neri Image

Fund the Organization for the Protection and Preservation of Neri (OPPN)

Proposal: hlv4dzvfubfb

Date: 2023-02-25

3,239,135.0000 TLM

Value: $17,368.0

Approved by: b52qw.wam, a52qw.wam, anyo.cabal

Description of Proposal

Name: Fund the Organization for the Protection and Preservation of Neri (OPPN)

The OPPN is a DAO with the following mission: Promote transparent, community driven decision making, Promote accountability in past proposals, increase the efficiency of proposals by minimizing managerial overhead and kickbacks, and Protect the planet from malicious actors.

Milestones/Resoning: An open question was posed to the community, with a public form for submissions. It received overwhelming 81.5% approval (
An AMA was held, workshopping possible better ideas. No idea that better achieves the goals of the OPPN was presented.
For accountability, the alienworlds federation account has full control over the funds and could reverse this proposal if desired.
Members of Dacoco were consulted in the making of this proposal and affirmed support.

Requested funding: 3 239 135 TLM

Who? Organization for the Protection and Preservation of Neri

Destination Address:

alien.worlds: transfer

from: neri.dac

quantity: 3,239,135.0000 TLM

memo: OPPN