Alien Worlds Graphics Design
Proposal: mrezuxbzw4ex
Date: 2023-03-13
50,000.0000 TLM
Value: $466.7
Approved by: lnjtk.wam, t1dbe.wam, 5thba.wam
Description of Proposal
Devon High Flyers, a professional graphic design studio based in the South of England, would like to assist the Alien Worlds team with visual design promotions. We have assisted hundreds of companies since 2015. And we can assure you the highest levels of communication, passion & drive, problem-solving, reliability, and teamwork.
Our design services include the following:
Print ready Media
Social Media Marketing
Project onboarding
Layout & Storyboarding
Copywriting, Creative Content Writing
Increase Alien Worlds' awareness and presence on social media by creating Alien Worlds inspired designs for competitions, events, news, announcements and updates. We aim to make players more aware of ongoing game changes, community events, and developments.
We will collaborate with syndicate leaders and active community members to define planetary culture in graphical terms. We will work with the Alien Worlds Planets to design and distribute graphic flyers to inform the community about special events for three months.
We will agree to create up to 5 Flyers per week, covering:
Events and competitions
Unconference meetings
Syndicate updates
Governance news
Game updates & announcements
alien.worlds: transfer