Pilot Program: Call for Bluepapers!
Proposal: ufqenrkuwest
Date: 2024-01-02
150,000.0000 TLM
Value: $804.3
Approved by: hweaq.wam, gykb4.wam, a.d3u.c.wam
Description of Proposal
Pilot creation and partial support for a contest: accepting, approving and publishing Friends of IPF Bluepapers.
This “create a bluepaper” contest and scope will be announced within a week of this Proposal being Executed.
This will be partially supported from this Proposal, as well as other supporters, Friends of the IPF, Alien Edition community, and anyone else who wants to support ideation and growth of the ecosystem in AW and beyond.
alien.worlds: transfer
from: veles.dac
to: ipfbluepaper
quantity: 150,000.0000 TLM
memo: Initialize Project Friends of Bluepapers!