Audit of TLM listing on regulated exchange
Proposal: fgqzttqfn3g3
Date: 2023-12-16
1.0000 TLM
Value: $0.0
Approved by: a52qw.wam, rlxqw.wam
Description of Proposal
As a Custodian of Neri, I request the following information regarding the "Support TLM listing on regulated exchange” funding. Total resources requested. Total resources received. Where have the resources been allocated and for what purpose? Current burn rate. Explanation of the following: Is it a regulated exchange or not? If it is regulated by which authority? Which exchange is it and where it is located? Does it only facilitate OTC transactions? If so have you done a cost/benefit analysis as the transactions on an OTC only basis are limited? Provide in detail all the information regarding the research, marketing, and consulting fees. As the Q4 is near the end please provide the day of listing! NO resources are required to provide support for the Custodian responsible for conducting this audit it is covered in the CWA!
alien.worlds: transfer