Official backlog of projects to support from Veles
Proposal: e2mk3m14eowk
Date: 2024-03-04
0.0010 TLM
Value: $0.0
Approved by: hweaq.wam
Description of Proposal
Amazing projects have been submitted from community members to the ipfbluepaper contest. Read about some really inspirational projects the community actually want to see built! Wow. Such participation. Such engagement! This Proposal is to support projects that active community members actually want built, not just Custodians taking guesses based on their limited understanding of the community. Congrats to all those that submitted in making this Proposal possible-- this help build the future of the AW metaverse. Great work team, for making this possible! Update on projects submitted: https://medium.com/@interplanetaryfederation/submission-success-ccb4099684ab
alien.worlds: transfer
from: veles.dac
to: ipfbluepaper
quantity: 0.0010 TLM
memo: awesome projects to support from bluepaper contest
Links from description: