neri Image

Loss Prevention

Proposal: aym4jb1ovxns

Date: 2023-02-19

4,842,845.1688 TLM

Value: $25,967.0

Approved by: hweaq.wam

Description of Proposal

A hostile takeover is imminent on Syndicate Neri. #rememberkavian

It does not appear the Syndicate Council on Neri will reach a consensus on how to save the precious resource TLM.

This is a last chance effort.

This Proposal allocates the majority of TLM resources to return back to the parent Planetary Treasury, to be reallocated at a later date.

alien.worlds: transfer

from: neri.dac

quantity: 4,842,845.1688 TLM

memo: Why we can't have nice things yet.