Community Project Development Council (Consortium Community creation fee)
Proposal: 3qbqzipwiwqw
Date: 2023-10-19
10,000.0000 TLM
Value: $57.3
Approved by: 5thba.wam, oy4ra.wam, 42lra.wam
Description of Proposal
Proposal submitted by Antoon to the Naron Council.
This proposal will not only cover the requested amount, but also some additional funds, which are meant to cover costs arising in the future as well as 1,500 TLM that are directly meant for the creator of the project. Thank you for taking constructive action. We are excited to see what this project will develop into.
Proposal Name/Title
Community Project Development Council (Consortium Community creation fee)
To/WAX Wallet Address (to receive TLM)
Amount of TLM Being Requested
Consortium Community creation fee: 5061.5599 TLM Total
Proposal Description
depending on how much syndicates agree to submit the proposal this is the total amount needed (Consortium Community creation fee: 5061.5599 TLM Total)
the CPDC aims to give a voice to the members and help facilitating a part of the projects funding by adding a per feature funding for projects or simply mediate between members and projects feature requests
heres the group description
Community Project Development Council
Where every member get a voice and a vote.
Supporting the metaverse projects with upkeep, events, per feature requests funding and dev funding.
Projects can apply to be included then members can vote for it to be included on the support list.
Syndicates can reserve funds to one project with conditions/milestones to be reached or go to general member voted budget.
Milestones to be reached can also be added by a vote from members.
From the community for the community!
Lets Make The Future Of The Community Ours!!!
Link/s to Supporting Documents (Note, you may want to link webpages as some people will not open doc/pdf/file links.)
https://discord.gg/hUgRN4hH https://waxblock.io/account/thecpdcgroup
alien.worlds: transfer
from: naron.dac
to: thecpdcgroup
quantity: 10,000.0000 TLM
memo: Community Project Development Council (Consortium Community creation fee)
Links from description: