veles Image

Partial Support of 3 Projects

Proposal: w5m2xrn1jdvm

Date: 2023-11-17

15,000.0000 TLM

Value: $80.4

Approved by: hweaq.wam, a.d3u.c.wam

Description of Proposal

In-part support for these 3 projects:

10k - Support TLM listing on regulated crypto exchange (ongoing)

10k - 1~2 IPF News covering Top Kavian Proposals (New!)

10k - Dragon Awakening (wrap up)

All these projects are supported from multiple planets and other communities!

Veles Custodians: a great way to chat about these Proposals is!

The IPF is pretty cool!

alien.worlds: transfer

from: veles.dac

quantity: 15,000.0000 TLM

memo: xsvou.c.wam eventservice gykb4.wam