Battledome Player Leagues
Proposal: fcdryv2mfkfj
Date: 2023-03-19
1.0000 TLM
Value: $0.0
Approved by: b52qw.wam, anyo.cabal
Description of Proposal
Passing this proposal represents a conditional commitment to partially fund the proposal "Battledome Player Leagues".
Neri will commit 50% of the requested funds (the on-completion payment) if -and only if -another planet or combination of planets commits the other 50% (the upfront payment) of the requested funds within one month of this proposal passing. Total requested funds: 479000 Neri will supply: 239500
Distribution will be made through Neri.org to ensure commitment continuity across a greater time period than one election cycle.
Overview Restack.AI is an independent Web3 game studio based in Norway and Ukraine. We are the Galactic Hubs Season 1 and 2 Pioneer Grant recipients. We built Battledome in Season 1 and will develop a community toolset for season 2, allowing us to decentralize the game. In our Discord, we setup a Battledome focus group, inviting the active and vocal players to solicit feedback. As a result, we created, ranked, and estimated a backlog of community feature requests. This is our second community request after successfully implementing the minion movement feature. Description We need to create leagues for the two-player types: Those with common cards only and those with more advanced cards. This enhancement will grow the player base by giving new players a chance to enjoy and win with a reduced barrier to entry while not hindering the more advanced and established player base. Note that 80% of the players only have common and abundant NFTs. Therefore, this change will significantly increase participation and demand for TLM and Alien World's NFTs. Key Requirements Novice Lobby & League: Only players with Abundant and Common NFTs can participate. (Abundant & Common only). Advanced Lobby & League: Players with Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythical cards will participate in this league. Arrange NFTs by Phases for easier access: If the user prioritizes the air phase, the Air NFTs will show first on the registration screen. Fire = Show Fire NFTs 1st > Air = Show Air NFTs 1st > and so on. Create an âIntroduction to Leaguesâ video: We will a comprehensive walkthrough with captivating sound and visual effects to update the audience on the new feature. Team This year, we added two junior developers to our team, allowing us to sustain the game's development over the long term. Our estimate includes management, development, testing, post-delivery support, and adjustments. Steve Murphy (Game Architect) Steve has over 25 years of experience as a software engineer in the gaming, finance, and government sectors. He built and continues to maintain Battledome. In addition, he will direct and mentor two new developers who will deliver the project. Alexander Grover (Project Manager) Alex is a 25+ year experienced project manager and business leader with corporate experience. He will manage developer relations, the project timeline, and communication with Alien Worlds. Danny N (Fullstack Developer) Danny is studying for his Masterâs Degree in computer science at Lviv Polytechnic University. He will be an apprentice under Steve as a fullstack developer, supporting Battledome. Kristiyan T (Fullstack Developer) âBulgaâ is a community member who will apprentice under Steve to support Battledome. He will start on the frontend, learning React before learning the backend and smart contracts. Timeline We will implement and deliver this update within two weeks of receiving approval and the first payment. The milestones are: Project initiation: (2 person days) Specify the project for the jr. developers. Coding (8 person days): Steve will manage the two junior developers to implement the changes. Testing (3 person days): We will work with the community to test the update and make necessary updates and changes to ensure smooth gameplay. Release (1 person day): Push out the final changes and update our player guide. Post-Release Support & Tuning (1 person day) Request This project is estimated to take 100-120 person-hours to complete or $7500, which will be paid in TLM. This time estimate includes architecture and design, project management, and knowledge transfer from our CTO to community developers. 50% in advance and 50% upon completion. TLM price adjusted to dollar rate on payment days. As of March 10, the TLM rate is TLM = $0.01567068 or ca.479,000 TLM. This may need adjustment based on the token price at the time of issue. We can start within 2 weeks and it will take 2-3 weeks to complete
alien.worlds: transfer