on introducing a leaderboard for cave exploration with weekly rewards for the best explorers.

This brings the additional option for AW to increase its visibility by further sponsoring leaderboard rewards with TLM.

This set of activities, events and integration should allow AW to:
1.Increase its visibility
2.Widen its assets utility
3. Stimulate community actions
4. Improve its Inter-game connections
5. Strengthen its marketing

Budget and expenses
For the following section, the budget required is expressed in $ (USD) (Expected in TLM equivalent in case of approval):
1. Integrations, Development and Design - 3000$
2. Prize pools for events: 3000$
3. Marketing and efforts associated to the collaboration for the duration of 3 months: 3000$
4. Liquidity for cross token pairs in TLM: 1000$

Total: 10000$

Battle Miner draft document:


alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: Battleminer proposal template

Links from description:

#: 219


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Support of IPF

Proposer: phmo4.c.wam

Proposal: 2k5c23rlvw33


2023-05-02 22:44:48

Value: $0.0

Approved by: phmo4.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

This proposal shall serve as the foundation of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress. A yes vote to this proposal signifies your intention to join the The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress. The first 9 individual Custodians to Approve this Proposal shall be considered the Founding Members of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.

Please note, this is a living document, and is subject to alteration and editing prior to ratification, based on the suggestions of The Interplanetary Federation Constitutional Congress.

Resources remaining in kavianplanet will be utilized to build the necessary infrastructure for The Interplanetary Federation DAO.

The Interplanetary Federation DAO (henceforth referred to as The Interplanetary Federation) shall be open to all players of AW who achieve the required qualifications as Custodians, as defined below:

Interplanetary Federation Constitution DRAFT


We, the Custodians of the Interplanetary Federation, ordain and establish this Constitution to promote cooperation and coordination between the Syndicates of AW, and to further the development and growth of our shared community.`

Article I: Membership

1.1 Custodians elected to the same Syndicate for one consecutive 4 week term or more are invited to apply to The Interplanetary Federation.

1.2 Interplanetary Federation membership shall last a period of 180 days. After which Custodians will only be eligible to reapply after being elected for a separate consecutive 4 week term.

1.3 Interplanetary Federation Members who are elected to a second consecutive 4 week term during their last 6 weeks of active membership to The Interplanetary Federation will automatically receive a second term.

1.4 Each Interplanetary Federation Member must stake (100,000) TLM to The Interplanetary Federation for 90 days to gain Interplanetary Federation participation rights.

1.5 Interplanetary Federation participation rights will begin on the initial stake date and will only remain active while staking is active. Interplanetary Federation Participation rights will include, creating proposals, and voting in the biweekly election.

1.6 Syndicate membership in The Interplanetary Federation will be voluntary, subject to approval by 3 of 5 of the active Custodians per Syndicate.

1.7 Syndicate membership in The Interplanetary Federation will require each Syndicate to contribute 10% of their weekly budget to the Interplanetary Federation.

1.8 Syndicate membership shall be considered active on the date of the first contribution and remain active as long as contributions are active.

1.8.1 Syndicates who do not contribute to The Interplanetary Federation for a period of 14 days shall be considered inactive.

1.9 Only Interplanetary Federation Members from active Syndicates shall be eligible to run for Special Councils.

1.9.1 Interplanetary Federation Members from inactive Syndicates shall be removed from Special Councils immediately and replaced at the next biweekly election.

Article II: Special Councils

2.1 There shall be three Special Councils, each consisting of 5 Interplanetary Federation Members.

2.2 Interplanetary Federation Special Council Members will serve 60 day terms and shall be elected by receiving 51% or more in rank choice voting of active Federation Members who participate in the biweekly election.

2.3 Elections of Special Council Members shall occur as part of the biweekly Interplanetary Federation Member voting cycle, and shall be by rank choice voting, where each Interplanetary Federation Member shall vote for two candidates. If one candidate receives 51% or more in the election they are elected to the Special Council. If no candidate receives 51% or more, there shall be an automatic runoff election of the top 2 candidates by percentage until one candidate receives 51% or more of the vote.

2.4 Every Interplanetary Federation Member from an actively contributing Syndicate shall be eligible to run for Special Council but may only serve on one Special Council at a time.

2.5 Special Council proposals shall be considered passed if approved by 3 of 5 Special Council Members.

2.6 There shall be 5 Members on the Executive Council. They will be responsible for the direction of The Interplanetary Federation and finalizing proposals to The Interplanetary Federation Members.

2.7 There shall be 5 Members on the Judicial Council. They will settle disputes within The Interplanetary Federation and determine whether proposals have potential legal consequences. The Judicial Council is responsible for the final check on proposal approval.

2.8 There shall be 5 Members of the Treasury Council. They will determine the costs associated with Interplanetary Federation proposals, approve budgets for proposals, and determine if funds allocated were appropriately spent.

Article III: Proposals

3.1 Proposals may be made by any active Interplanetary Federation Member, but must have a clear and justifiable purpose (where a clear and justifiable purpose is defined as a connection to an ongoing previously approved Interplanetary Federation project; or where it is reasonable to assume that said proposal would be agreed upon by 51% or more of current Interplanetary Federation voting members, and that the proposal will contribute to the furtherance of AW and/or its’ respective Syndicates).

3.2 Each Interplanetary Federation Member receives 1 vote in the biweekly election (regardless of how many Syndicates they are elected to).

3.3 Proposals can be approved in three ways:

3.3.1 If proposed by an Interplanetary Federation Member in the biweekly vote, and a proposal receives the approval of 66% of active Interplanetary Federation Members, it is sent to the Treasury and Judicial Councils for approval. If 3 of 5 of the Treasury Council, and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council approve the proposal, the proposal passes. The Judicial Council has final approval (ratified by Judicial).

3.3.2 If proposed by an Interplanetary Federation Member in the biweekly vote, and a proposal receives the approval of 51% of active Interplanetary Federation Members, it is sent to the Executive Council for approval and revision. If 3 of 5 of the Executive Council approve the proposal, it is sent to the Treasury and Judicial Councils for approval. If 3 of 5 the Treasury Council and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council approve the proposal, the proposal passes. The Judicial Council has final approval. (ratified by Judicial).

3.3.3 If proposed by a Special Council Member, a proposal requires the approval of 3 of 5 of the Executive Council, 3 of 5 of the Treasury Council, and 3 of 5 of the Judicial Council, as well as a 51% approval of active Interplanetary Federation Members in the biweekly vote. The Interplanetary Federation Members have final approval. (ratified by Members).

Article IV: Ratification

4.1 This Interplanetary Federation Constitution shall be considered ratified, upon receiving a passing proposal from no less than three Syndicates within AW..

4.2 In the event that The Interplanetary Federation Constitution does not receive a passing proposal from at least 3 Syndicates, the Interplanetary Federation shall be governed by an appointed council of Custodians of any number, chosen at the Interplanetary Federations sole discretion.

Article V: Amendments

5.1 This Interplanetary Federation Constitution is to be considered a living document. Post ratification of this document, it shall remain subject to amendment by receiving 66% in the biweekly vote and a 3 of 5 majority of all three Special Councils.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: cabba.wam

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: IPF

#: 211


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: zbgxyudiljwd


2023-04-26 02:39:12

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, hx5b2.wam:, yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 205


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: dkdknze5c22u


2023-04-18 09:23:37

Value: $100.3

Approved by: cabba.wam:, phmo4.c.wam:, n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. 50k TLM divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: yggqw.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 204


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: apcokqyecgzu


2023-04-18 09:23:22

Value: $100.3

Approved by: cabba.wam:, phmo4.c.wam:, n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. 50k TLM divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 201


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: peuiid5gvb3t


2023-04-18 09:22:31

Value: $100.3

Approved by: cabba.wam:, phmo4.c.wam:, yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. 50k TLM divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: cabba.wam

quantity: 10000.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 197


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: 24aierd1yjma


2023-04-05 09:38:00

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 196


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: r2gjw2wwhbcl


2023-04-05 09:39:21

Approved by: n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 195


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: iwp1ftdrtuvr


2023-04-05 09:37:03

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 192


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: piuxynmgwwjr


2023-04-03 09:18:58

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 185


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Alien Worlds Charity - MAGOR

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: iwqcpto3gt2p


2023-03-29 07:57:29

Value: $300.9

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Ramadan Kareem 🕌

And l want to create Alien Worlds Charity - MAGOR

We will do Ramadan packet and give needy family.

Packet details:
-tea etc

It includes a humanitarian aid package for families in need.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 30000.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Worlds Charity - MAGOR

#: 183


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Growing the Local Community

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: wkxghaldoowl


2023-04-02 22:14:37

Value: $60.2

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

What: l have proposal for local Alien Worlds Community.

Where: Alien World Türkiye Telegram (https://t.me/alienworldss_TR)

Who: All community members

Why (Purpose): Community growth, Increasing local community

Also got good feedbacks from users

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 6000.0000 TLM

memo: Growing the Local Community

Links from description:

#: 176


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: w5hh3vbgf5nk


2023-03-26 16:13:42

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 175


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: s25fds5oegdo


2023-03-26 14:06:44

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 173


( 3 / 5 )


Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: nv1jil1wkn5l


2023-03-31 20:30:50

Value: $50.2

Approved by: hx5b2.wam:, cabba.wam:, n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Compensation for Ricardoow to organizing the event.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: Compensation for Ricardoow for its excellent services

#: 171


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Dark Side of the FORCE

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: fqpidikr1csp


2023-03-20 14:11:39

Value: $1,003.2

Approved by: hx5b2.wam:, n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Notice to ALL Miners :
Where: 12:2 MAGOR Rocky Desert
When: 0:00 CET 21.03.2023 till 23:59 CET 23.03.2023
Requirements: Obtain 2000 nft points during the EVENT.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 100000.0000 TLM

memo: DaRk Side Of THe ForcE #2

#: 170


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Support to Alien Worlds Vietnam Telegram

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: omu4wjnbfgyy


2023-03-27 04:25:07

Value: $50.2

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Idea: Omer | Wax |BSc
1. What: l have proposal for local Alien Worlds Community.
2. Where: Alien Worlds Vietnam Telegram (https://t.me/alienworldsvietnamofficial)
3. Who: All community members
4. Why (purpose):
- Community growth,
- Increase the positivity of community members.
- Disseminate knowledge about Alien Worlds.
5. Event: Trivia and Quiz.
6. How:
We will hold Trivia 2 times per week at Alien Worlds official telegram channel in Vietnam.
Admin Vietnam will prepare additional questions and knowledge for that sentence, to disseminate knowledge to community members.
Sponsored TLM will be used to purchase Alien Worlds NFTs and reward members with the fastest and correct answers.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Worlds Vietnam Telegram

Links from description:

#: 169


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: rrqdntn4bkru


2023-03-20 13:54:05

Approved by: n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 155


( 4 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: zdhj1dy3xldh


2023-03-19 13:29:51

Approved by: cabba.wam:, hx5b2.wam:, n1saq.wam:, anyo.cabal:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 154


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Support to Alien Worlds Vietnam Telegram

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: jt3xmuixcfb2


2023-03-15 13:19:05

Value: $50.2

Approved by: n1saq.wam:, hx5b2.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Idea: Omer | Wax |BSc
1. What: l have proposal for local Alien Worlds Community.
2. Where: Alien Worlds Vietnam Telegram (https://t.me/alienworldsvietnamofficial)
3. Who: All community members
4. Why (purpose):
- Community growth,
- Increase the positivity of community members.
- Disseminate knowledge about Alien Worlds.
5. Event: Trivia and Quiz.
6. How:
We will hold Trivia 2 times per week at Alien Worlds official telegram channel in Vietnam.
Admin Vietnam will prepare additional questions and knowledge for that sentence, to disseminate knowledge to community members.
Sponsored TLM will be used to purchase Alien Worlds NFTs and reward members with the fastest and correct answers.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: Alien Worlds Vietnam Telegram

Links from description:

#: 151


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: n1saq.wam

Proposal: dsex3uj13xlm


2023-03-06 20:51:09

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 143


( 3 / 5 )

Name: Panda NFT

Proposer: i4p3u.c.wam

Proposal: mjmhlfdlqsui


2023-03-11 17:43:57

Value: $1,504.7

Approved by: i4p3u.c.wam:, liqbu.wam:, n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Explorers have discovered a planet where the evolution of pandas has reached its pinnacle. Get ready for pandemonium by preparing your crew and weapons, because Alien Worlds and Panda NFT are excited to announce their collaboration in creating a unique and engaging event called "Alien Worlds Festival" This special event will offer players a new game mode, and Panda NFT will add additional prizes to the prize pool. The collaboration between the two games promises to provide players with an exciting and one-of-a-kind experience. 2 months event!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: ancyw.wam

quantity: 150000.0000 TLM

memo: Panda NFT

#: 142


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Best TLM Mining Competition

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: unrnsfx3rje3


2023-03-05 23:19:10

Value: $50.2

Approved by: hx5b2.wam:, n1saq.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The top 10 TLM miners will be selected to a list, and a random selection will choose 2 winners who will win 2500 TLM each.
Date : 06.03.2023-10.03.2023

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: Best TLM Mining Competition

#: 141


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Best Nft point Mining Competition

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: ezirkbhixmft


2023-03-03 19:02:24

Value: $50.2

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

A reward of 5000 TLM will be awarded to the 2 best MAGOR miners during the event.
Date: 06.03.2023 - 10.03.2023

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: n1saq.wam

quantity: 5000.0000 TLM

memo: Best miner Competition

#: 139


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Türkiye Eathquake

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: ngahs2f3tfud


2023-02-28 00:44:58

Value: $200.6

Approved by: hx5b2.wam:, i4p3u.c.wam:,

Description of Proposal

I am a Turkish citizen and I am Anakin.
I would like to ask you for help following the earthquakes which destroyed thousands of lives in Turkey,
I would like to ask for help for a donation to the TURKISH foundation: AFAD.
website: https://www.afad.gov.tr/
I will send you proof of the donation as soon as possible, may God help them.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: hx5b2.wam

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: Earthquake Help

Links from description:

#: 130


( 0 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: i4p3u.c.wam

Proposal: btebmx1igflp


2023-02-20 15:00:39

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 121


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Dark Side of the Force

Proposer: hx5b2.wam

Proposal: x1tvs4qzqmou


2023-02-15 15:01:24

Value: $1,805.7

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

All members who have reached 1000 points on Magor have shown the ability to control the power of the force and deserve to share the 180K.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 180000.0000 TLM

memo: Magor

#: 117


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Standard Drills

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: a5bzzsr4sxrj


2023-02-17 16:18:46

Value: $401.3

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

For the first week 40.000 TLM will be used to Buy Standard Drills : At the current price 40.000 TLM = 235 Standard Drills.

1 Standard Drill is an average 45 WAX
1 Standard Shovel is an average 0.1 WAX

Making a Blend for 400 Standard Shovels in exchange of 1 Standard Drill will allow the release of RAM and the burn of 94.000 Standard Shovels in exchange for the 235 Standard Drills.

After this we reach out to the community with a survey to get feedback and how they felt about it.

Once we get feedback we can even continue with this but adding an extra Blend
1 Standard Drill is average 45 WAX
1 BananoMiner is average 210 wax

Blending 4 Standard Drills into 1 BananoMiner will allow some players to start earning NFT Points along the TLM Rewards.
( This will be hidden blend only to whitelisted legit users will have access to the link that will change each time making it impossible for the Bots to take advantage )

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: cairc.wam

quantity: 40000.0000 TLM

memo: Standard Drills

#: 115


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: in1xpnp523ei


2023-02-19 10:17:17

Value: $75.2

Approved by: cabba.wam:,

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. 37.5k TLM divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: yggqw.wam

quantity: 7500.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 108


( 2 / 5 )

Name: Mecha World

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: qinr1pjorpl5


2023-02-13 23:36:28

Value: $1,755.5

Approved by: cabba.wam:, liqbu.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Use your Alien Worlds NFT’s to enter a free dice tournament
Large list of winners, TLM + Mecha World NFTs
Heavily promoted across WAX
Targeting March release
Fun muti-player dice game similar to Yahtzee, should appeal to a wide range of players

Council Investment:
100,000 TLM - Developer to build out the mapping
50,000 TLM - Prizes to put directly on the leaderboard
25,000 TLM - Help pay for marketing + Mecha World prizes

Technical Details (can be changed to other schemas if needed):
crew.worlds - the higher the rarity of crew you own, the more “powerup rolls” you get
arms.worlds - the higher rarity of arms you own, the more”powerup dice” you get when you roll

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 175000.0000 TLM

memo: Mecha World

#: 99


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Mecha World

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: 5zi3unolauby


2023-02-06 23:36:50

Value: $3,009.5

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

Use your Alien Worlds NFT’s to enter a free dice tournament
Large list of winners, TLM + Mecha World NFTs
Heavily promoted across WAX
Targeting March release
Fun muti-player dice game similar to Yahtzee, should appeal to a wide range of players

Council Investment:
150,000 TLM - Developer to build out the mapping
100,000 TLM - Prizes to put directly on the leaderboard
50,000 TLM - Help pay for marketing + Mecha World prizes

Technical Details (can be changed to other schemas if needed):
crew.worlds - the higher the rarity of crew you own, the more “powerup rolls” you get
arms.worlds - the higher rarity of arms you own, the more”powerup dice” you get when you rol

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 300000.0000 TLM

memo: Mecha World

#: 86


( 0 / 5 )

Name: Custodian Weekly Allowance

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: dgfk4vzjphmw


2023-01-24 06:32:25

Value: $75.2

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

The Custodian Weekly Allowance is paid to each of the 5 custodians weekly. 37.5k TLM divided equally between the 5 custodians. The allowance covers the daily work custodians carry out over the 7 days they are elected, including Zoom, Twitter Spaces and TG discussions. Drafting and deploying proposals for users. Also to encourage future custodians to work harder for their elected planet. Claims can be made by each custodian once within the 7 days of office

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 7500.0000 TLM

memo: Custodian Weekly Allowance

#: 67


( 1 / 5 )

Name: x-mass drop

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: wawf4uf1tnhp


2023-01-10 15:34:08

Value: $1,404.4

Approved by: cabba.wam:,

Description of Proposal

Budget to pay out a reward to all honest NFT miners on Naron and Magor, split according to the Naron and Magor NFT point mining on Jan. 5th - Jan. 11th. If one proposal isn't approved then only the approved planet will count

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 140000.0000 TLM

memo: x-mass drop

#: 66


( 3 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: liqbu.wam

Proposal: 1dche3ks3uws


2023-01-16 20:17:07

Approved by: liqbu.wam:, cabba.wam:, anyo.cabal:,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 23


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Outlawtroops

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: svptqy11h444


2022-11-26 19:00:45

Value: $501.6

Approved by: cabba.wam:,

Description of Proposal

This proposal is to allow outlawtroops to build up to 3000 NFTs that can be dropped on AW planets. The 3000 NFTs will have an functionality that allow AW players to earn FGL tokens during the weekly events. Also it would be possible to earn TLM tokens in certain weeks. TLM token will be included as part of the rewards for the weeks that are marked as AW contest weeks. Those rewards will be random. The NFTs that are being dropped will be Robot parts that can be used to mint Underling NFTs. The customer website can be found here: https://www.outlawtroopers.io/

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 50000.0000 TLM

memo: Outlawtroops TLM use case

Links from description:

#: 13


( 0 / 5 )

Name: outlawtroops

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: ccrm3zcilif5


2022-11-17 15:56:28

Value: $200.6

Approved by:

Description of Proposal

This proposal is to allow outlawtroops to build up to 3000 NFTs that can be dropped on AW planets. The 3000 NFTs will have an functionality that allow AW players to earn FGL tokens. The cost is to create the new NFTs. The customer website can be found here: https://www.outlawtroopers.io/

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

quantity: 20000.0000 TLM

memo: Building AW NFTs to be used in FGL

Links from description:

#: 10


( 1 / 5 )

Name: - No title -

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: 2u33yentkogw


2022-11-10 15:45:44

Approved by: yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

- No description provided -

dao.worlds: claimbudget

dac_id: magor

#: 8


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Trilium Quest

Proposer: loadmastersrock | yggqw.wam

Proposal: 3dy22frxi1pn


2022-11-10 12:37:57

Value: $2,307.3

Approved by: yggqw.wam:loadmastersrock,

Description of Proposal

Proposal to be the first game built with the backing of the custodians. Prior to acceptance we are open to any questions and encourage input from anyone, good or bad. Always available for live discussion and suggest we arrange multiple events to achieve this goal. Funds are required to build and produce a working multiplayer beta/MVP 2D top down battle crawler. Further funding will be required for further features and to complete the full game version. This will be achieved again via planet funding, AW grant or private investment. The initial funding puts in place 80% of the functionality and hosting etc. Full details via white paper https://trilium-quest.gitbook.io/trilium-quest/ web site https://triliumquest.io/

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: army

quantity: 230000.0000 TLM

memo: trillium quest

Links from description:

#: 1


( 1 / 5 )

Name: Testing the custodian power

Proposer: cabba.wam

Proposal: 4ppfmeuw4ss2


2022-11-04 14:30:58

Value: $0.0

Approved by: cabba.wam:,

Description of Proposal

One of the greatest person on WAX need your help

alien.worlds: transfer

from: magor.dac

to: cabba.wam

quantity: 1.0000 TLM

memo: This is a test