naron Image

Turkish EarthQuake Disaster relief

Proposal: mwkeihcip4su

Date: 2023-02-27

20,000.0000 TLM

Value: $114.0

Approved by: iy4qw.wam, 42lra.wam, phlbq.wam

Description of Proposal

Turkish Earthquake Relief: In light of the recent disasters in Turkey, a strong stronghold of AW players, I would like to request a small donation of TLM to aid the victims. Any funds will be sent through and dispersed via Omer, Alien Worlds Turkey Community leader, he has co-ordinated these efforts before. Funds will be fully tracked on-chain and Omer will provide proof of their use-documents and photos have been requested to show the funds use.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: naron.dac

quantity: 20,000.0000 TLM

memo: Turkey Earhquake